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Higher Dimensional Awakening Experience

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A few months ago, I was on 100ug LSD, thinking about higher dimensions. I've been consuming a lot of content in the 5D, ascension, higher dimensional oversoul type area, not sure exactly what it all means.

I was sitting at my computer doing oneness or nondual meditation. I do this by doing a body scan, noticing the feeling of my body, and then extending that to my entire visual field, extending that sense of being or identity not just to my body, but all that is sensed by my body. I moved my attention up to the top of my visual field, then down to the bottom. Then left, then right. Then I noticed I could move it in, to focus on something in my visual field quite deeply.

And then the real fun started: I noticed I could move it... "out"... my entire visual field started developing dark spots on the corners, as my visual field folded into a ball. 

I considered trying to animate this in video somehow, but I don't know how to do that. Sorry if I struggle to translate what I saw.

My visual field folded into a ball, and I noticed that I could zoom back into the ball, or zoom out and watch height, width, and depth fold into another couple of axes that I've never seen before.

The whole visual field looked like it was shards of a mirror folding into themselves as I continued pulling myself "out" of my visual field. I was looking at my face on my webcam in my computer screen, and when it started folding up, there were at least 5 of my face, all reflected off each other, folding into each other.

Then I zoomed completely out of my visual field, and the shards of dimensionality folded past what I'd been looking at. I was still seeing visuals, but what I was seeing was impossible, and presumably it was still being filtered through my visual cortex.

From my POV, I could see shards of my room folded on themselves hyper dimensionally, and a cloud of energy escaped where I had thought I was sitting, and started floating upwards. It seemed to be trapped energy that was maybe stale, or stuck, and upon realization of this hyper dimensionality, it escaped, traveling along an axis I couldn't sense as it basically magically floated thru all the shards of dimension I was sensing. Then it floated upwards immediately. It felt like a good thing, like releasing trauma or stuck negative energy like that.

This place seemed interesting, because while all I could see was shards of my 3D room reflected in multiple dimensions that usually aren't there, the dimensions felt like real physicality, they felt like being able to sense a hyper dimensional substrate that's actually always right here, I just don't have the psychology to usually be able to allow it into my experience. IE, when I say the dimensions were folding over on themselves like shards, I could look down right at the shards. It was still a "place," just one that no longer made sense in 3 dimensions. I immediately got the sense that if I had the right psychology for this, I could travel along the axes of these higher dimensions.

As in, the same way that height, width, and depth aren't in some other place, they're right here, so were the additional dimensions I was sensing. They're just extra axes of right here, that my brain and psychology aren't usually equipped to sense in any way. But with the extra dimensional information folded into my brain with the help of a psychedelic, I could sense them.

I gotta tell ya, reading all the 5D ascension stuff, I spent 4 years or so reading about all that thinking it was just some flight of fancy. Honestly most of this spiritual metaphysical stuff doesn't mean much to me until it really directly impacts me. But that was a very interesting experience. Not sure if I could replicate it, not sure if there's really any value in that.

Have any of you guys experienced this? After following Leo's work and absorbing spiritual metaphysical content on the internet for 5 years, I've never heard of anyone directly experiencing higher dimensions this way.

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wow i fucking love hyperdimensional shit. super interesting report. 

DMT realm is the place to go if u wanna go full hyperdimensional

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@thedoorsareopen Very nice trip report, thx for sharing. Reminds me of “Indra’s net”.

Dimensionality is a tricky topic due to all the baggage that comes with it - mathematically it refers to a linearly independent and orthogonal basis vector (i.e a direction you can go in, perpendicular to all the others). Even more abstractly, it is just a component of the cartesian product of the space.

This is a very different notion than the one normally used in the context of extra- and intra-dimensional ”travel” as part of the psychedelic experience. You can for example imagine/experience the existence of dimensions entirely “orthogonal” to mathematics, i.e something that can’t be reached through any mathematical construction. There is a lot of fruit to bear from contemplation, so if you are serious about understanding the higher order notion of dimensions, you might have to discard everything you have read. 

I will be interested to read your experiences as they develop.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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