
Is Alex Hormozi legit? Finding people to learn business from

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This guy. He says he’s worth 100 million USD. 

There are so many people scamming and lying in this field. It’s generally not an honest field so I’m trying to learn raw business and marketing from an honest person. The issue I’ve encountered is to start learning I need to invest a decent amount of time into it but sooner or later I may realize the person I’m listening to is a liar. So where can you learn actual raw business skills and marketing from someone who is honest and not lying about their pedigree? 

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No idea about the truthfulness of his backstory but his advice seems legit.

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No idea about the truthfulness of his backstory but his advice seems legit.

Yes, this is the case. I prefer to learn from people who are honest though and don’t have to fluff their story up. Seems like there is a debate over whether or not his business are/were legit or if he was a fake course / snake eating it’s own tail kinda guy. His free content teaches basic business principles and mindsets which aren’t a secret and don’t really change so I think just for this he’s good. 

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40 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

This guy. He says he’s worth 100 million USD. 

There are so many people scamming and lying in this field. It’s generally not an honest field so I’m trying to learn raw business and marketing from an honest person. The issue I’ve encountered is to start learning I need to invest a decent amount of time into it but sooner or later I may realize the person I’m listening to is a liar. So where can you learn actual raw business skills and marketing from someone who is honest and not lying about their pedigree? 

If I recall, he built his fortune helping gym owners with their business. And business owners are willing to invest a lot of money into things that can make them more money.

$100 million is a lot of money. But I don't see any reason why that couldn't be true.

Either way, in the videos that I've watched by him and the videos I've watched from his wife, I've found them to be very useful as they have helped me to think bigger and more strategically regarding my business. 

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

This guy. He says he’s worth 100 million USD. 

There are so many people scamming and lying in this field. It’s generally not an honest field so I’m trying to learn raw business and marketing from an honest person. The issue I’ve encountered is to start learning I need to invest a decent amount of time into it but sooner or later I may realize the person I’m listening to is a liar. So where can you learn actual raw business skills and marketing from someone who is honest and not lying about their pedigree? 

Seems legit.

Still, go to the old school guys first.

Eugene Schwartz, Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, John Carlton... The OGs of direct response marketing.


Then check our Hormozi, Sam Ovens (his programs are top tier, and his youtube one of the best) and Russell Brunson books.

You should have the basics down with these guys.


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1 hour ago, Emerald said:

from his wife

Yup shoutout to Leila

It's Love.

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@Lyubov Check out his books. I found them nothing short of incredible. The advice is top notch.

He has aspect of the solidest Orange you can find in his values. He is all about maximizing money. He doesn't believe that's possible by scamming you, so he does believe in providing value, but if he can charge 10x for that value, he is happy to do it, and will teach you ways to do so. That's an aspect I won't really adopt about his advice.

But in terms of creating a valuable offer, understanding value, marketing and sales, he's very, very knowledgeable. He is also very smart. He is a money machine. Maybe still very Orange, but in terms of business, he's a machine.

That's my opinion, but I suggest you start from the books: $100M offers, and then $100M leads (the only two he wrote). Revolutionary stuff for me.

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