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TWIM meditation

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I did for some years vipassana and also visited 3 retreats in the last years, had a daily practise but now changed my practise to TWIM (tranquil wisdom insight meditation). In TWIM the meditation object is Metta and the three main difference from vipassana is first, you don't "focus" on the meditation object but are just being aware of it (because focusing creates tension and craving simultaneously you are also aware of everything else that is present. With time you will notice that you mind wrapps from alone around the Meditation object because it is pleasant. Secondly, a big part of TWIM is the relaxation of the body. So every time you get lost in distraction, you release the attention from it but because there is still tension in the body, you also relax your body proactive. Third, you smile during the whole session, sounds silly but is actually an important part of the meditation. Tis meditation is basically a tool for going trough all the  Jhanas until Nibbana. I myself only visited one TWIM retreat and have a daily practise of 40 minutes since 4 months so not that much experience but it seems like a pretty solid technique.

Does someone have experience with TWIM? And if yes, how was it for you?

Edited by eliasvelez

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