Revolutionary Think

Ethnic Cleansing?

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On 1/1/2025 at 3:44 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Israel have an answer for that: That's how history works, and to make a good omelet you have to break a few eggs, ohhh it's a shame, but what to do? Didn't the Romans do the same, or the United States with the Sioux?

Fine, agreed. But after 100 years of crying and playing the victim for the Holocaust, writing 1000 books and creating museums, guided tours of the extermination camps, make the Jews the people nominated for the award for the most hypocritical and false in the history of humanity.


Except I think you are forgetting one thing. This isn't Roman times anymore. 2025

Remember when we used to live in caves and say "OOGA BOOGA" and then beat our neighbors over the head with a club. Fun times. Why the hell can't we do that anymore smh

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

Except I think you are forgetting one thing. This isn't Roman times anymore. 2025

Remember when we used to live in caves and say "OOGA BOOGA" and then beat our neighbors over the head with a club. Fun times. Why the hell can't we do that anymore smh

Ask to Hitler, he tried the same in Russia just 80 years ago, he didn't live in a cave, they were quite cultivate people 

I know it's different, the Jews are living together with the Palestinian from long time and a lot of fight happened, then both sides hate each other, it's not a simple thing 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Ask to Hitler, he tried the same in Russia just 80 years ago, he didn't live in a cave, they were quite cultivate people 

I know it's different, the Jews are living together with the Palestinian from long time and a lot of fight happened, then both sides hate each other, it's not a simple thing 

Hitler failed miserably. He killed himself in a bunker. And his people are still facing embarrassment to this day 

What does cultivate mean? They were homicidal maniac people!

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Just now, Twentyfirst said:

Hitler failed miserably. He killed himself in a bunker. And his people are still facing embarrassment to this day 

What does cultivate mean? They were homicidal maniac people!

Hitler was more or less cultivated,  others Nazi were very cultivated. You could be cultivated and psychopath. 

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Posted (edited)

On 1.10.2024 at 10:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

Well, one would hope for some human decency, but I guess that's asking too much.

Jews of all people should appreciate the importance of that.

There are very few human beings self-reflective enough to recognize themselves in the perpetrators of their victimization.


The reality is that Israeli's do not feel secure, and the history is too complex to be able to boil it down to a simple moralistic tale of oppressor and oppressed. Such narratives have achieved nothing in all the decades of conflict.

There needs to be greater care when you condemn such individuals.




What do they know-all these scholars, all these philosophers, all the leaders of the world - about such as you? They have convinced themselves that man, the worst transgressor of all the species, is the crown of creation. All other creatures were created merely to provide him with food, pelts, to be tormented, exterminated. In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.



Hypocrisy is part of the human condition. When we speak of ethics, it should be recognized that the entire moral conversation in society is profoundly self-centered and biased. The fact that virtually no attention is paid, by you, or anyone else here, on the fact that we torture, rape and slaughter billions of individuals every year, in every nation on this planet, for far more trivial reasons than national security, should tell you everything you need to know about human decency.

Notice that ss soon as your mind might get an inkling of the fact that you are no different from the Israeli, in your degree of self-serving evil, ignorance and selfishness, you will seek to distinguish yourself from them. You will seek to find an excuse for why in fact, the Israeli is less evolved than you, that he is more childlike, self-absorbed and blind than you are. 

You should realize that in that moment, you commit the same sin Netanyahu commits when he oppresses the Palestinian people. Not only are you selfish and evil, you are just as blind as he is to this reality. The only solution to this can be deep compassion, for those you consider most evil and depraved.


When you ask "Why does Israel act so indecently?", you should ask yourself, why do you act so indecently? Why do you turn a blind eye to what is happening? Why do you not speak up about it? Why do you contribute to it? 

Everything that there is to understand about the evil of the Nazi, the evil of the Israeli, the evil of the Palestinians, will be provided if you ask yourself these questions enough.

Truly realize, why it is impossible to expect from you, Leo Gura, basic human decency.

Edited by Scholar

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