
Why is this guy not successful? (give me your opinion)

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Hey everyone,  
I came across a video review on YouTube about Jordan Peterson's Future-Authoring program while searching for feedback (I'm currently going through the program myself).  This post doesn't really have anything to do with the program itself, more so the video. In the program you just basically get to outline your goals.

In the video, the guy shares his experience after using the program. I found it quite interesting because, although he seemed to have started working towards his life goals, he hasn’t made any substantial progress in any one area. This got me thinking about the possible reasons behind this and what mistakes he might be making. I ended up taking some notes and making my own observations.  I don't want to end up in his position. 3.5 years into chasing your goals but not achieving them.



I'd love for you all to watch the video and share your thoughts on why you think he's not making significant progress? What is he doing wrong?

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Haha the most important thing about film making is you need lots of money and good connection. Not your skills in film making. 

Are you a famous actor or writer? Wealthy man? Why would anyone want to do film making with you? 

Probably a more plausible path for him is to get a job in film making industry and then try to work his way up.



Edited by hyruga

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Not my field but one thing for sure he must shave his beard

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Too many different goals, too divided focus as a result. In other words lack of commitment to any one path. Which is understandable because he seems to be moreso trying to figure out what he wants to do. He's picking up different skills along the way which is good but if you try a bunch of different things you cant expect to reach many of your goals short term. The real prize he can hope for if continuing on his current path is to eventually find something he wants to do, or to find himself in a position where he could combine the different skills he's picking up to create something unique to his skillset. 

Another point is potentially lacking practicality which is something I can relate to personally. For example, if he wants to reach his goals such as becoming a movie director. He cant expect to get there fast if he spends most of his time reading comparative mythology and Jung. Knowledge about these topics could add to a filmmaker but it's not the foundation of his chosen craft. In order to become a filmmaker a more pragmatic path might be getting himself involved with indie movie scene, taking on different roles, getting some elbow grease into the film industry, creating contacts, learning different skills useful in movie making such as writing, filming, editing, dialogue editing. 

Edited by Asayake

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@Asayake I agree with everything you said here. I think personally that he doesn't commit. You got an idea and was ready to do a music video, and then quit because he realized he wasn't as passionate. I think he should have created the music video, it would be like he has something to show. 

I also suspect that he has an expectation that he should enjoy everything he does, or all parts of the job should be enjoyble. 

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52 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

I also suspect that he has an expectation that he should enjoy everything he does, or all parts of the job should be enjoyble. 

I can relate to this. This is actually a mistake I made. I was reading law of attraction and when I was starting to get into this sometimes it was hard to tell just how it works and what its implications are. I was under the interpretation that I could sort of manifest everything I want how I want when I want but this is not true from my experience. It seems to be there is a deeper lesson of accepting reality as it is and going with the flow while being fully engaged with and responsible for whatever is unfolding in life. I learned that the law of attraction can be taught better, it needs to be better described how it works

Yes there will be times where we will faces challenges, have to think pragmatically, do tasks we may not prioritize as our favorite, etc. I’m not 100% sure it has to be unenjoyable though. Since we create our emotions we can still create fulfilling emotions for mundane tasks because we know showing up and committing to our growth is worth in and of itself to feel good about all the time. I think when living in total clarity and flow all things that are seen as not fun no longer become painful to do but just another changing variety in reality and life. The thing is when I was making my earlier mistake I wasn’t entirely in flow, I would disrupt my own flow and would resent certain tasks for not being enjoyable to me and I realize now this is not a good way to lived 

Edited by Lyubov

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Maybe he doesn't have good connections. Even if he fails his goals, he will have something to learn from it that could be applied elsewhere that give him more coverage and accessibility in terms of career. Nothing is truly wasted when one shows hard work and commitment. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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