Leo Gura

Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread

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7 hours ago, ExploringReality said:

@Leo Gura

You're blog post on Daniel Ingram, you emphasized and mentioned a user on the forum for your blog post. I'm asking because this user created a thread on mod abuse. You know what I mean Leo lol. Im wondering because a mod barely locked it and seems like you mentioned the crocodile in your blog post to blow smoke up her ass before having that thread locked. 

Don't act dumb either haha

If I ever share something I received from a forum user, I give credit. That's all that was.

You have a twisted mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

You have a twisted mind.



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@Leo Gura

I definitely projected onto something that was not the case. I apologize for being wrong.

I asked you to avoid assuming that my projections are correct. Thank you. 

Maybe I do have a twisted mind and it may be what's causing a lot of my frustrations, interruptions in heated conflict. Thank you for reflecting back to me an aspect of myself that may be unnoticed and uncomfortable to face within myself Leo 

You telling me that I have a twisted mind really opens up a lot about why I behave the way I do. It's hard to see myself, and I really appreciate anyone that can point something out in me, even if it hurts. It only hurts my identity, I'm not who I say I am and I project and twist and distort reality with my corrupted thinking.

I will be better and mindful of my thoughts. My apologies to the forum user that I mentioned. God bless you 🙏🏽 

What can I do to help me not have a twisted mind? If someone does something, in my mind I immediately draw multiple scenarios and conclusions in my head, but I also understand the principles of not assuming anything or taking my assumptions for granted but yet if someone does something I tend to conclude multiple possibilities and I can feel reactive and see through those twisted lens. Is there something you can say that will help me Leo? Even if you don't have enough information of me, just by what I'm expressing.

Edited by ExploringReality

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My dad fucks with Leo's music playlist and then he won't fuck with the tinnitus cure Leo shared with us. I feel like I'm Gucci Mane in 2006, it makes no sense.

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10 minutes ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

My dad fucks with Leo's music playlist


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I was thinking about Leo’s post on consciousness,

While I read this quote from Dr Yangs “The Roots of Chinese Qigong”

”Indeed the author has clearly demonstrated that Qigong is based entirely on scientific principles of energy that were known to the ancient Daoist masters who developed it long before Eisenstein first informed Western science that energy and matter are relative and transmutable elements” - Daniel Reid

That last line about the relationship of energy and matter my mind made a leap… this very relationship, implies consciousness! Fundamental reality being “matter” or a “wave” or “energy” is exactly what consciousness is! But, its consciousness that is “changing” its relative form. This “matter” “”wave duality is the building blocks for imagination to take place. Because reality transcends them and includes them in its “mind” all of reality is possible. 

But, I’m pointing to something deeper than human existence. I am pointing to “Toaetle’s Mask”.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Leo Gura

It's just lingo, it basically means his dad really likes your music playlist. When someone says they fuck with something or someone it refers usually to them vibing or liking it. It's implicit.

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4 hours ago, ExploringReality said:

@Leo Gura

I definitely projected onto something that was not the case. I apologize for being wrong.

I asked you to avoid assuming that my projections are correct. Thank you. 

Maybe I do have a twisted mind and it may be what's causing a lot of my frustrations, interruptions in heated conflict. Thank you for reflecting back to me an aspect of myself that may be unnoticed and uncomfortable to face within myself Leo 

You telling me that I have a twisted mind really opens up a lot about why I behave the way I do. It's hard to see myself, and I really appreciate anyone that can point something out in me, even if it hurts. It only hurts my identity, I'm not who I say I am and I project and twist and distort reality with my corrupted thinking.

I will be better and mindful of my thoughts. My apologies to the forum user that I mentioned. God bless you 🙏🏽 

What can I do to help me not have a twisted mind? If someone does something, in my mind I immediately draw multiple scenarios and conclusions in my head, but I also understand the principles of not assuming anything or taking my assumptions for granted but yet if someone does something I tend to conclude multiple possibilities and I can feel reactive and see through those twisted lens. Is there something you can say that will help me Leo? Even if you don't have enough information of me, just by what I'm expressing.

Google Pete walker outer critic imo


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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@Leo Gura

Why is it called Truth? How does recontexualization relate with how I view my current sense of existence and the way I'm interpreting experience? This entire field of awareness is Truth? My sense of existing is Truth Being? Truth is trying to grasp Truth? What is Truth? My perceptions are actually Truth? Illusion is Truth? Truth is God? I love the relationship between recontexualization and interpretation and how depending on your interpretation you either see it or don't.

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35 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

@Leo Gura

Why is it called Truth?

It's so fundamental it's hard to explain it further. Eventually you hit rock bottom and explanation becomes impossible. Rock bottom is Truth.

What you're not yet understanding is that truth exists.

You don't understand yet that truth is a real thing, not just some idea.

Contemplation is necessary into What is truth?


How does recontexualization relate with how I view my current sense of existence and the way I'm interpreting experience?

You are not conscious yet of what experience is. You think it is something a biological creature is having.

You think living beings generate experience via a brain.


This entire field of awareness is Truth?


Not just Truth. Absolute Truth.


My sense of existing is Truth Being?

You are Truth. Which is why you have awareness.


Truth is trying to grasp Truth?

Consciousness is trying to grasp Truth. Consciousness is Truth but it struggles to understand that.


What is Truth?

That's what you should be contemplating.

The answer is not conceptual. It is an Awakening event, an insight you are presently missing.


My perceptions are actually Truth?



Illusion is Truth?

That's tricky. Depends on what you mean by illusion.

But, for example, your dreams at night are Truth at the moment they are happening.

Anything that is presently happening must be absolutely true, because it is happening.

Notice, if an illusion is happening, it must be true that an illusion is happening, even though the illusion could be misleading. Any illusion still has reality to it, otherwise it would not even appear.

A mirage in the desert still has reality. It's just not water.


Truth is God?

Of course.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura @Leo Gura

Ohhhh!!!!! Truth is Existence. Everything is Truth! Truth is simply that which Is!!!! But what is Isness? What is Existence? What is Reality? 

It can't be explained, because Truth is all there is. It's like trying to get somewhere where you already are and the only way to get here is by being here by realizing that I am it.

Can I say that consciousness is the Mind of Truth and that love is Truth Being itself and having sex with itself. 

There are levels of Truth realization. It's infinite 

Edited by ExploringReality

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@Leo Gura


But, for example, your dreams at night are Truth at the moment they are happening.

What do you think, how can Lucid Dreaming be used for metaphysical work? 


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@Leo Gura could you please clarify some of your recent jargon in the sense that it seems as if at least one layer has been added?

Which words do you use synomynously (like consciousness & awareness or God & Mind?) and which of them have a distinct meaning/ are on other levels (like Truth & Awareness etc?)?

Words like God, Mind, Awareness, Consiousness, Truth, Love, Being, Understanding, Knowing, Reality, Infinity (do you distinguish between magnitudes of infinity like in mathematics - the rational vs complex numbers, like infinity < alien infinity?)


~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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2 hours ago, bazera said:

@Leo Gura

What do you think, how can Lucid Dreaming be used for metaphysical work? 

I don't have lucid dreams so I don't know.

Seems to be a very individual thing.

2 hours ago, Exystem said:

@Leo Gura could you please clarify some of your recent jargon in the sense that it seems as if at least one layer has been added?

Which words do you use synomynously (like consciousness & awareness or God & Mind?) and which of them have a distinct meaning/ are on other levels (like Truth & Awareness etc?)?

It's hard to answer that because as you become more conscious you see the unity of all things. But at lower levels you don't.

So I'm always equating things for you which you don't see as equal.

All those terms are ultimately one, but point to various facets of it.

Is an elephant synonymous with animal, big, grey, mammal, quadraped, trunk, life, cells, carbon, form, Mind, God, Infinity, Love?

The more conscious you become the more you see the elephant as all that.


Infinity (do you distinguish between magnitudes of infinity like in mathematics - the rational vs complex numbers, like infinity < alien infinity?)

Infinity is a very twisted thing. It can take various forms. You can realize various forms of it. Technically, every physical object is an infinity onto itself. And that's still just one form of Infinity. Infinity can have levels, kinds, various manifestions, formless and formed.

It also depends on how you wish to look at it. Your vantage point on it matters.


Mind, God, Truth, Consciousness, Love, Self, Infinity are always the whole world you see. But they point to deeper recognitions of that world which you are missing.

This is about recognizing the whole world as something deeper than it usually seems.

You can see a bird as just a bird, or you can recognize it through higher consciousness as Mind, or God, or Love, or Infinity, or Self, or Truth. Or all the above.

What do you see a bird as?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I really resonated with your last Blog Quote. That's what my path is leading me to as well. The sentience of experience, the life of God is everywhere, the consciousness field is brilliantly awake being and living through everything and everyone. The Absoluteness of God is what really touches my heart, it's perfect, it's genius, it's always happening, it's what makes this continuum moment happen. It's God.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, bazera said:

@Leo Gura

What do you think, how can Lucid Dreaming be used for metaphysical work? 

The day you lucid dream looking your own face in the mirror you never will be the same again. You dream even your own unique face, same with your mother,father etc.. face this Truth 

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I've seen my face in the mirror during lucid dreams multiple times and didn't attribute any serious significance to it. It's like it as just a double copy of my perception, and I had to merge with it to physicalize myself in the dream. I think to get use out of lucid dreams like paranormal powers or dream yoga you have to be 1. genuinely lucid enough to be rational, remember your purpose for being lucid, find your hands and other body parts to use in the dream, etc. 2. able to get that to last for hours, every night, indefinitely.

Otherwise it will be random uncontrolled experiences rather than a controlled method.

After doing DPT Leo had a profound dream where he realized he was not alive and that the children in class were deluded that they were alive, and then he saw one of his old role models in a really physically muscular form and tried to shake him awake, only to fully become him.

But obviously this was just an uncontrolled experience, as anything like it hasn't consistently repeated every night.

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