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Sadhguru's Isha Foundation Raided

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@PurpleTree Yea, but I wouldn’t discard mushrooms so quick. I had even crazier experiences on mushrooms than I have on LSD, like being transported to other dimensional planes. For me shrooms are more mystical. LSD is more energetical.

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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@Kalki Avatar Did the demons tell you that? Btw, did you also get any dirt on Leo?! I'd love to hear!!


    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Don't insult Sadhguru without any evidence. It's not fair. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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@Keryo Koffa @Buck Edwards Nah, even thou im not proclaiming with 100% certainty, there’s a high chance. I have been played before to the point of almost having my whole life destroyed by a metaphysical friend and his other friends who had psychic abilities. These people can play multiple personalities in your face and you still won’t see the evidence of how they play you through acting, reading your mind, manipulate you, seduce you and then gaslight you. All by pretending to be cool, sweet, friendly and spiritual… This is the hardest game to spot because it’s tricky! You guys lack so much experience in the spiritual world. Fck playing the saint. I just know that I read his energy and I know that energy field, is not ultimately good. It’s just hungry for power. He is playing the cool guy player to let me see how much power I can still get game in his avatar.

And no, no demon told me that. I will stop using such word because it’s almost as abused as GOD. There are multiple types of negative entities. Since I was in such a high state of consciousness every thought I got was true. So I was receiving a message of seeing how Sadhguru has a secret plan behind the scenes with his spiritual gang. But I won’t continue talking about this because it sounds too crazy. I have a lot of other insights not of Sadhguru or anyone but crazy mystical shit that would drop your jaw. But I won’t speak about this until I get some solid evidence to share correctly. 

Can’t speak bad about Leo here even if he were to be evil ;) 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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There's definitely something fishy about Sadhgurus narratives but claiming he's an occult gangster based off an acid trip is wild my dude

I'm just going to leave this here without context @Leo Gura you dirty devil 😂😂


Leo post on Sadhguru.jpg

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On 10/2/2024 at 6:29 PM, Leo Gura said:

Sadhguru got raided for attending a P Diddy freak off xD

.....or maybe for not attending a P Diddy freak off 😜

Know thyself....

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Stop smearing Sadhguru. Unless you got evidence of his wrong-doing. Do not spread gossip or wild speculation about him without evidence. We don't care about your lunatic mystical hunches. Evidence or hold your flapping devil tongue.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Kalki Avatar I just wonder why such a highly aware personality would play such petty ego games.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Leo Gura  I’m not declaring he is, I’m just saying that I won’t back down from the possibility of these gurus like many other who abuse ppl and keep silent just because they do great work and have a large following. Now, forgetting about Sadhguru… You don’t understand because you haven’t experienced any of these neither by someone (could be anyone like even a neighbor who does black magick on you or someone close reading your mind without you knowing to steal useful knowledge and personal info and then manipulating you with energetical pressure through telepathy and psychic attacks) nor by an entity. It feels freeing expressing these type of experiences and just warning others so they can be wary of what can happen dealing with the spiritual world. The more light you shine the more at risk you are of being attacked by others who are negative (entities too) because you become attractive in the spiritual world and their envy and fear from you will trigger them.

And yea sure, you would be the first one interested if I were to share it. But, nvm I won’t continue to talk about it because I don’t have how to share it yet since I need more information to connect the dots and it’s too beautiful and magical to even care if ppl will know about it or not. 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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6 minutes ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Leo Gura  I’m not declaring he is, I’m just saying that I won’t back down from the possibility of these gurus like many other who abuse ppl and keep silent just because they do great work and have a large following.

Seems better to not put anybody on a pedestal anyway. 

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@Keryo Koffa Because of possessions of entities in the body. Look, I will just answer because you asked, since others think I want to speak bad about Sadhguru. But in short, Sadhguru work with entities who enter his body to help him do his astounding work. Shiva is one, but he also downloads exalted beings into his body. You can look for it in his exclusive app. Aside from this, as an occultist is possible that he uses other external entities to do work for him and in the astral realm too. You would have to be more on the occultist side to understand this. So yeah, it’s not him alone. Because there’s no him. If you were at such a real high spiritual level you really wouldn’t care about doing all the circus he does. Only lower entities are grounded in the material world and can help you do the same. 

Now you ask me why at such a high level personality would want petty ego games, well I asked my self the same thing when I met a group of friends who are very close to enlightenment in terms of consciousness and use their state, knowledge and skills to steal, play ppl, seduce woman, get power and money etc. It’s just immaturity of the ego and soul. This happens when someone accidentally does a quantum leap jump in terms of consciousness without realizing lower ambitions first, has not purged their soul and heart and has an overall immaturity in some sense. Also because of regret of loosing their ego and not being able to fulfill what they wanted to because they accidentally played with fire. Full of hate, they try to get some type of power that helps them be grounded in the material to do what they wanted to do or at least something related and be somebody…

It’s not like it’s all bad, because he does more good at least to the public and the world. But when you have such energy and stuff inside, you are prone to do other things aswell. I won’t continue explaining because it’s too complex. Unless you get to experience a spiritual player, you won’t understand fully. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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23 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Lyubov I started to receive visions of him being Dark/Wicked. I somehow tapped into the knowledge that he has a gang of demons and entities that are with him. Don’t know if humans too, but at least he has negative allies. He is an actor, hypocrite, double standard, conman, player and joker. with this said, there’s a high chance he did killed his wife. Are you just going to trust the word coming from a man like this? This is how he gaslights in your plain face. It’s actually pretty hard to know when he is saying the truth or lying. As I discovered on a mushroom trip, trickery and deception is the highest form of power. He could have killed her through psychic attacks. Or maybe he seduced her to kill her self but it was actually him influencing. Who knows. Why did he killed her? Probably she discovered some secret of him or just wanted to get rid of her from his life cuz of being so fckng annoying and having a child together.

What is a better way to fool ppl than by helping, showing some truth and wellbeing that ppl can actually experience? Since he preach belief, but actual truth, enligthenment and consciousness is even harder to question Him in your mind. Especially if you are into spirituality. You have no idea how many ppl he had to play, manipulate and con to be at the position he is at. It’s just that you just see the positive on camera now. You don’t know what happened behind scenes. As he has astral and psychic skills he can do a lot of manipulation without getting caught. Remember he also embodies occult entities in his body to be able to do stuff. You just can’t know what are his real intentions in his chess game while he screens you with cute stuff. 


I’m dismissive of these experiences since I find the mystical aspect pure distraction in garnering true wisdom. What do you mean by dark? Wicked? He looked scary and you didn’t like it? You created a fear based emotions. YOU, because it’s your trip. And now you project that painful emotion onto him? Specifically list what sahdguru has done in reality that is wrong. Not a feeling or dreamlike vision of him looking scary in your trip or mumbo jumbo about the astral. You basically are saying he is being dishonest and lying. Ok, what is he being specifically dishonest and lying about? What assumptions have YOU made about him after seeing some YouTube videos about him smiling. What has he lied about? Tell me clearly. Don’t distract with astral dreamlike state but bring it into material reality where life unfolds. Maybe he did kill his wife? How? I have no evidence to prove or disprove it myself. All I can do is live for myself and go off what I know is true in any moment and readjust when the facts change or new ones present themselves.

ive stated my stance clearly in this thread I do not believe a person can be “more conscious.” It is bullshit in truth and not an accurate notion of how consciousness works, even these words don’t do justice to explaining this. I said I believe he is a nice guy who makes YouTube videos and shares some interesting beliefs and thoughts on spirituality. Just believe. I don’t know him. I can not attest to how honest he is in actuality since I do not have a relationship with him. I don’t have any expectations for his character. 

It sounds to me you are awakening to the fact that people like shadguru are just people with their own mistakes and character faults and because this doesn’t align with the YouTube sainthood image he has created that you fill in the unknowns about who he actually is as a person with your fears based emotions and symbolism. 

This is why guru culture is crap. Don’t follow gurus people 

Edited by Lyubov

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Do you believe it’s true or false that sahdguru has ever told a lie, big or small before? I can assure you the man has probably lied once before in his life. Humans make the mistake of lying. If anything it is managing the expectations of painting these gurus as perfect saints. Half of them made the same damn mistakes you have, if not worse. 

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7 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

Seems better to not put anybody on a pedestal anyway. 

He says this all the time, don't Look up to anyone, don't look Down on anyone, just see them the way they are, and especially towards him... If ppl still do it, its got nothing to do with him, so its not about Sadhguru watning ppl to look up to him, as he doesn't!


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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17 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Keryo Koffa @Buck Edwards Nah, even thou im not proclaiming with 100% certainty, there’s a high chance. I have been played before to the point of almost having my whole life destroyed by a metaphysical friend and his other friends who had psychic abilities. These people can play multiple personalities in your face and you still won’t see the evidence of how they play you through acting, reading your mind, manipulate you, seduce you and then gaslight you. All by pretending to be cool, sweet, friendly and spiritual… This is the hardest game to spot because it’s tricky! You guys lack so much experience in the spiritual world. Fck playing the saint. I just know that I read his energy and I know that energy field, is not ultimately good. It’s just hungry for power. He is playing the cool guy player to let me see how much power I can still get game in his avatar.

I have been there.  It is a real mindfuck.  But I learned that it is a mutual contract.  The deceived want to be deceived and the leader is a vampire sucking their energy for his own ego inflation.   I used it as a spiritual device to look inside myself to find that part of me that wants to be deceived so it can be liberated and pray for the awakening of my intuition.    

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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10 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

He says this all the time, don't Look up to anyone, don't look Down on anyone, just see them the way they are, and especially towards him... If ppl still do it, its got nothing to do with him, so its not about Sadhguru watning ppl to look up to him, as he doesn't!


A guy who calls himself guru is already a bit sus imo.

That’s why Leo changed his last letter to a Gura.

Edited by PurpleTree

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4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

A guy who calls himself guru is already a bit sus imo.

That’s why Leo changed his last letter to a Gura

Its the custom in the place he mostly lives and is from, if its not the custom elsewhere that is okay but it is where he is from using the label Guru, Sadhguru means non educated guru, he's not book educated, he comes from his own experience, that is what Sadhguru means...

What Your doing is judging him based on Your customs and beliefs, not his...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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4 hours ago, Lyubov said:

Do you believe it’s true or false that sahdguru has ever told a lie, big or small before? I can assure you the man has probably lied once before in his life. Humans make the mistake of lying. If anything it is managing the expectations of painting these gurus as perfect saints. Half of them made the same damn mistakes you have, if not worse. 

what does anything he does have to do with Lying? The talking he does, all the videos on Youtube and such, that is not what he does...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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5 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Its the custom in the place he mostly lives and is from, if its not the custom elsewhere that is okay but it is where he is from using the label Guru, Sadhguru means non educated guru, he's not book educated, he comes from his own experience, that is what Sadhguru means...

What Your doing is judging him based on Your customs and beliefs, not his...


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