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Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards man

21 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Emerald said:

Here are some pieces of advice...

  • If you don't already have this taste, acquire a taste for mature stable men who are looking for relationships and who you can have a good longterm friendship with.
  • Develop a distaste for immature men who base their self-worth off of how good they are with women. Get really sensitive to these vibes, so that you can sort them right away as they won't feel contented with themselves if they aren't getting lots of validation from lots of women.
  • A man who is a little bit shy and more reserved about showing interest in a woman is a green flag as long as that reservedness doesn't come from putting women too high up on a pedestal. A guy that's too smooth or confident around women and starts immediately on a romantic foot can often be a red flag as he's probably just spamming lots of women with that behavior.
  • Build up a strong circle of acquaintances and friends, and develop feelings organically towards a man that you can observe over a longer period of time in your social circle.
  • Avoid guys who approach you at random as they do that with lots of women, and often see 'getting good with women' as an achievement.
  • Tune out from your checklist of desired qualities in a partner, and tune into the feelings and vibes you feel towards a man you've been around for an extended period of time.
  • Become an expert sorter! Lots of men will approach, but you only want to give the ones a chances that you have some feelings for and that don't have any of your deal breakers.
  • Develop and lean into your own unique style and persona. Guys who aren't very serious about a relationship just want a woman... any woman will do. But if you lean into your style and unique personality traits, you'll scare off the wrong ones and attract the right ones. The worst thing you can be is a crowd pleaser... as that will attract a lot of spammy attention.
  • Pay attention to his values and sort based off of any red flags that indicate a tendency to devalue women or see Femininity as lesser than Masculinity.

The main this is to be social and develop a strong social circle... and to get really discerning about how you sort men. And you'll want to develop your intuition to where you're naturally drawn to men who will be healthy stable partners and were you're naturally repelled by men who haven't matured enough to truly prefer and value relationship/friendship with a woman.

And if you notice any red flags in men, I recommend avoiding spending much time with them so that you don't organically develop feelings for them.

And get REALLY picky when it comes to maturity in particular.

This is really good advice, have you thought about making more mainstream personal development on your youtube channel? It would be a good way of introducing "normies" into Shadow Work and other practices, kind of like what Leo did with spirituality.

You have a really good way of articulating ideas especially on topics regarding psychology / relationships. Maybe something like "Psychology with Dr. Ana" 

@Dana1 -This is her channel

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