
Too many perspectives

19 posts in this topic

I am afraid of attachment to perspectives, I see everything from as many perspectives as I can, so much so that if I do not have a perspective I become rather paralysed.

This tendency that perhaps others on the forum can relate to can be seen as a discomfort with ambiguity as much as it can be seen as comfort with ambiguity.

The multiplicity of perspectives enables me to accurately richly predict certain outcomes, what I am wondering is how do you deal with being unable to act when you do not have a distinct idea of what the consequences will be, have you found any consistent patterns associated with that situation? Have you for example found that being more attached to a particular perspective helpful to deal with the paralysis?

The reason I ask is that I would like to gather some concrete real world anecdotes on similar situations.

edit: a few inaccuracies. 

Edited by Reciprocality

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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Give some concrete examples.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@ReciprocalityYou are taking outside and putting it inside. Keep outside out and inside in and focus on in.

I found I do it but because I was abused when I was a child. When this happens it makes me focus on everything around me. I have to predict unpredictable things because my parents abused me I had to constantly be vigilant. This is exhausting for the mind as I literally cant be where I am I am constantly mapping out reality and paying attention to everything around me.

I was constantly focusing on what people were doing and making up what they were doing was bad and making up stories about how it was my fault even tho nothing was happening. All of this unconsciously to everyone I ever met. I was questioning every single face movement of people around me and blaming myself.

You could be doing this because of abuse as its a survival tactic.

Edited by Hojo

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Reminds me of my desire to understand all of reality that I tried to capture with psychedelics.

Now, whatever I was fascinated by, would instantly materialize in an infinity of metaphysical content, conveyed matter-of-factly through familiar YouTube channels, as if everyone was integrated into an alien hive mind. I had the desire to understand everything, but even with meta as baseline, and instantaneous comprehension, the act of traversal still took time and the scope was too vast, it would never end.

Imagine a metamorphic creature that exists in hyperspace and freely invents new physics, systems, and mechanics that it turns into a holon that seamlessly and instantaneously synchronizes with every other holon that has been created and exponentially infinitizes the already infinite possible combinations before, each holon is copy-pasted across multiple spatial and non-spatial dimensions to infinity like a fractal mirror that represents infinite spheres arranged in relation to each other on all dimensions, and both into microscopic and macroscopic scales, forming holarchies.

Each holon is a unique qualia/mechanism/quality, that interconnects across layers and holarchies with all others and forms new overarching layers of abstractions that each turn into their own singular holons to repeat the process infinitely, evolving novelty and totally unbound by any physical constraints, since the very system simulating them evolves to seamlessly and awarely navigate the new complexity by being it and understanding itself by traversing fractal holarchies it is a part of and grows in the process of rearranging itself recursively.


When you get a datastream like that, you'll understand experientially why it's non-sense to stress about analyzing everything, every perspective is finite and arbitrary in the face of infinity, we do the best we can and don't know and that's fine, doesn't mean we can't explore, but whether you are holding perspectives or not, your mind is always evolving through both knowing and unknowing, each an exercise, no need to stop your enthusiasm. Just be aware that it's a dynamic process and let go of needing to maintain coherent perspectives all the time.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

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Stay with the perspectives of love and peace and calmness

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Give some concrete examples.

@Leo Gura So right now I am unable to imagine concrete examples of the paralysis that happens when too many perspectives interferes with the decision making process, which is almost self-referential.

I imagine that the failure of providing examples of the very problem I am contending with implies that I have falsely identified the problem itself, but another perspective tells me that not all problems can be reduced to a concrete level of information-exchange and that this could be one of those situations.

Another perspective tells me that to even ask for concrete examples is ridiculous in this context and another perspective tells me that someone may think that it is ridiculous to think that it is ridiculous. 

If you consider this reply to be a decision then it funnily answers your question, especially if you consider that I almost did not post it at all.

Edited by Reciprocality

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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44 minutes ago, Hojo said:

ou are taking outside and putting it inside. Keep outside out and inside in and focus on in.

@HojoThe last couple of months I have integrated far more of the outside, with apparent positive effects on my well being. And unless you meant something else by the quoted segment then I think this suggestion does not apply to my situation.

In the context of the unquoted part of the reply I can definitely see the method you suggested in the quote as being an effective survival-strategy, but I am more talking about a multiplicity of perspectives on the world somewhat akin to what you can read in Keryo Koffas post.

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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There is a concept in the technical trading world called paralysis by analysis, which is when someone has so many variables that trigger a signal to a trade but there are too many that they say different things.

In mysticism, there can also be this paralyzing effect when the infinite perspectives are perceived but in this circumstance it may benefit because doing nothing can be the perfect thing to do! So maybe simply lean into and observe, we don't always have to do something.

Just be present.

If it's a matter of something in life that does require some sort of action, the most suitable choice will probably reveal itself without us having to logically reason through the variables to sort it out. The lack of attachment to being the decider of choices often simplifies the choosing.

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22 minutes ago, Atb210201 said:

Stay with the perspectives of love and peace and calmness

@Atb210201 Certainly important values in some ways, but does that address the topic? And couldnt an immense mixture of love, peace and calmness contribute to perplexity, confusion and the form of decision paralysis I try to hint at?

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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8 minutes ago, Reciprocality said:

@Atb210201 Certainly important values in some ways, but does that address the topic? And couldnt an immense mixture of love, peace and calmness contribute to perplexity, confusion and the form of decision paralysis I try to hint at?

I said it because it's always helpful to stay calm and focus on what you love the most (or what you value the most) for any decision making in the moment to moment life

It clears the way if there is confusion and doubt in your mind

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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@Reciprocality Come up with better examples or you will stay confused in your own abstractions.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's not the same issue but I remember a while back being bothered by the constraint of only being able to connect to and hold one perspective at a time and I wondered if it were possible and what it would be like to hold multiple at the same time. Seems absurd to think of it now, but this question has sat in my mind for years and till this day, I have not been able to hold more than one at a time. I can traverse them, but I can't hold more than one. lol. This seems absurd why I would even want to do this. I don't even know what the purpose would be. It's like I'm just playing around in my own world and pissed about the constraints.

Maybe with you, you're bothered you have no goal or no clear driver. If you had a clear goal, you simply choose the perspective that serves the goal. If you are uncertain which perspective does that best, you simply have to rely on probability. Life is like poker. It's a game of imperfect information. If you find yourself in a spot where you need to make a decision, you have to just take the leap with the best information you have at the time, and whatever happens, happens. 

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@Joshe What do you mean by one perspective at a time? You see in 3D, think in a trillion emergent neurons firing, navigate the world in non-linear destination mapping, gravitate to matter at the square of the mass, can easily identify a range held by two constraints (4 < x < 5), can like ice cream and still not want to eat it for other reasons, your feelings are multi-dimensional, your evaluations multi-variable, your desires dynamics, your logic evolving, your observations filtered through many layers and synchronized in many complexes, dynamically applied in multi-perspectival fashion to flash out any-thing (which is always a multi-duality), talking means learning, considering perspectives means seeing them simultaneously, any perspective is already a conglomerate of a billion micro-perspectives dynamically fusing, any time you stop to think about anything at all, you're simultaneously merging and optimizing multi-perspective-balancing.

What is the constraint you're talking about?

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

I had the desire to understand everything, but even with meta as baseline, and instantaneous comprehension, the act of traversal still took time and the scope was too vast, it would never end.

Right, had a similar experience some time ago, the intention was to achieve complete omniscience. The requisites were simple (for that state of consciousnes) – infinite explication and transcendence of time. But joke's on me, that only applies to static infinity. In the dynamic ever-generating context, time or speed aren't the constraint, infinity itself is. There's an asymptotic quality to it, the omniscience is paradoxically complete and incomplete simultaneously, it's only complete relative to the present state. Plus that infinity must also include the unknown/unknowable. 

Since then I've geared more towards exploring rather than understanding, like a consciousness tourist

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

What is the constraint you're talking about?

Basically the same constraint you mentioned about traversal. The mind operates like a single-threaded processor, processing one instruction / thought / mentation / emotion / memory / judgement / previously formed perspective, etc at a time, in linear fashion which culminates into a perspective. I was just curious if I could have multiple threads running simultaneously. This was several years back. It seems like a childish dream now. Why would I want such a thing? Efficiency, and to see what emergent phenomena might arise from it. Just dreaming, really. 

It was a "problem" I found inherent in building perspectives. Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem relevant to OP. Probably just an attempt by my ego to interject it's 2 cents. Oh well! 😂

Even if you construct grand perspectives, which can hold many things, you can't be in micro, messo, macro, and meta all at once. That's what I wanted. Multiple threads. Don't know why. 


Edited by Joshe

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21 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:

I'm a tourist now that explicit omniscience failed at dynamic infantilization and the unknowns as well

It's an infinite game, you can keep expanding and zooming out forever, but first I'll play until I get bored 😁

19 hours ago, Joshe said:

We traverse one qualia at a time to culminate perspectives like a 1 core processor or your Traversal

"[...] The surface thread along which you seem to travel is all of the thread that you perceive, so when you envision other dimensions you are forced to think in terms of observers far above the thread looking down upon it from any given viewpoint. In actuality, following the image through and strictly as an analogy, there would also be an infinite number of threads, both above and below your own, all part of one inconceivably miraculous network.

Yet each thread would not be one dimensional but of many dimensions and conceivably, if you knew how, there would be ways of leapfrogging from one thread to the other. You would not be forced to follow any particular thread in a single-line fashion. Now, there are personalities developed enough to do this. Each act of leaping, so to speak, forms a new thread. 

Following through with our analogy, imagine yourself A, we will start you off in a physical reality on thread A. Though you have already traversed many other threads to get where you are. Without shortcuts or even average progression, any such self A would travel thread A along the narrow line toward infinity.

At some point, however, thread A would turn into thread B in the same manner thread B would turn into thread C, and so forth. At some inconceivable point, all of the threads would be traversed. Now on thread A, self A would not be aware in his present of the future selves on the other threads. Only by meeting one of these other selves can he become aware of the nature of this strange structure through which he is traveling.

There is however a self who has already traveled these routes of whom the other selves are but apart. This self in dreams and dissociated conditions communicates with the various ascending selves. As this self grows in value fulfillment, he can become aware of these travelers on other threads, who would seem to him to be future selves.

All of this sounds complicated but only because we must deal with words, I hope that intuitively you will be able to understand it. In the meantime, the overall self is forming new threads of activity, you see. The frameworks that it leaves behind can be used by others. The purpose is quite simply being as opposed to non-being. I am telling you what I know and there is much I do not know, I know that help must be given one to the other, and that extension and expansion are aids to being [...]"

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Thank you @Keryo Koffa! I wasn't able to comprehend very much on first pass but I'll sit with it a while. 

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On 9/23/2024 at 5:25 PM, Reciprocality said:

have you found any consistent patterns associated with that situation? Have you for example found that being more attached to a particular perspective helpful


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I think it's very simple, from a human relative perspective if my business go, it's good, if not, it's bad. From an absolute perspective, there is no difference between anything, everything exist, that's the only perspective, because there are infinite possible perspectives, then no perspective, just existence. If you can place yourself in an absolute perspective, it's perfect, because you exist.

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