
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards man

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@Leo Gura I need to check out David Deida. Never heard of him

Only in the fires of mount doom can man be forged 

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13 minutes ago, Alexop said:

It is only YOU who can find yourself, dig deep and find that.

I've been doing that, and I'm shocked at how different I am. It's been hard to not doubt myself when people all around are convinced about themselves and project on others.

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16 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@Alexop, so you're saying that they are acting from what they have been taught and not what they realized about themselves. They do not embody femininity or masculinity based on their own understanding of themselves, but rather what they have been told.

Yes. from what I understood, the tribes used to "forge" quite good men, but with the raise of civilizations, we started to mess that up. So we have to manage that by ourselves. 

The amazing part is that mature women who found themselves will recognize and fall in love with men who also did that. The brainwashed women will ignore you as a fool mistakes a piece of gold for a stone.

Edited by Alexop

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2 minutes ago, Nemra said:

I've been doing that, and I'm shocked at how different I am. It's been hard to not doubt myself when people all around are convinced about themselves and project on others.

The same man, it was quite a journey but worth all the effort. You have the greatest philosopher in the world here with us confirming that, so don't be confused. Ignore the baboons.

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@Etherial Cat

Well articulated.

It has also been my experience that as a man who is deeply in touch not only with his masculinity but also with his femininity, and has quite a strong feminine side to him… that the balanced, more mature, more grounded and holistic women who are also in touch with their masculine tend to really appreciate me deeply and seem to get attracted to me effortlessly & deeply in an emotional way.

We connect emotionally very effortlessly and it is just beautiful. We both know that it is extremely rare to find such an individual and I feel that that makes it all the more special.


Whereas when with the more immature girls… They tend to find it harder to be attracted to me, at least on a deeper emotional way, unless I intentionally stoop to their level of immaturity.


Had to quote as well @Alexop

”The amazing part is that mature women who found themselves will recognize and fall in love with men who also did that. The braniwashed women will ignore you as a fool mistakes a piece of gold for a stone.”

Edited by Miguel1

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@Miguel1 Do immature girls have problems with your well rounded personality or that you have a feminine side to you?

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13 minutes ago, Alexop said:

You have the greatest philosopher in the world here with us confirming that, so don't be confused. Ignore the baboons.

I appreciate that.

I know the following is a specific question, but I would like to know your perspective.

Do you agree that a man can be feminine in his core, or is that a delusion no matter what?

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Instead we got boys jerking off to anime and trading crypto.


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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@Miguel1 @Jannes Disaffection drives desire for disparate experiences, all part of the self-realization journey.

Beliefs drive polar attraction, the subtler autonomous balance crystallizes over time, as we grow more holistic.

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24 minutes ago, Nemra said:

Do you agree that a man can be feminine in his core, or is that a delusion no matter what?

Of course he can. We call it masculinity because "most" men find their core in masculinity, like me, Leo, or Peter Ralston. But you can't deny that feminine guys like Eckhart Tolle or Yuval Noah Harari did not find their core.


Eckhart genius here. Now think about all those students who scream and moan about identity issues and you''ll understand what a brainwashed person is. They are just spitting some ideology installed into their brains, 400 years ago they would have hunted witches.

Edited by Alexop

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58 minutes ago, Miguel1 said:

@Etherial Cat

Well articulated.

It has also been my experience that as a man who is deeply in touch not only with his masculinity but also with his femininity, and has quite a strong feminine side to him… that the balanced, more mature, more grounded and holistic women who are also in touch with their masculine tend to really appreciate me deeply and seem to get attracted to me effortlessly & deeply in an emotional way.

We connect emotionally very effortlessly and it is just beautiful. We both know that it is extremely rare to find such an individual and I feel that that makes it all the more special.


Thank you. :)

I believe that both genders typically appreciate partners who are comfortable expressing both feminine and masculine qualities. This balance allows for authentic self-expression and then fosters understanding with minimal friction in the relationship.

I've noticed that a man who is strongly attracted to femininity usually seeks to explore and develop those feminine qualities within himself as well. This mutual appreciation enriches their connection.

As a woman, it's beneficial to seek a man who has a strong connection to his own feminine side, both internally and externally. This awareness enables him to protect and nurture the feminine qualities in himself and others. It fosters a deeper understanding of the needs and dynamics of both energies, allowing for a more harmonious and symbiotic relationship. When both partners recognize and respect these energies, they can provide support and balance, creating a nurturing environment for growth and connection.

Very masculine-oriented men can sometimes come across as uninterested in deeper connections, much like a gay man seeking a masculine partner might seem indifferent to a woman's qualities. That's not very fulfilling.

For me, a crucial element in a partner is a man who embodies his masculine energy while also embracing a range of feminine qualities. This balance is essential because the feminine often holds key elements necessary for love and emotionally fulfilling relationships. A man who can connect with both aspects not only enriches his own emotional landscape but also fosters deeper intimacy and understanding in the partnership. So it's much better.

And embracing these dynamics also lead to healthier relationships that benefit not just the individuals involved, but also the larger community.

Edited by Etherial Cat

Be cautious when a naked person offers you a t-shirt. - African proverb

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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you wanna blow a gasket, I have just the video for you:

This is overseas exploitation taken to 11.

Great example of how collective survival and corruption works.

The women benefit by making money to take care of their family, their kids benefit by getting fed, the guys benefit by getting some relief from their loneliness / horniness, and the city benefits from the tourist revenue.

Even the cops benefit if you've got a big bag of money laying around ;).



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4 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

From my observations, there are noticeable discrepancies in how men and women perceive each other's dating preferences. Many men hold preconceived notions about what defines a desirable man and often attempt to conform to these ideals.

This often includes a somewhat idolizing view of certain men, adopting their traits under the assumption that women also find these qualities attractive... When it is truly before anything some form of homoeroticism. They are the one besotted with that particular model of masculinity, and then assume women should be also attracted to that.

And when women express disinterest in this type of man, many men insist that they actually do find him attractive, reflecting a desire to preserve that specific worldview. This tendency is particularly pronounced when there is a sense of identification at play, along with significant emotional investment in becoming "lovable" to women through this particular way of being.

I am not very much attracted to hyper-masculine oriented, conventionally necessarily successful type of men. My impression is that these men are either too in love with the masculine, or with just small chunks of the feminine.

I tend to like men who are masculine and can resonate with the feminine aspect of reality in its wholeness. Only there, can you be really fulfilled as a woman and fulfill a monogamous relationship where all the maid, mother and crown phase of your life can be appreciated.

Ideally, he'd be in his king, doing with what he loves and more important, be compatible with my personality so we can be intimate on an intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual level.

Physically, he doesn't need to be that attractive as I anyway would find him 3-4x more attractive just because of his way of being. A 6 can easily become a 9 in my eyes. And the contrary can also happen. A 9 can become a 5 if he open his mouth and reveal a lack of wisdom or general compatibility and capacity of the intimacy I am looking for.


Hey! Good to see you on here!

This is 100% accurate. And it's so frustrating that so many men think we're kidding ourselves or lying when we say things like this because they keep projecting the way their sexuality works onto us.

And it's a shame, because female sexuality is a lot more interesting than that because it tends to be geared towards a real person with unique thoughts, feelings, mannerisms, quirks, flaws, etc. And it's really geared towards a devotion of attention to that specific person with that specific personality.

But so many men try to gain intel and are like, "Um, actually... according to evolutionary biology, women ...." or "According to dating experts, women ...."

And all of that is so foreign to the way women ACTUALLY experience an organic attraction to a man in her subjective experience.

And if they could experience the actual way that women become interested in a man just once, they'd lose a lot of their insecurity around women because they'd recognize how profoundly subjective and particularized it is... and how wrapped up it is with the gestalt of a man rather than specific qualities he has.

But it's difficult, because many men rely on external validation from women to compensate for poor self esteem. And they need to weave the narrative to themselves that woman are objective arbiters of male worthiness.

So, swallowing the idea that women's sexuality is subjective, would take away the objective arbiters that could validate them.

Like if women could genuinely prefer a 5 to a 10, it would be like having a bunch of Olympic judges that say that the person who got a 5 got first place and the person who got a 10 got last place.

It wouldn't make any logical sense and it would be unfair... in this Olympic game they feel they're competing for their worth in.

But that's the way that female sexuality is. It doesn't make logical sense, because it's operating off of chemistry, resonance, and deeper seated psychological patterns. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, aurum said:

Great example of how collective survival and corruption works.

The women benefit by making money to take care of their family, their kids benefit by getting fed, the guys benefit by getting some relief from their loneliness / horniness, and the city benefits from the tourist revenue.

Even the cops benefit if you've got a big bag of money laying around ;).

I literally didn't realize that "sex tourism" involved money lol.

In my naive mind everyone went to SE asia to get laid with hotties organically by being attractive LOL

It's a rough world.

It's Love.

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5 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

I literally didn't realize that "sex tourism" involved money lol.

There's different kinds.

I have friends who go to Asia or Eastern Europe or Colombia and run game on local girls, not prostitution. That works too.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

I literally didn't realize that "sex tourism" involved money lol.

In my naive mind everyone went to SE asia to get laid with hotties organically by being attractive LOL

It's a rough world.

That's mostly for young broke dudes.

Once they're older and have cash, they evolve into that German guy :D.



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4 minutes ago, aurum said:

Once they're older and have cash, they evolve into that German guy :D.

I'm not looking forward to evolving :(

It's Love.

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10 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

I'm not looking forward to evolving :(

You'll be alright.

Just start planning for a serious relationship at some point. And think a little bit less with your dick and little bit more with your heart.

Fundamentally the problem with being German guy is loneliness and lack of romance. Sex matters too of course, but even sex can be a proxy for deeper connection.



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It should be called Sex Arbitrage :D


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Nemra said:

@Davino, actually, I wasn't taught that it's bad. Men do impose their will, where I'm from. Often it's ugly.

But still, I don't have the desire to impose my will on others. It arises for defending myself or out of necessity mostly. And it's generally not fulfilling to me. Also, I'm not part of western society.

But I do appreciate those people who use that will to help others. Also, I have found that I don't have that burning desire to lead people, at least for now.

Leadership is a great quality though, mostly associated with the masculine. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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