Leo Gura

Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread

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  On 3/20/2025 at 10:34 AM, Leo Gura said:

What do you see a bird as?

Thanks for your detailed answer! Yes, it's obvious that these are all different "consciousness milieus/arrangements" so to speak.

What do I see a bird as?
I'll let that be my koan of the month ;P

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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  On 3/20/2025 at 10:51 AM, Davino said:

I really resonated with your last Blog Quote. That's what my path is leading me to as well. The sentience of experience, the life of God is everywhere, the consciousness field is brilliantly awake being and living through everything and everyone. The Absoluteness of God is what really touches my heart, it's perfect, it's genius, it's always happening, it's what makes this continuum moment happen. It's God.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Imagination is but a dimmer switch on Reality.

What is seen right now is either absolute truth or meaningless fiction

depending on whether the one seeing is the most high god or the me-perpetuating ego.

Edited by gettoefl

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The problem with Christianity is that the process of inner transformation (contemplative practices) is not widespread and is limited to monastics and students of monastics and their organizations like Contemplative Outreach and Center for Action and contemplation etc. Buddhism doesn't have that problem so the Buddhists are more "conscious" in that sense. These are just my opinions and I am willing to change them.

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  On 3/20/2025 at 10:34 AM, Leo Gura said:

Is an elephant synonymous with animal, big, grey, mammal, quadraped, trunk, life, cells, carbon, form, Mind, God, Infinity, Love?

The more conscious you become the more you see the elephant as all that.


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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One thing i do know, and i dont know if has been mentioned here already, because i cant be bothered reading through😂 is Leo’s post with the morphing faces… I’ve seen that I’ve been that. The fluidity of consciousness. Not quite to the extent of completely other faces of being, but to the extent of all the possible faces and beings of this one I am. It’s freaky as fuck but all possible ‘me’s’ as in this me, I’ve seen them all, everything. And they ain’t all good. I mean everything. Young, old, good, bad, the lot. Morphing like on Leo’s blog post. All images, along with emotions, every single thing possible from the being I am. It seems infinite. Everything. The fluidity he talks about. Me the proud man, me the humble man, me the successful guy, me the sportsman, me the murderer, me the rapist, me the absolutely everything that I could possibly be. I’ve seen this, the fluidity of consciousness when it’s not solidified. It’s crazy. But in those moments true awakenings happen. You realise you are all. You realise what’s going on here. In a way that is unexplainable. It has to be seen and experienced to believe. Then to be believed isn’t even recognisable, because it just is what it. You see all versions of yourself. But it can go further, I saw my head turning into my brothers head. I realised that I am not just all versions of me, but I am all versions of everyone else too. I as consciousness can take on any of these forms, myself, my brother, or anyone else that can possibly be. And all variants of type too. Everything. It’s always you. Just being a particular way, and you will create the rest around you from what you be. All yous are around me from what I am, and vice versa. But I can be you, if I choose. I don’t know how the choosing happens, but I know as consciousness I can take on the being of Leo and be that, and all and any variation of him. Essentially, everyone is just a variation of the one being, that’s why there’s no particular one, just variations. Hence you me and all. I’ve no idea why I feel like this one and you feel like that one though. Still a bit of a mystery. But I know I can become anyone of you, and it will just feel like it’s me, because it will just be me being you. Correct me if I’m wrong. But let’s face it. I’m not. I as consciousness will be all you, as you are all me. We genuinely are one. That for me is the beauty and teachings of lsd

Edited by Dazgwny

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@Leo Gura the morphing faces, you can see the fluidity of consciousness when on LSD, especially while observing your reflection in a mirror 🪞 Mind unfolds on itself. But what is consciousness? i want to go as deep as possible. 

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  On 3/21/2025 at 0:59 PM, Nemra said:

The last blog post … leo-quote-god-ass-hair-01.png


Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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woah this forum...
been a while

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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@Ayham Welcome back bro 


There is no failure, only feedback

Tryna’ make it out the inner hood 

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  On 3/20/2025 at 10:34 AM, Leo Gura said:

What do you see a bird as?

We have a big storm coming on in my city, as I'm looking out the window I see this little bird struggling against the gusts of wind, and I see God imagining itself as these powerful forces impacting the bird it's imagining itself as, taking place on an imaginary planet, suspended in imaginary space, at an imaginary point in time. And I see God imagining itself as me looking at this whole scene and having insights into itself. In one instant a drop of rain on my window appeared as another bird, far above in the clouds. Through such perspective tricks, I became conscious of the inverse of consciousness. And that tears me up, the stunning beauty of it along with the realization that the entire weight of reality is always there, but somehow consciousness manages to obscure and dilute itself such that this goes unseen. The pen beside my bed is the whole of God, and just as God can't not be God, this pen can't not be here right now. 

I see how this moment is simultaneously the perfect metaphor of the struggle of finite incarnations against the fundamental impermanence of reality, and how the struggle itself is a persistent fantasy, it's all running like a well-oiled machine, perfect as it could ever be, even the tiny grains of sand that seemingly slow down the gears work together with the whole system to pace it harmonically. 

Thank you, thank God, thanks everyone here, and thank myself, we forged the lenses I see all this through together. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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Good to see The Integral Stage on the blog. I have been a fan for 4 years.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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