Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura Here's the problem I'm having. It may very well be the case (according to the problem I'm having) that mechanical intelligence and stuff dealing with thinking of mechanical stuff with a particular concreteness of thought is more accomplishing than, say, something which is infinitely more complex but less dense as a unit (such as Nothingness or other abstract planes).

For example I could experience electrical bliss and ecstasy in the body and see into other realms which are very complex and have real overlap with this reality, and there's apparent infinite intelligence there, and I could get everything I've ever wanted. But I still may have issue understanding how bridges are built.

21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That issue is solved by simply dropping all your fantasies of how life ought to be. When you get very serious about truth you accept your life situation exactly as it is. So much so that you aren't childishly sitting around wishing it were otherwise.

If you were confined to a wheelchair you would just accept it as how reality is. Just as you now just accept that you are not a bird who can fly.

The goodness and intelligence of reality is not about pleasing or serving your fantasies. These two things are just not related.

On the face of it this could be terrible advice. Most of your fantasies ideally wouldn't be consigned to fantasy, they would be acted on.

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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you were confined to a wheelchair you would just accept it as how reality is. Just as you now just accept that you are not a bird who can fly.

But also, it's up to you to test whether you can change your situation. After the change, your situation becomes the truth.

However, I understand that there will be things that you won't likely be able to change because of the limitations of technology.

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7 minutes ago, Nemra said:

But also, it's up to you to test whether you can change your situation. After the change, your situation becomes the truth.

However, I understand that there will be things that you won't likely be able to change because of the limitations of technology.

A sure way of driving yourself mad is to sit around every day wishing you were a bird.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A sure way of driving yourself mad is to sit around every day wishing you were a bird.

I agree.

Being lost in wishful thinking wouldn't actually change your situation as it's goal is to motivate you into changing your situation.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A sure way of driving yourself mad is to sit around every day wishing you were a bird.

You could use paranormal means to become a bird through shapeshifting like don Juan, so this isn't true.

Or you could use makeup, fashion, style, feather and wing and beak accessories, and personality  to become more birdlike, at the very least.

You could even get surgery to avianize your face.

You could write poetry and paint paintings of birds.

You could learn to paraglide.

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5 hours ago, The Crocodile said:

Or you could use makeup, fashion, style, feather and wing and beak accessories, and personality  to become more birdlike, at the very least.

Slayy 💅


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Thank you for the music recommendations. I've been listening to the Actualized.org music playlist part 2 every day since you dropped it and it's leveled up my music taste 10x. Thank you. I love you. <3

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@The Crocodile

Yeah birds do not have to do that stuff.

Thats why they’re birds.

You can do that stuff, though. Have fun.

Edited by yetineti

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7 hours ago, Vynce said:

Great point: a lot of resonance there. Even though is still a new domain.

there is this channel „Daryll Anka“ who supposedly channels the messages of „Bashar“ which is an alien entity, closely existing within the frequency of God.

He says; that whenever you follow your „highest excitement“ you act out of the highest intelligence possible in that moment. It’s also crucial to let go of expectations to what the outcome of that excitement might be. And to thoroughly question your belief system, which might dampen your excitements artificially. 

You can look it up, he made a whole formula around this insight. 

You resonate with this approach?

Of course I know Bashar.

He gives great advice.

The problem I have with his "just follow you highest excitement" advice is that actualizing serious passion projects requires insane levels of discipline and doing shit you don't wanna do. Just because you are excited today does not mean you will be excited a year from now, but getting a project completed requires doing work even when would rather do something else. This is the hardest part of success: years of consistent discipline.

Bashar's advice here feels naive and childish. Go try to complete a multi-million 5 year project by just following your excitement from day to day.

Most of the time I work on a new Actualized video I am not highly excited about it, it's a grind. Especially after 10 years of doing it. I am not highly excited to do my taxes, clean my toilet, answer emails, fix broken servers, pay bills, moderate spammers, deal with trolls, meditate for hours on end, deconstruct my ego, etc, etc. Yet all that crap is necessary to make Actualized.org work.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura 

His advice doesn't contradict hard work and doing grinding work. He's saying when you're following your highest excitement, you take action in that direction of your highest excitement which involves hard work and discipline, not an escape. He's talking about tapping into your zone of genius basically. Being on the edge of your creative capacity. 

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Every bridge collapses. Every house crumbles. Every body corrodes. God cares not a whit about any thing here. God loves to death any person here who will let him. His message is, this doesn't matter. I can't even be here. Truth knows the false is impossible. Do only what matters. Declare, I am the voice in the wilderness. I won't go home until I bring you home.

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8 hours ago, yetineti said:

@The Crocodile

Yeah birds do not have to do that stuff.

Thats why they’re birds.

You can do that stuff, though. Have fun.

You can literally become a bird through supernatural means, or when you die you can ask to be reincarnated as a bird.

But the point was that if bird is the ideal you can move closer to it from your current position.

Another thing could be if someone has the fantasy of turning into a vampire, Leo might say, "That's just a fantasy, not truth, let it go."

I might say that well,

you could get closer to being a vampire by filing your teeth to sharpen them, wearing darker clothes, staying in a dark basement all day to avoid the sunlight and have a pale complexion, and then kidnap people and animals and drink their blood. You could even workout, lift lots of weights, run, and do other physical exercises to have an extremely fit vampiric physique so that you can jump and twist and zoom in and out of dark places at will.

It's easily possible to do this in this physical reality, it's not impossible at all

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course I know Bashar.

He gives great advice.

Wouldn't it be interesting for you to arrange a discussion with him?
He does private sessions and interviews, you know?

As someone enjoying your work and Bashar's, I'd love to see you two dive into more fine details.

I get that you won't do it for your Youtube.
You could post it on the blog. 
Or don't release the recording, only write a post about it.
That's up to you.

What do you think @Leo Gura?

Edited by Ropuch7

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23 hours ago, Nilsi said:

No amount of mental gymnastics about cooperation or enlightened self-interest will alter this fundamental truth. The presence of even a single bad actor - one seed of selfishness in the fabric of existence - inevitably collapses the entire system back into a molochian trap of predation, where survival is dictated by force, deception, and ruthlessness. 

I’m not saying it’s just or fair, but this is the brutal logic of reality. You can choose to be a martyr or a predator, but don’t delude yourself into thinking there’s any other option that isn’t built on wishful thinking and self-deception.

This make sense in watching Zelenzky and Trump Interview. What would be the most inteligent thing aligned with Good amd Love and God in that moment? A punch in that Fat face!!

Actually someone did a AI version where Zelensky punch Trump into unconsciousness.

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It’s interesting that Leo has been talking about logic in his recent posts. There does appear to be a kind of logical necessity God, and yet explaining how that can be when God is not beholden to logic is tough.

Perhaps we need a new term: God Logic

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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God is beholden to logic but this should not be confused with how humans use logic.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Infinity intelligence is Spontaneous, Absolutely Perfect

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God is beholden to logic but this should not be confused with how humans use logic.

You could say the relationship between "God" and "logic" is both Godly and logical.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God is beholden to logic but this should not be confused with how humans use logic.

To give is to get

For give is for get

God's math 101

Edited by gettoefl

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