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Poland's stance on immigration

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I am not saying it is good or bad, just curious what you come up with. 

Clear SD Blue/Orange dude, what is he doing wrong? what is he doing right?

Edited by Alexop

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I think he's right in that immigrants can be violent, so not welcoming them would be better.

But the problem is that every immigrant is violent from his perspective.

I think people migrate because they want to have a better life.

Edited by Nemra

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You can’t expect a country like Poland to open up to immigrants the same way the us has opened up to immigrants. What makes Poland Poland is the distinct culture of the ethnic poles. Nothing wrong with having a homogenous country, sometimes one has to be open to look at the world from not just one paradigm.

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I think taking in Red criminals is a concern. I appreciate this courage of the right being straight forward, tough I might not agree with most of their policies. When I meet such people I can be masculine, I can be myself. When I meet swedish leftist pussies, it always feels like walking on eggshells. It feels like I have to measure all my words so I dont send a "conservative vibe". And when they complain, it is always "the others" who are the problem. As I said, I am not bothered by Sweden's paralel muslim society and the gangs shooting each other as I am botherd by this pussy vibe of the left. It is YOU who also do wrong stuff not just the conservatives you hippie pussy. You massacred men, transfomed them into vagina dryers. The hipocricy, they receive everybody but I don't see any leftist swede hanging around with macho muslims, only if they miraculously evolve to stage Green, otherwise they avoid, cancel, marginalize and push them into the poor getto areas with 95% immigrants. 

Edited by Alexop

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@Alexop, the leftists could be more compassionate toward others. Although I don't like it when people hang on too much to what I say because words can have different meanings. Knowing a person a little bit before disagreeing is better.

Edited by Nemra

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The right will just keep tightening the screws on the symptoms while doing nothing to address the causes. Always the same. It grabs headlines I suppose and will put fear into people trying to cross. This scenario is a typical overreach for headlines from authoritarian personalities who require the image to stay in power.

Shooting people has no more or less effect than imprisonment, deportation, or sending them away. It's not as if we will run out of migrants any time soon. It will dissuade people from approaching the fence directly and make them more desperate. Hunger, war, climate change, disease, safety, poverty, corruption/crime, drought, flooding etc will still cause migration. It will increase the chance of a violent encounter(s), perhaps a border skirmish, and a general cooling of relations with neighboring countries (but we have that anyway).

Edited by BlueOak

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32 minutes ago, Alexop said:

When I meet such people I can be masculine, I can be myself.

They could be masculine but wrong, like the left that you disagree with.

If they kill an immigrant for the wrong reasons, but in a masculine way, would you like it? I would like to think that you wouldn't.

If you were feminine, maybe your empathy towards people would have been different.

Edited by Nemra

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Now the opposite polarity. I appreciate Poland's readiness to defend against instability, warring dictators, and generally be the security europe needs. Something I wish Germany, France, and the UK, etc could do more of, though to be fair, the UK has done 'some' work in that area.

Edited by BlueOak

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15 minutes ago, Nemra said:

They could be masculine but wrong, like the left that you disagree with.

If they kill an immigrant for the wrong reasons, but in a masculine way, would you like it? I would like to think that you wouldn't.

If you were feminine, maybe your empathy towards people would have been different.

Point where did I say I agree with the right.

I don't care about policies here, it is easy to prove them wrong on that. I care about people accepting divergent opinions and still be friends, not living in leftist echo chambers. Once I met two guys for a drink and after I mentioned I write an article about masculinity and femininity they changed their atitude and stopped asking questions about me, then I was ghosted the next day. About this crap am I talking about.

Edited by Alexop

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@Alexop, I didn't say that you agree with the right.

From my understanding, values affect how you view the left and the right.

3 minutes ago, Alexop said:

I care about people accepting divergent opinions and still be friends.

Me too.

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13 minutes ago, Alexop said:

Once I met two guys for a drink and after I mentioned I write an article about masculinity and femininity they changed their attitude and stopped asking questions about me, then I was ghosted the next day. About this crap am I talking about.

Well, that sucks. People are like that.

The right is much more close-minded, in my opinion.

Edited by Nemra

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1 minute ago, Nemra said:

Well, that sucks.

The right is much more close-minded, in my opinion.

of course they are closed-minded, they are so closed-minded that I don't have any expectations about what they say. So does the left in regards to masculinity. If you are feminine, you might feel great among them but what if you are masculine? Bad luck. They are so inclusive that they exclude masculine people who by nature are more exclusive and aspiring for greater ideals. This is whole spiel of personal development, exclusivity. Why the hell aren't we on an incel forum instead? Because we exclude such crap from our awareness.

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1 hour ago, Alexop said:

Why the hell aren't we on an incel forum instead? Because we exclude such crap from our awareness.

Yes, we do exclude.

1 hour ago, Alexop said:

They are so inclusive that they exclude masculine people who by nature are more exclusive and aspiring for greater ideals.

Well, that's not good.

Compared to other problems around the world, especially in underdeveloped countries, it's a minor thing, which is not to say that I'm justifying it.

Edited by Nemra

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1 hour ago, BlueOak said:

The right will just keep tightening the screws on the symptoms while doing nothing to address the causes. Always the same. It grabs headlines I suppose and will put fear into people trying to cross. This scenario is a typical overreach for headlines from authoritarian personalities who require the image to stay in power.

Shooting people has no more or less effect than imprisonment, deportation, or sending them away. It's not as if we will run out of migrants any time soon. It will dissuade people from approaching the fence directly and make them more desperate. Hunger, war, climate change, disease, safety, poverty, corruption/crime, drought, flooding etc will still cause migration. It will increase the chance of a violent encounter(s), perhaps a border skirmish, and a general cooling of relations with neighboring countries (but we have that anyway).

very good point. The West gets it's payback for all it did to the third world.

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40 minutes ago, Alexop said:

The West gets it's payback for all it did to the third world

The third-world countries with their corrupt governments aren't so innocent.

Edited by Nemra

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2 hours ago, Nemra said:

The third-world countries with their corrupt governments aren't so innocent.

Agree but millions of syrians might be now in their home country if the US would not bomb the shit out of their country, and UK would not have fked up with their borders and such before.

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"Poland is save" my ass. What is this insane propaganda. xD


In poland hooligans chops each others hands off with machetes. Try walking around in most cities at night and you will feel anything but safe.


Poland is an incredibly violent culture that is highly underdeveloped. They are highly dogmatic and religious. Sure, you won't get immigrants messing things up, but the polish people are more than sufficient to do that themselves. 

Edited by Scholar

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