
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards man

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

In very simple terms, everyone is attracted to the best they can get. Like how everyone is attracted to the lowest price they can find.

It's nothing personal. At an auction everyone is trying to pay the lowest price for the best goods, and we'll just have to see who wins what for how much.

I find that the desire to be kind of painful personally. Like, it feels like there so much uncertainty whether or not you can et what you want and its so easy to feel like you feel short of what others want in my experience.

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7 hours ago, Emerald said:

I elaborated above.

He was claiming that all women just go for the top 20% of guys and that all other men are invisible.

And that's not true. Most women are attracted to guys who are evenly matched with themselves.

The problem is looking at things purely from a biological perspective, when it's would be far better to understand all the complexities and nuances of being a vulnerable, living, breathing, feeling human being.

And this is what is missed with the bro-science perspectives.

So, women aren't just biological robots that are programmed to be attracted to the top 20% of guys.

We are fundamentally operating from a more subjective and emotional space. And most women just get attracted to a guy she feels good around. And for the average woman, she will be attracted to the average guy.

This is what some just can't understand.

Know thyself....

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8 hours ago, Lyubov said:

I’m going to go off again and say any of you who are struggling to date in one of these countries 

USA, UK, Canada, Australia 

Should just leave for a better country: 
Argentina, Colombia, Brasil, Russia, Belarus, Thailand, Indonesia, etc… (there are more). Even Central Europe, Spain, Mexico, Eastern Europe, South Korea, are huge steps up. 

It is very difficult to meet women who will value you in the USA if you living as an isolated incel on the autism spectrum, adhd, etc. it’s a nuanced topic but you’re much better going abroad and you will see what it means to actually have a woman value you, and that can kick start a ton of momentum to resolve all those inner issues. 

I can write up a guide for anyone interested on this. Don’t waste your time in USA, it’s a losing game for the vast majority of you. Unless you’re already really extroverted and know how to pull and have a lifestyle or network that allows you to, don’t bother building it in the USA it’s far too expensive and the dating market is awful. 

If you’re looking for a spiral tier 2 life partner though I personally believe my above advice matters less since by just walking your tier 2 path you will attract them along the way, however I don’t really go about dating like this. I look for beauty and then compatibility. It may be different for many seekers or people going deep in their spirituality here but I enjoy a relationship for what it is and as long as the sex is good, she’s beautiful,  and we share the same interests for travel, and she’s an honest communicator who is loving and charming, I’m set. I’m not looking for something philosophically deep in my relationships. That’s what this forum is for, that’s what books are for. 

Except for the countries part,(only because I think it's just a matter of preference), spoken like a true man of status. I can tell you have class and is a man of status. This is how they usually speak about the women they are looking for.

Know thyself....

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is what some just can't understand.

It's really unfortunate. Dating would be so much easier for them if they did genuinely grasp the subjectivity of how women experience attraction.

It would be horrible to be under the impression that, if I'm not in the top 20% of women, no men will be interested in me. It would create lots of shame and scarcity.... and would take a huge toll on my self-esteem.

And it would feel like I have a need that's impossible for me to meet just because I am me and not someone more attractive.

And that's the type of propaganda that so many men are exposed to. And it echoes back to them their insecurities about how "A woman may settle for you, but she'll always prefer Chad." or "No woman will ever notice you if you're not in the top 20% of men."

I honestly don't know how men can even talk to a woman with all these inaccurate insecurity provoking beliefs about women. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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People mostly date based on unconscious survival advantage. 



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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

This is just from a man's perspective.

No, for everyone.


Women aren't going around saying, this is what I can get so I'm attracted to him.

Of course it doesn't work in such a silly way. It's all unconscious. A woman has no idea why she is attracted, but she is attracted to value. And things which have no value to her she simply ignores without even thinking about it. None of this is calculated logically or even brought into conscious awareness.

Women have an intuitive sense of what is under-valued for them and they simply ignore such men.

Feelings and emotions are driven by value. Just because you feel something and never think about value doesn't mean value isn't at play. Feelings run women, and women largely have no idea of the logic behind why those feelings exist and what their survival purpose is.

Feelings are mostly unconscious survival.

And of course a woman is not going to agree to such a cold and calculated explanation of feelings, because in her experience it doesn't feel cold nor calculated.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No, for everyone.

Of course it doesn't work in such a silly way. It's all unconscious. A woman has no idea why she is attracted, but she is attracted to value. And things which have no value to her she simply ignores without even thinking about it. None of this is calculated logically or even brought into conscious awareness.

Women have an intuitive sense of what is under-valued for them and they simply ignore such men.

Feelings and emotions are driven by value. Just because you feel something and never think about value doesn't mean value isn't at play. Feelings run women, and women largely have no idea of the logic behind why those feelings exist and what their survival purpose is.

Feelings are mostly unconscious survival.

And of course a woman is not going to agree to such a cold and calculated explanation of feelings, because in her experience it doesn't feel cold nor calculated.

Just because some women like men of status, doesn't mean they are physically attracted to those men. Women's attraction isn't based on value, unconscious or not, it's based off of feelings; so if how she feels is valuable to her then OK. A lot of women are out here getting attracted to men who are of no value to them; she's just going off of her emotions and feelings and then later on, when all that settles down, she realizes he's of no value, if he isn't. Then she's like "what the hell was i thinking", she wasn't.

I didn't realize feelings had logic behind it. Thought it was ether logic and reason or feelings and intuition. Maybe that's all just semantics. 

Know thyself....

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2 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

@Lyubov elite passport bro rhetoric

I don’t like being called this because I was doing this 8 years before this term was coined. I don’t consider myself a passport bro. I don’t like being a part of this group and I’ve integrated well every place I lived abroad. Passport bros tend to be make tourists who go abroad and engage in prostitution. 

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Feelings and emotions are driven by value.

This is the core of game.

Players know how to trigger that response because they know it is not a choice.

Once you press her buttons, she is on fire.

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Except for the countries part,(only because I think it's just a matter of preference), spoken like a true man of status. I can tell you have class and is a man of status. This is how they usually speak about the women they are looking for.

Thank you for the compliment. 
It’s just my preference and lived experience. Seems like a lot of guys had the same lived experience. I didn’t even have a huge problem attracting some cute girls in the USA but I did notice a difference in values. I just feel like I’m valued more abroad for being a man where in the USA it’s like this gender role is constantly under scrutiny 

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14 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

I don’t like being called this because I was doing this 8 years before this term was coined. I don’t consider myself a passport bro. I don’t like being a part of this group and I’ve integrated well every place I lived abroad. Passport bros tend to be make tourists who go abroad and engage in prostitution. 

Damn, I made that comment with love though.

Why not fly to SE Asia if you want to bang SE Asian women??

It's perfectly reasonable and there's no shame.

It's Love.

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1 hour ago, Emerald said:

It's really unfortunate. Dating would be so much easier for them if they did genuinely grasp the subjectivity of how women experience attraction.

It would be horrible to be under the impression that, if I'm not in the top 20% of women, no men will be interested in me. It would create lots of shame and scarcity.... and would take a huge toll on my self-esteem.

And it would feel like I have a need that's impossible for me to meet just because I am me and not someone more attractive.

And that's the type of propaganda that so many men are exposed to. And it echoes back to them their insecurities about how "A woman may settle for you, but she'll always prefer Chad." or "No woman will ever notice you if you're not in the top 20% of men."

I honestly don't know how men can even talk to a woman with all these inaccurate insecurity provoking beliefs about women. 

So many men love really attractive women, but sometimes when those women decide to date them and are really into them, if they are average guys, they start to wonder what does she see in me or become very insecure in the relationship not realizing there's something there that sparks her fancy other than what he thinks she should like or be into. 

Men will judge themselves negatively and eliminate themselves before even giving the woman a chance. Many times I've had men say to me I know you have a bf or man, where's he at, or how they can't afford a woman like me or they're too old for me or too short or whatever. They have told me what I'm looking for indirectly. Secretly I'd be like thanking them for eliminating themselves before me wasting time with all those insecurities. I can deal with being insecure about your hair or your little fat stomach or your big toe, but those insecurities i mentioned is telling me that you're not confident in yourself enough and would put me through it to have to prove why I like you so much and your suspicions would start to kick in as to why I'm with you and probably be the jealous type. Just come to me straight and direct and let me decide for myself. 

When a woman is looking for love or she's in the market to fall in love, or wants to feel that spark, her "logic button" is turned off; it's when she's trying to get married or looking for security off the bat, is when she turns the "logic button" back on.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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16 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

it’s like this gender role is constantly under scrutiny 

You mean like women having power and autonomy?




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46 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Women's attraction isn't based on value, unconscious or not, it's based off of feelings;

Feelings are based on value.

When you see a 50% sale on your fave food, you feel excited. Because you are getting free value. And so it is when you see a high value man.

You just aren't conscious of why you feel what you feel.

Contemplate why you don't feel excited to sleep with a pig and you will quickly understand what I'm saying.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Does real love even exist within human relationships? It seems all transactional and based on mutual survival. To be honest I thought I had unconditional love for my ex gf but if she was fat I wouldn’t love her in the same way. I was just bullshitting myself that my love was divine and transcended  


Edited by AION

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9 minutes ago, AION said:

Does real love even exist within human relationships? It seems all transactional and based on mutual survival. To be honest I thought I had unconditional love for my ex gf but if she was fat I wouldn’t love her in the same way. I was just bullshitting myself that my love was divine and transcended  


Don't feel bad; it's normal for the limited human. Real love exists, but it's Universal and is already the case. What humans are doing is just expressions of that Love. It's impossible for humans to have unconditional love for anything in form because of it's nature. You loving your gf only because she's of ideal weight in your eyes is only natural. Don't look to try and love anything unconditionally because you're not capable. It's like expecting a piece of an apple to be a whole apple. The whole, of which you're apart of, is already unconditional love.

Know thyself....

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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Feelings are based on value.

When you see a 50% sale on your fave food, you feel excited. Because you are getting free value. And so it is when you see a high value man.

You just aren't conscious of why you feel what you feel.

Contemplate why you don't feel excited to sleep with a pig and you will quickly understand what I'm saying.

I don't get excited just because I see a high-value man. For me, it takes more than that.

So, how would you put all what you're saying when a woman sees a low-value man and gets excited because she just loves the way he looks. Plenty of women are in love with men who are bums. Where is the value there in her excitement. BTW, that pig analogy speaks for itself.

Edited by Princess Arabia

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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

just loves the way he looks.

Looks is the biggest form of value in mating.

No woman "just" likes a man. She only likes him to the extent that he has value to her.

This is why guys talk about value. Because the most important way for a guy to attract girls is to raise his value. Once his value is raised girls flock to him when otherwise they ignored him. And then when he tells the girl that she likes him due to his higher value she will deny it because she has not conscious understanding of why she feels whatever she feels. She doesn't even care to know. She just assumes she likes him for some superficial reasons.

Your explaination of how mating works is so superficial it's downright offensive to God's design. As if a living organism can just feel things without it being connected to survival. No! Survival is the only reason you feel anything about anything. Feelings are not cute arbitrary things. Feelings are dead serious. There's no room in feelings for bullshit. Feelings are how animals survive.

A woman doesn't even see a low value man. She is blind to such men. That's how serious value is.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Looks is the biggest form of value in mating.

Ok, I see what you mean by value.

Know thyself....

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20 minutes ago, AION said:

Does real love even exist within human relationships? It seems all transactional and based on mutual survival. To be honest I thought I had unconditional love for my ex gf but if she was fat I wouldn’t love her in the same way. I was just bullshitting myself that my love was divine and transcended  

Your girlfriend doesn't need unconditional love. Your limited, human love will do just fine.



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