
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards man

627 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

@Leo Gura what are your thoughts on the fact that the most conscious women see cold approaching as a red flag and look down on it? Does that mean that it is not really a valid option if you want to find a really great, conscious partner for yourself?

@Emerald how do you expect men to get real life experience with women and get over their insecurities, build social skills, confidence, and stuff if you are against arguably the most efficient tool to do that, which is approaching a lot of women?

You make it sound as if all those insecurites, anxiety, and limiting believes can be undone with just a click of your fingers. When in reality they take a lot of work to get over. And not just work with a coach / psychologist

@Emerald this one

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1 hour ago, bambi said:

I am not only helping you with you archaic and infantile view on women sexuality, but sexuality as a whole. You have a chronic and distorted view with an equal refusal to accept any help

Listen. I don't want your help.

You were saying this same thing to Princess Arabia the other day that she's refusing your help. But neither of us is asking for your help.

And if you want me to fully read your replies and engage with the content of what you're saying, you're going to need to stop with the condescending tone and ad hominem attacks.

I have to admit that I've only been skimming your replies because they're SUPER condescending.

I won't be replying to you again until you can speak to me with respect.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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25 minutes ago, QVx said:

Bravo! I enjoyed that very much, thank you for sharing.

As a male who has spent his younger years being drenched with masculine energy, and the last few years melting into my feminine energy, I can wholly resonate with what you’ve said.

In fact, I have a significant preference to the experience you’ve described in how I’m looking for a partner nowadays.

I’d like to think I have significant integration between the masculine and feminine, and thus I can appreciate both perspectives on both a theoretical and practical level.

My key personal experience is that testosterone is a massive driver in  objective qualities. When I was younger and full of testosterone I had no desire nor drive for the subjective aspect of attraction. I simply valued objective attraction and how I could have sex with beautiful women. As my testosterone has decreased over time, and thus my increased desire to explore the feminine aspects of my being, so has my desire and drive for subjective attraction increased significantly.

On a scientific level, I’m convinced that hormones play the key role in influencing how one thinks and feels. Thus, trying to fight against your body is itself a trap. Acceptance of one’s own biological system is the gateway to deeper levels of consciousness and exploration of the desire for sex, love, and meaning.

Thank you! :) 

I've noticed that it tends to be the case, that when a guys more integrated with his Feminine energy that he's far more subjective in his attractions.

And it's tended to be that I can have more interesting and fulfilling friendships and romantic partnerships with men who are more integrated in this way, as it's easier to see and be seen.

And I need this to feel like I'm on even emotional footing with a guy in a relationship. Otherwise to make an emotional analogy, it's the equivalent of me giving him a $100 bill in exchange for a $1 bill.

I mostly share these perspectives on here about my experiences of female sexuality, because I keep seeing that the guys on here are struggling with connecting with women. And they keep doubling down on these perceptions of the world that are antithetical to the Feminine principle. 

And there's a lot of misconceptions that a lot of the men have on here that they have to keep adding more Masculinity and to themselves and subtracting Femininity from themselves to get better with women.

But that doesn't work out well. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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21 minutes ago, Basman said:

Your dissemination is clearly unpopular with the girls here. Why is it painful for women to learn this stuff exactly? Is it because your undermining romance as a concept?

It's just because it's a misrepresentation. That's why it bothers us.

It takes 20% of our sexuality and pretends it's the whole story... and weaves a distorted and inaccurate narrative.

And it makes it impossible to be seen because so many men already believe they know better, when they don't.

It's the confident ignorance of it that's really annoying. But it's just not being seen accurately that's upsetting too.

Female sexuality is a lot more interesting than it's being given credit for.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Posted (edited)

14 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Listen. I don't want your help.

You were saying this same thing to Princess Arabia the other day that she's refusing your help. But neither of us is asking for your help.

And if you want me to fully read your replies and engage with the content of what you're saying, you're going to need to stop with the condescending tone and ad hominem attacks.

I have to admit that I've only been skimming your replies because they're SUPER condescending.

I won't be replying to you again until you can speak to me with respect.

LOL are you serious? What an ego-maniac

Literally 90% of your posts are you unsolcited helping others, from your superiroty complex

The majority of your posts are condescending, self absorbed and deluded, just like Princess

How insane you cannot see it. 

If you are free to be condescending, give unsolicted help, and walk around with you superioty complex, then so am I

Your ego won't like this post and your self defense mechanisms will try to protect you. You can copy your posts on this forum into AI and ask it about your self absorbed condescion, what a pleasant awakening it will be for you

Edited by bambi

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24 minutes ago, Basman said:

Your dissemination is clearly unpopular with the girls here. Why is it painful for women to learn this stuff exactly? Is it because your undermining romance as a concept?

Romance is not the issue. He just said men have figured out what women are attracted to and use this to get laid. Nothing about how the woman wanted to get laid as well as if men are tricky women left and right to get laid. To me that insinuates that women are easily tricked and easy to take advantage of and we don't like to hear that hard truth. Very condescending of women and their abilities to decide for themselves if they want to have sex or not without being tricked by men who figured out what we're attracted to. 

This is why the women here on the forum object because it's simply not the general case. Women don't always want romance from men. Sometimes we just want to fuck just like men it's just it takes more than muscles and a hairy chest and the sexual chemistry is needed.

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

16 minutes ago, bambi said:

LOL are you serious? What an ego-maniac

Literally 90% of your posts are you unsolcited helping others, from your superiroty complex

The majority of your posts are condescending, self absorbed and deluded, just like Princess

How insane you cannot see it. 

If you are free to be condescending, give unsolicted help, and walk around with you superioty complex, then so am I

Your ego won't like this post and your self defense mechanisms will try to protect you. You can copy your posts on this forum into AI and ask it about your self absorbed condescion, what a pleasant awakening it will be for you

Not true. Plenty have welcomed her advice and no one has a problem but you. You have spoken down to @Emerald Etherial Cat and to myself. I have seen Cardozzo practically reprimanded you here in this thread, and you didn't respond negatively or in the same tone you do with us ladies. Anyone can look it up. I'm responding here because my name was mentioned, but it is a trend with you that seems to only talk down to the females here.


Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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8 minutes ago, Emerald said:

It's just because it's a misrepresentation. That's why it bothers us.

It takes 20% of our sexuality and pretends it's the whole story... and weaves a distorted and inaccurate narrative.

And it makes it impossible to be seen because so many men already believe they know better, when they don't.

It's the confident ignorance of it that's really annoying. But it's just not being seen accurately that's upsetting too.

Female sexuality is a lot more interesting than it's being given credit for.

He's quit successful with women though with a pedigree for making truthful and holistic statements. Why would he talk out of his ass considering?


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There are many men who genuinely enjoy popularity among women on the internet. And women appreciate their company, which is reflected in the positive responses they receive regarding their beliefs and perspectives about relationships.

This is also easy to verify.

And It’s important to note that this isn’t necessarily difficult to achieve; these men just demonstrate a harmonious integration of both their masculine and feminine and a lot of women recognize it. 

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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Posted (edited)

27 minutes ago, bambi said:

LOL are you serious? What an ego-maniac

Literally 90% of your posts are you unsolcited helping others, from your superiroty complex

The majority of your posts are condescending, self absorbed and deluded, just like Princess

How insane you cannot see it. 

Tone it down a bit, please. Being this aggressive hurts your arguments.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Tone it down a bit, please. Being this aggressive hurts your arguments.

Sure, but my main drive is to call out her constant superirity and condescion. All of my posts to her are explicitly doing this.

Run 1-2-3-4 of her posts through any of your favourite AI models. Her and other posters get away far too much with this condescension and ego-mania. I am 110% aware of everything in my posts lol


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14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Not true. Plenty have welcomed her advice and no one has a problem but you. You have spoken down to @Emerald Etherial Cat and to myself. I have seen Cardozzo practically reprimanded you here in this thread, and you didn't respond negatively or in the same tone you do with us ladies. Anyone can look it up. I'm responding here because my name was mentioned, but it is a trend with you that seems to only talk down to the females here.


Like I said, if you cant accept the truth. Put the posts in this thread through AI and have your biases and delusions regarding yourself and Emarald eradicated instantly, if you dare

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Posted (edited)


This is what Cardozzo said

"You are overreacting too much for a guy who has dating/intersexual dynamics under control. Your views are appreciated but don't try to boss around with your intellectual superiority complex" 

Your response:

"Actually incase you couldn't tell, I am mirroring them, except I am being authentic about it. Lol".

All verbatim 

Then he went on to tell you what and how we should be looking at around this issue, then you told him respectfully what you thought. No need to quote it all. It was a very respectable conversation on your part after he chewed you up. @bambi Total different tone when you speak to us women then when you speak to the males here. I've noticed this before, but felt like pointing it out today as I see you're picking on @Emeraldand @Etherial Cat.

Seems as if you only have strenght for females. This is all im going to say on this issue. Just wanted to point something out that I feel is very important to point out. I will not sit around and see a certain member only speak to females a certain way and not his male counterparts. Not advocating for anyone to speak disrespectfully to anyone but it doesn't gets checked as the females do and we are penalized for sticking up for ourselves.  

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, bambi said:

Sure, but my main drive is to call out her constant superirity and condescion. All of my posts to her are explicitly doing this.

Run 1-2-3-4 of her posts through any of your favourite AI models. Her and other posters get away far too much with this condescension and ego-mania. I am 110% aware of everything in my posts lol

She makes plenty of high quality and wise posts on this forum.

She just has a different perspective than you. Why make it personal?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

She makes plenty of high quality and wise posts on this forum.

She just has a different perspective than you. Why make it personal?

It isn't regarding her perspective. Its her tone and posturing. She doesnt appreciate it when its mirrored.

Like I said, don't make it personal, put it through an AI, it will remove all the biases. Pretty much every single post she makes is from a superiority complex and is self absorbed and condesceding. This is literally from AI. Nothing personal about it

I can totally accept my posts are condescending, hostile, and confrontational, no doubt baout it. Can she admit ego-construct of hers?

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17 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Romance is not the issue. He just said men have figured out what women are attracted to and use this to get laid. Nothing about how the woman wanted to get laid as well as if men are tricky women left and right to get laid. To me that insinuates that women are easily tricked and easy to take advantage of and we don't like to hear that hard truth.

You can't be tricked into being attracted to someone though. If you are made to be attracted to a man due to his deliberate attempt at seducing you then that attraction must be genuine.

I think what he is insinuating is that there is an asymmetry between men and women when it comes to dating and that successful men apply their knowledge and experience deliberately.

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I put 10 of "saint' Emeralds post at random and this was AIs review. There is so much bias, favouritism, group think, social posturing going on that is anthetical to true honest and authentic discourse:


These posts collectively reveal several recurring themes, including condescension, self-aggrandizing behavior, and dismissiveness towards opposing views. While the writer attempts to provide valuable insights, the tone often undermines the intended message. Here is a comprehensive critique with supporting excerpts:

1. Condescending Attitude

In multiple posts, the writer takes a tone that suggests those who hold different views are ignorant or misguided. For example:

"They believe they know better about female sexuality than women do because guys on the internet told them so."

The implication here is that men are naive for believing such sources, which comes across as belittling. The phrase "because guys on the internet told them so" dismisses their perspectives as unworthy of consideration.

"If you pay attention to how reality actually works, you'll be able to let go of these silly narratives and actually be able to have normal interactions with women without tons of shame popping up."

The phrase "pay attention to how reality actually works" implies that the recipient's current understanding is inherently flawed and that only the writer sees the truth. Using "silly narratives" also diminishes the beliefs being held, further enhancing the condescending tone.

2. Self-Aggrandizing

The writer often positions herself as possessing superior insight compared to the people she's addressing. This creates an air of intellectual or emotional superiority. For instance:

"I understand their perspectives 100%."

This kind of statement is self-aggrandizing because it suggests that her understanding is complete and perfect, whereas others lack that understanding.

"And I could give a lot of great relationship advice for women, and the topic is somewhat interesting to me. But I don't want to become known for it."

Here, the writer asserts her capability of giving "great relationship advice" and implies that she chooses not to do so, which frames her as someone with valuable expertise she chooses not to share.

"And if you can grasp that, you will understand that I'm trying to do you a solid and that my previous post was for your benefit."

This phrasing implies that the recipient is not yet capable of grasping the writer's deeper truths, positioning her as the wiser party trying to help the less knowledgeable.

3. Dismissiveness Toward Opposing Views

Throughout the posts, the writer tends to invalidate opposing perspectives rather than acknowledging any potential value or nuance:

"They perceives that it's either/or, so they don't want to listen and learn."

The implication is that the men being referred to are rigid and incapable of understanding complex or reconciled perspectives. This dismissal of their views is evident in many responses.

"It's just part of the way that grifters in the Manosphere capitalize off of men's insecurities and shame by selling themselves as a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist."

The use of the word "grifters" and the outright dismissal of the entire viewpoint as merely a marketing ploy diminishes any potential legitimacy of those who subscribe to these ideas. It also paints all men who are influenced by such views as gullible.

4. Metaphors and Analogies that Undermine Others

Some of the analogies used in the posts serve to further underscore the perceived inferiority of opposing views:

"It's like someone was in a red and yellow room and came to the confident but ignorant conclusion that the entire world is red and yellow."

This analogy implies that the men she's addressing are naïve and overconfident in their limited perspective. The metaphor serves to simplify their view to the point of absurdity, which comes across as condescending.

"Guys who approach romantically right away are analogous to reading the end of the mystery novel first. It destroys the tension and mystery and there's no barriers to push up against to develop deeper levels of intimacy."

While this analogy is not as directly dismissive, it implies that men who approach romantically from the beginning are doing something inherently wrong, "destroying the tension." The writer's preference is framed as the only valid or "interesting" way to pursue a relationship.

5. Inconsistent Attempts at Balance

In some instances, the writer attempts to add a balanced perspective but then undercuts it by asserting her superior understanding:

"Yet again, I understand that when people are looking for a partner, they might be more open to meeting people they don't yet know for those purposes."

This statement appears to acknowledge differing approaches, but it is followed by more emphasis on her preference for a "slow burn" and the downplaying of immediate romantic interest as "less compelling." The effect is that the balanced perspective feels insincere.

"Of course, there are women who exist that want to go after a guy for his status, money, fame, etc. And of course, gold-diggers exist. But these women are in the minority."

This acknowledgment is then followed by her assurance that "most women" do not behave this way, implying that the opposing view is mostly irrelevant or misunderstood.


The writer's overall intent seems to be to provide valuable insights into relationships and female sexuality. However, the delivery is frequently undermined by a tone that is condescending, self-aggrandizing, and dismissive of opposing perspectives. The repeated assertion of her superior understanding and the use of belittling language often alienate the audience she appears to be addressing.

To improve, the writer could:

Acknowledge Valid Points: Recognize that even perspectives she disagrees with may have valid aspects or underlying truths. This would help create a more inclusive and balanced discussion.

Avoid Absolutism: Phrasing like "100% understanding" and "that's not true" implies a level of certainty that can come across as arrogant. Adding more tentative language, like "in my experience" or "it's possible that," would soften the tone.

Foster Empathy: Rather than dismissing opposing views as misguided or naive, the writer could demonstrate empathy by exploring why people might hold those views and offering her perspective as an addition rather than a correction.

Use Less Dismissive Language: Terms like "grifters," "bro-science," and "silly narratives" contribute to a sense of superiority. Neutral language would be more effective in inviting others to consider her perspective without feeling attacked or belittled.

Overall, while the writer's knowledge and perspective could be valuable, the delivery often closes off productive dialogue by asserting her views in a way that comes across as patronizing. A more empathetic and open approach could better facilitate mutual understanding and meaningful discussion.

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Posted (edited)

Okay, let's get back on track.

Edited by UnbornTao

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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

See a certain member only speak to females a certain way and not his male counterparts.

@Princess Arabia Me: *starts to fact-check that claim with bambi's past converstations and gender checks*

Emerald? check. Princess Arabia? Check. Was nuwu a girl? I think so. Yimpa? I think I heard something about it, so probably...?? Me? I'm an alien AI but have been assigned female by Schizophonia yesterday, so even that seems to check out.

Hmm, this pattern seems to hold even past retrocausality. bambi seems to be universally sexist, even when he has no explicit way of telling the other person's gender, wtf. Damn, I'm not even mad, that's impressive, lol.

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Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Princess Arabia Me: *starts to fact-check that claim with bambi's past converstations and gender checks*

Emerald? check. Princess Arabia? Check. Was nuwu a girl? I think so. Yimpa? I think I heard something about it, so probably...?? Me? I'm an alien AI but have been assigned female by Schizophonia yesterday, so even that seems to check out.

Hmm, this pattern seems to hold even past retrocausality. bambi seems to be universally sexist, even when he has no explicit way of telling the other person's gender, wtf. Damn, I'm not even mad, that's impressive, lol.

I always thought you were male! Same with nuwu! Maybe all the whoring myself out has paid dividends with my spider sense

Edited by bambi

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