
How Is Definitive Knowledge Possible?

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8 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Oh for gods sakes give me a break. We havent chosed anything. Choose is something the ego does.

Creation is a mistake on itself. Every Guru that left knows It. Thats why they left. They realized the act of Creation itself is Karma.

The purpose of this dream is to end It, because duality sucks and Infinite Being fininite sucks too.

Everything else is stories your ego want to tell itself to Keep playing your games that inevitably Will end in dissolution. 

So dont fight the inevitable. God made a mistake and the path now is clear: stop the mistake.


Know thyself....

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@Javfly33There is no dream, so there's nothing to end. It's all imaginary. Yes, there appears to be a dream but it's not really happening. Go try to end your night dream and wake up to find yourself somewhere else than where you started - in the bed.

Know thyself....

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

@Javfly33There is no dream, so there's nothing to end. It's all imaginary. Yes, there appears to be a dream but it's not really happening. Go try to end your night dream and wake up to find yourself somewhere else than where you started - in the bed.

Oh there is a dream, for sure.

A chair or your house is not there randomly...there is an intelligence Dreaming that Up, and keeping that Up (memory).

Sadhguru quote in Karma's book:

"The source of Creation which is Intelligence creates memory.

The rest of creation projects memory as intelligence". 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

@Javfly33There is no dream, so there's nothing to end. It's all imaginary. Yes, there appears to be a dream but it's not really happening. Go try to end your night dream and wake up to find yourself somewhere else than where you started - in the bed.

I mean you got a point that all is imaginary, sure.

As long as you are not trapped by your own imagination sure, there is no dream for you.

But if you really are not trapped you wouldnt have a physical form in the first place.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Princess Arabia @Javfly33 This is how I interp the conversation seems  to me 😁

66d0268e039cb_Screenshot2024-08-29at09_4 I crafily wove this beautiful red carpet 66f85be751f88_20240408_2257412.thumb.jpg The carpet is a lie and so are you

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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7 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Oh there is a dream, for sure.

A chair or your house is not there randomly...there is an intelligence Dreaming that Up, and keeping that Up (memory).

Sadhguru quote in Karma's book:

"The source of Creation which is Intelligence creates memory.

The rest of creation projects memory as intelligence". 

If Sadghuru were to say the same exact things I said 5yrs ago and you were just seeing it and didn't know anything about spirituality, you would have believed it too and started quoting my words to an unsuspecting forum member you disagreed with saying " Sadhguru said....there is no dream and whatever else i said. When you were a baby just coming out of the womb, you knew nothing. 

Know thyself....

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7 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Princess Arabia @Javfly33 This is how I interp the conversation seems  to me 😁

66d0268e039cb_Screenshot2024-08-29at09_4 I crafily wove this beautiful red carpet 66f85be751f88_20240408_2257412.thumb.jpg The carpet is a lie and so are you

Lol. Exactly. This is why arguing is pointless and so is the concept of Spirituality. No wonder Leo left this shit alone. All this human's arguing back and forth about their creation and telling each other that's not how it is is a joke. Hence the Cosmic Joke. That's why I say, it's all entertainment. Here comes the "let's see you get in a car crash and sever your limb, let's see the entertainment in that". 

Know thyself....

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I think truth is resonance. That focus of energy that most of you harmonizes with. Truth is a frequency that aligns with our inner source frequency. When we resonate with something, it feels "right" or "true" because it harmonizes with our own being. Truth can be a shared belief or experience that resonates across many individuals. When many individuals resonate with the same idea, there's a collective sense of truth. Depending on the unique experiences and perspective of the individual, what resonates as true for one might not resonate with another. This means truth is universally subjective.

Edited by tuku747

Brains Do Not Exist 

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Here's @Princess Arabia demolishing @Javfly33's "limited beliefs" in an aesthetic video format!

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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59 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

If Sadghuru were to say the same exact things I said 5yrs ago and you were just seeing it and didn't know anything about spirituality, you would have believed it too and started quoting my words to an unsuspecting forum member you disagreed with saying " Sadhguru said....there is no dream and whatever else i said. When you were a baby just coming out of the womb, you knew nothing. 

No because sadhguru never uses that neo advaita stuff of "there is no you" or "there is no one", or etc. 

As like I said is not that i find your point incorrect, but chances are you are not at stage of trascendence to be saying things as there is no dream.

Until that you are bound by the mechanics of the dream, even Though they are imaginary. 

A coffee is imaginary, but you arent able to make It effect you like alcohol does...notice you are Still far away from being at stage of trascending the dream. There is a dream for you, you bet there is.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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So if there is no thief of my car, then how do you all explain the Israel and Russia Wars? Are the child deaths nonexistent since they aren’t in my direct experience? 

This is my last time articulating this point and then I’m done. Your experience cannot be all there is because then you open the door for Covid deniers, Sandy Hook deniers, racism, and police brutality denial, etc.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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54 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

No because sadhguru never uses that neo advaita stuff of "there is no you" or "there is no one", or etc. 

As like I said is not that i find your point incorrect, but chances are you are not at stage of trascendence to be saying things as there is no dream.

Until that you are bound by the mechanics of the dream, even Though they are imaginary. 

A coffee is imaginary, but you arent able to make It effect you like alcohol does...notice you are Still far away from being at stage of trascending the dream. There is a dream for you, you bet there is.

I wish you guys will stop taking my remarks and comments out of context. Thank God for the fact that we can go back and make reference. If you notice, most times when I speak like this, and even as recent as in this thread with my comments to Ishanga, i specifically say, things like, I myself do this, or I don't walk around saying there's no me or whatever else you're unnecessarily reminding me of. I don't know why we even have a spirituality section if we can't even have discussions about the nature of reality without someone having to remind me that I'm still human and still bounded by what the friggin egoic mind has constructed.

Secondly, you don't know how I live my life and how I see myself and the world and all i truly understand or are aware of to be telling me what I've transcended or not transcended. Like I said. You guys have entrusted all these gurus and have constructed in the mind what someone who knows more or have transcended whatever is supposed to look like. A stripper from downtown telling you she's enlightened would make you laugh but a man with a white beard crossing his legs and a turban with an Indian accent and chanting ohm,ohm is more of a spiritual master or guru is suppose to look like. Neither one is more enlightened than the next but in your eyes and the stories you've been telling yourself about life. 

I don't see where any book or life manual is that states there are gurus and masters and sages that are supposed to look a certain way and drug dealers, strippers and pastors and politicians another. Look around life, don't they; don't each category have similar appearances. Why do you think that is. BECAUSE THAT'S ENERGY FORMING TO LOOK LIKE SOMETHING, (FORM) BUT ONLY APPEAR TO BE BECAUSE OF PATTERN CONSTRUCTS. Sadhguru is just a nothing that appears as someone who knows anything and you are a nothing that's appearing to follow that nothing that's shaped like a guru that your society has constructed to look like what sheep will see as more believable to maintain their illusion of being a somebody who has a life. So there.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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16 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

So if there is no thief of my car, then how do you all explain the Israel and Russia Wars? Are the child deaths nonexistent since they aren’t in my direct experience? 

This is my last time articulating this point and then I’m done. Your experience cannot be all there is because then you open the door for Covid deniers, Sandy Hook deniers, racism, and police brutality denial, etc.

It's all there within the construction but to reality it's pure energy appearing as form. It's all happening within the illusion that none of us can escape but in actuality it's all empty. That car thief exists within the story but in actuality that's all imagination and nothing real about it. We are all bound within the illusion and it all appears real and solid, but in reality itls all empty; void of any real substance and meaning. Welcome to life and the dream world. You're stuck until you DIE. The mind will not accept or understand this, but it's the truth. The mind is like a wave that thinks it's separate until it vanishes right back in the ocean where it was born. That's you. So go rest that mind of yours and go enjoy life. It's all a mirage. From one wave to the next. See you at the Ocean side.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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@Princess Arabia This is the problem with the Teaching and what I have been telling You for a long time.  The teaching, You, say everything is Appearance or its a mental construction of somesort, this is a lazy way excuse of sorts, it basically means nothing means anything, all there is is absolute and such things.. 

The teaching is half right, its not a complete teaching, its a certain Potential (Yes I know that is a concept, but so is all of what You said!!!, and yes I know you will agree with that, but there is still this teaching to deal with), but its not the Complete Potential ( I know another concept or mental construction). Once again we are here on this forum communicating, everything is a concept here, but if we are going to play this game of understanding one another, then we have to be precise and say what we mean to say and if we disagree then so be it, but that sort of teaching is incomplete, its completely Absolute level based, but without the realization that You still have a Body and Mind to deal with.. 

Why does Sunny have a Youtube page, if nothing exists, then whom is he making video's for? Plus what he says has been said thousands of times before by others that have videos online, so why share it again and again, this is another problem but we can deal with that later...

If Appearance exists as You say it does, as well as the ability to make "Mental Constructs", then how is that possible, why is it possible, and whom/what is doing this. Please answer in a precise way, don't delegate it away by saying  "Nothing is happening, Your creating it in Your mind, all you have to do is realize everything is Absolute", what is this You, how is that too happen if You've tried and failed, then what?

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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35 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

So if there is no thief of my car, then how do you all explain the Israel and Russia Wars? Are the child deaths nonexistent since they aren’t in my direct experience? 

This is my last time articulating this point and then I’m done. Your experience cannot be all there is because then you open the door for Covid deniers, Sandy Hook deniers, racism, and police brutality denial, etc.

Who said that your thief does not exist? 🤣


23 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:


 You guys have entrusted all these gurus and have constructed in the mind what someone who knows more or have transcended whatever is supposed to look like. A stripper from downtown telling you she's enlightened would make you laugh but a man with a white beard crossing his legs and a turban with an Indian accent and chanting ohm,ohm is more of a spiritual master or guru is suppose to look like. Neither one is more enlightened than the next but in your eyes and the stories you've been telling yourself about life. 

You are very naive if you think there are not levels to the game.

In the same way an ant is 1 million levels below a human consciousness, most of us are thousands levels below some other humans.

You have to understand while we are fucking around typing ten thousands messages on the forum other people are doing 5 hour sophisticated sadhana for years.

You think they are not going to be above a massive superior level of perception than us? 


And is not just spirituality. A guy that makes 600$ a month, have a belly and smokes a pack a day, is hundreds of levels below a millionarie that has healthy habits and positive mindset. Just as an example.



Sadhguru is just a nothing that appears as someone who knows anything and you are a nothing that's appearing to follow that nothing that's shaped like a guru that your society has constructed to look like what sheep will see as more believable to maintain their illusion of being a somebody who has a life.

Sure, but that doesn´t prevent you from going to the university and learning from a 'nothing that appears as someone' things that you do not know yet about reality.

I don´t know why such obvious things have to be explained.

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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18 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

If Appearance exists as You say it does, as well as the ability to make "Mental Constructs", then how is that possible, why is it possible, and whom/what is doing this. Please answer in a precise way, don't delegate it away by saying  "Nothing is happening, Your creating it in Your mind, all you have to do is realize everything is Absolute", what is this You, how is that too happen if You've tried and failed, then what?

How is that possible? I or no one can answer that. Life is a mystery. It's just that certain parts have been solved and the messages past down. This is why no one, and i mean no one has the total answers for everything. You have still missed the point of the message by saying things like who is he making videos for and who are we talking to and stuff like that. There's no one to say, I'll stop making videos since nothing is happening. That is not what that means. If he was to stop, that would still be what's appearing to happen. There is no decision to be made regarding this on an individual level because those decisions would also be appearances and what's seeming to happen.

This is not a message for anyone or for anyone to do anything about to change what will happen. Anything that happens will also be what life is doing. So I'm not saying it's meaningless and we're doomed, that's your mind's interpretation of what I'm pointing to. Nothing need change and nothing will change. Life goes on with friends, family, work, partying and so on if this message is being received in it's true context. It's when the mind filters it is when it becomes troublesome.

No one knows how it's happening and how it's possible for this thing called life to be the way it is. It just is and words cannot explain it away. It's like magic and mysterious but only to the mind. This intelligence just is and this intelligence is known by no one because it cannot be known. Knowledge is separation and there's none.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

How is that possible? I or no one can answer that. Life is a mystery. It's just that certain parts have been solved and the messages past down. This is why no one, and i mean no one has the total answers for everything. You have still missed the point of the message by saying things like who is he making videos for and who are we talking to and stuff like that. There's no one to say, I'll stop making videos since nothing is happening. That is not what that means. If he was to stop, that would still be what's appearing to happen. There is no decision to be made regarding this on an individual level because those decisions would also be appearances and what's seeming to happen.

This is not a message for anyone or for anyone to do anything about to change what will happen. Anything that happens will also be what life is doing. So I'm not saying it's meaningless and we're doomed, that's your mind's interpretation of what I'm pointing to. Nothing need change and nothing will change. Life goes on with friends, family, work, partying and so on if this message is being received in it's true context. It's when the mind filters it is when it becomes troublesome.

No one knows how it's happening and how it's possible for this thing called life to be the way it is. It just is and words cannot explain it away. It's like magic and mysterious but only to the mind. This intelligence just is and this intelligence is known by no one because it cannot be known. Knowledge is separation and there's none.

Just because the teachings You've been exposed to, or You own inquiry hasn't given You the answers or knowing, doesn't mean the answers don't exist.

People have for thousands of Years been explore the nature of Reality, on all levels that it can be explored, this new age non dualism is exactly that NEW, its too simple, too low level, it has it use for sure, it may be a beginning way to start the process, realizing that all is One, that I am One with Everything, but it has to go beyond just an idea or intellectual knowing, it has to be Experiential, and that gets down to the question What is Experiencing!

The answers come from Within, the methods just allow us to find those Answers within, ppl get too fixated on the Method and forget what it is all about. This is not about having an Ideology, following anyone in particular or anything of that sort.

Existence is about Potential, one potential is non duality, its a start, but its not the complete Potential if there is one, but we as Humans are the only Life "Form" that can explore it since we have the greatest capacity to Experience.. The Story or Appearance or Mental Construct has to be Experienced otherwise it does not exist nor does the Potential of it..

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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12 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

You have to understand while we are fucking around typing ten thousands messages on the forum other people are doing 5 hour sophisticated sadhana for years.

You think they are not going to be above a massive superior level of perception than us? 

That's not what I'm saying. Of course, I can articulate my words and make sentences to construct a paragraph and type words on a screen so you can understand it. This is all possible because I went to school and was taught how to. Someone that didn't get any education and didn't learn how to read and write couldn't do this. What does that mean. All that means is I can read and write and I may get a better job and make friends and able to write letters to loved ones and read cooking books. Doesn't mean I'm going to heaven, meet God, have God realizations or become a guru. What those people are doing is what will allow them to accomplish certain things like have mystical experiences, have people follow them and learn from them and be able to teach spirituality......all that is are just experiences.....empty experiences that means nothing in the big scheme of things. Everything is empty and void of any real substance. The mind is what's constructing all that. 

Know thyself....

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21 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

And is not just spirituality. A guy that makes 600$ a month, have a belly and smokes a pack a day, is hundreds of levels below a millionarie that has healthy habits and positive mindset. Just as an example.

That "below" is a mind construct and means nothing to life. It only means something to you because you have chopped life up into little pieces to suit your survival and your crying little ego. This is the only way there can even be a world and a somebody with a life. If that weren't possible, we wouldn't be here having this discussion.

Know thyself....

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