Buck Edwards

Practical techniques for anxiety megathread

4 posts in this topic

wim hof breathing




vagal nerve stretching



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I can't offer any long-term solutions but for short-term:

Buteyko breathing works well for me. 

For social and performance anxiety and if your symptoms make themselves known by sweating, red face, heart racing, etc., you can mitigate that with beta blockers, and just knowing you have those available can reduce your anxiety a lot. Depending on where you live, you can get a prescription from gokick.com. 

Also, I discovered how to make myself sneeze non-stop by stimulating the trigeminal nerve with a massager. If you do a 5-minute sneeze session, you will expel much mucus and you'll produce a lot of tears. When you're done, it will feel like you have been crying and your parasympathetic nervous system will be activated and much tension will be gone. I have used this to manage acute anxiety. It's also really good before going to sleep. 


If truth is the guide, there's no need for ideology, right or left. 

Maturity in discussion means the ability to separate ideas from identity so one can easily recognize new, irrefutable information as valid, and to fully integrate it into one’s perspective—even if it challenges deeply held beliefs. Both recognition and integration are crucial: the former acknowledges truth, while the latter ensures we are guided by it. 

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