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This is just a film

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There is no intention at ultimate level.

This is a film and I am observing it.

Our entire life is a total illusion.

Just a film

It is just as it is

Right now at relative level we are trapped into illusion and feels like we control and live for real but no it is just happening as it had to happen

So keep living your life as you do because you are in the illusion now, keep believing you have free will and all staff that make you feel alive but dont forget at the end it is just a film and we have no control at all

Edited by Will1125

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Film = Consciousness. 

You're not "observing it, you Are it. Observing insinuates separation. It's one thing, Consciousness. 

And you're not "in the illusion", you Are the illusion. To be 'in' something means you can be out of it. The illusion is Consciousness dreaming itself to be what is Reality. Consciousness is eternal, One cannot be out of it. 

Sorry to be knit-picky, but these slight differentiations in words can change the whole meaning of what is being inferred. 

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3 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

Film = Consciousness. 

You're not "observing it, you Are it. Observing insinuates separation. It's one thing, Consciousness. 

And you're not "in the illusion", you Are the illusion. To be 'in' something means you can be out of it. The illusion is Consciousness dreaming itself to be what is Reality. Consciousness is eternal, One cannot be out of it. 

Sorry to be knit-picky, but these slight differentiations in words can change the whole meaning of what is being inferred. 

Observing does not insinuates separation at ultimate level. You are trapped in the illusion, go deeper.


It is God who perceives not the "I" as human who is totally illusory

Edited by Will1125

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5 hours ago, Will1125 said:

It is God who perceives not the "I" as human who is totally illusory

There is not any god except the existence that exists. The observer is part of the experience that arises. The perceptor that perceives is created by the experience. @Sempiternity did good points. And that about reality is a movie implies that there is someone watching the movie, or creating it, and it's not the case, the only thing that you could say about the existence is that exists, anything like movie, dream, etc , is a mistake

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40 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


The life of a small town Japanese incel, not experiencing anything good out of life, no future, no prospects, health problems, the only thing approximating a female mate being stopping a girl on the street to ask her to be your gf which would lead to humiliation and arrest.

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is not any god except the existence that exists. The observer is part of the experience that arises. The perceptor that perceives is created by the experience. @Sempiternity did good points. And that about reality is a movie implies that there is someone watching the movie, or creating it, and it's not the case, the only thing that you could say about the existence is that exists, anything like movie, dream, etc , is a mistake

You're too attached into illusion

When you see the whole illusion you understand it is a dream/movie

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2 hours ago, Will1125 said:

You're too attached into illusion

When you see the whole illusion you understand it is a dream/movie

There is not any illusion, the only illusion is that movement is real, it's just apparent, but apparently it's happening. There is not an observer, the observer is part of the movement, there is only the reality, in the reality an observer appears and an object that is observed, it's a whole, not a subject that is watching an object. God dreaming is a mistake, nobody is creating the reality, the reality is, and it's apparent movement is inevitable consequence of the absence of limits, but precisely due the absence of limits no movement is real, it's just real in relationship with another movement, to the infinity, but the whole, the total infinity, is absolutely immutable, and absolutely incomprehensible, understanding occurs within it. It is relative to the apparent movement and therefore not absolute. Opening yourself for a second to the absolute totality is enlightenment. anything else is a relative view

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