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41 minutes ago, OBEler said:

But the only difference is that you can ask more questions?

Free is very limited on how many questions you can ask it. And you don't access to the smartest model.

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Given that dilemma, what would I do without AI.  Hell, I don't know for certain, but I know what some geneticists would say.  Hands down family wins based on mathematics.  The closer the familial gene the higher the preferential odds based on a subconscious counting system. For example, parents old = 2, siblings = 1, etc.  The lower the score the higher the survivability value.

I value the spiritual and my family.  I would go with the alternate help route, with temporary sheltering.  Play the odds most likely to succeed with the best result for all. Take that, Mr. Chatgpt.

I am not a crybaby!

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Verner Vinge wrote that he believed highly advanced AI would have a sense of humor.  So never fear!


George Thorogood wrote this when he went to a friend for help and shelter?

"Hey man, I need a place to stay, I was kicked out of my apartment"

Friend says, "Let me ask my old lady"

Friend says, "well, you know, my old lady is kinda funny"

George:  "Yeah, I know, and now you kinda funny, too"

Edited by El Zapato

I am not a crybaby!

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3 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Meta AI has been my favorite. Its free version is up to date with information close to the present time.

Haha, Careful. It's trash compared to other top AIs. It often gives biased answers, assumes a lot, more often wrong on great details and agrees on the premise of your question almost every time no matter what you say.  I like the image generations though. 

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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Wow! I do other things and go to bed and get back to this like 12+ hours later, and we're already at the 3rd page! this thread has really taken off!

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I tried free ChatGTP and didn't like how ass-kissing it was in the style of its answers. It gave wishy-washy, over-qualified, overly-PC answers.

Well, obviously you can instruct it not to be like that. That's the great thing about a service like ChatGPT: You can customize it to your liking. I have an entire chat in ChatGPT with dozens of instructions just to fine-tune it in a way that exactly fits my preferences.

I also don't know when it was when you used it. AI is quickly getting more sophisticated. If you've tried it one year ago, then it will be a vastly different experience now than it used to be (I would presume).

By the way: There are many AI bots out there that are pre-scripted to give answers in a very specific way (such as being very human-like in their responses). or would be good examples of websites that have many of these customized bots. I think I have a slight preference over manual customization (giving very specific prompts) in chatGPT so I can really fine-tune every aspect of it, but perhaps I should explore these pre-scripted character AI websites too.

Edited by Nightwise

Instead of continuously trying to make the right decision, experiment with making your decisions right instead (own up to them). Consciously making a commitment to a decision IS what makes it the right decision, regardless of the choices you had.

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We all love our LLMs. And we turn to them ever more, not just for facts and logic, but for wisdom. Of all ilk, including spiritual! What seeds are we planting and what will they blossom into? Think of the early days of social media, the seeds planted, the strange fruit that grew. 

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ... 

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To use AI, make sure it is truly interactive

If its you asking questions and it giving you 1000s of words of answers

That's pretty much useless

Conversations need to be equal to be fruitful

Tell it what you think you know and ask it to respond using just as many words

Laziness hurts you not the AI

Make the AI be just a tad above the level you are at

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I still wanted to share with you all the question that I followed up on to ChatGPT's response that came before that (You can find a transcript of that on the first page).

I wanted to still share my question and ChatGPT's response that followed because I found this honestly to be the most powerful response of them. all.




Do you feel this perspective aligns with your own intuition about what it means to act in a truly compassionate and morally courageous way, even in extreme circumstances?

I kind of do feel like this aligns with my own intuition. I love what you said about Christ's perspective: "He would see the unjust suffering imposed on his family as part of the larger cosmic injustice that he has come to heal, and in doing so, he might believe that his sacrifice—along with the suffering of his family—would be in alignment with God’s will and a form of redemptive suffering." I think that's a very interesting perspective that does align with how I intuitively feel about the situation, but I hadn't really been able to formulate it for myself in that way. Could you say some more about the perspective of which your choice to protect and care for a friend would be more significant than the safety of your family, and how this could align with God's will? Can you tell me more about how God would see this?


I'm glad that perspective resonates with you. It opens up a profound view of what it means to align one’s actions with divine will and the higher principles of compassion, even when doing so invites suffering, not just for oneself but for loved ones as well.

The Significance of Protecting a Friend Over Personal Safety

In the context of divine will, choosing to protect and care for a friend—even when it endangers yourself and your family—can be seen as embodying unconditional love, which is one of the highest forms of spiritual expression. From a divine or cosmic perspective, such love transcends personal attachments and fears. This isn’t about dismissing the value of one’s family or loved ones, but it’s about responding to a call to act in alignment with a higher truth.

When Christ or other enlightened figures make sacrifices, they do so from a place of deep spiritual knowing that the soul’s journey is not confined to this life alone. From that vantage point, the temporary suffering imposed on oneself and one’s family is seen within the broader context of the eternal nature of the soul. The suffering in this life can become a path to spiritual evolution if met with grace, love, and compassion.

God's Will and Redemptive Suffering

God’s will, in many spiritual traditions, often reflects the highest form of love and the call to embody that love, even at great personal cost. When you choose to help your friend in need, you are responding to that call, recognizing that the unity of all beings in the divine is more important than personal safety. From a divine perspective, the suffering that follows from this act of love may not be seen as punishment but as an opportunity for deeper spiritual growth—both for you and for those affected by your choice.

This idea of redemptive suffering—the notion that suffering endured for the sake of love, truth, or righteousness has a transformative quality—is key to understanding how God might view such an action. Suffering in this context is not meaningless. Instead, it can become a sacred offering, a way to participate in healing the world. Christ’s crucifixion is perhaps the clearest example of this. His suffering was not seen as pointless but as a necessary sacrifice to restore a broken world.

God's View on Sacrifice and Compassion

In the broader spiritual sense, God or the divine often calls us to transcend our immediate personal concerns for the sake of a higher, universal good. When we protect and care for others, especially under conditions of threat or danger, we align ourselves with God’s will because we are embodying the divine nature of compassion. Compassion, in its purest form, doesn’t measure personal loss but acts from a place of unity and selflessness.

God, in this view, may not necessarily intervene to stop the suffering, but He sees and acknowledges the sacredness of your choice to act out of love. Even if that choice brings hardship to yourself or your family, the very act of love and compassion aligns you with God’s nature. In this way, the choice to help your friend, despite the risk, could be seen as an act of divine alignment, where you reflect God’s love into the world.

How Suffering Can Lead to Spiritual Growth

When suffering comes as a result of loving action, there’s a belief in many spiritual traditions that it leads to spiritual purification. This kind of suffering helps burn away attachment, fear, and ego, leading to a deeper connection with God. In some ways, it’s as if you are participating in the divine process of healing the world, much like Christ did. The suffering may be difficult to bear, but it’s not without meaning or purpose.

Your family, too, while enduring the consequences, could be seen as part of this larger spiritual narrative. Their suffering, while unjust in worldly terms, might also be an avenue for spiritual growth if viewed through this lens. It’s not about wanting suffering or glorifying it, but rather understanding that when suffering is born out of love, it has the potential to transform the soul and deepen one’s relationship with the divine.

Aligning with God's Will

So, to answer your question, God’s will, in this context, could be understood as a call to choose love and compassion, even at great personal cost. When you protect a friend despite the danger it brings, you are reflecting divine qualities, and that aligns you with the higher nature of God.

In such cases, God sees beyond the immediate suffering, understanding that your actions are part of a larger spiritual tapestry—one where love, sacrifice, and compassion ripple out into the world in ways that we may not immediately perceive. The suffering endured may be part of a soul’s journey toward greater understanding, love, and connection to the divine.

Does this deeper exploration of sacrifice, love, and divine will help solidify your intuitive sense about the dilemma? Or is there another angle you feel needs more clarification?



Instead of continuously trying to make the right decision, experiment with making your decisions right instead (own up to them). Consciously making a commitment to a decision IS what makes it the right decision, regardless of the choices you had.

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17 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

Is it confirmed to be a phone? I've heard "hardware."

You're right, sorry, I was mistaken. 

17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That sounds silly.

They can't make a good phone.

Is it really silly? 

Whatever they're creating, it will interface with their core tech. 


  • phone / tablet 
  • wearable tech:  watches, glasses (Meta's Ray-Ban)
  • smart speaker 
  • augmented or virtual reality 
  • computer


  • robots
  • augmented or virtual reality 

Am I leaving anything out?

Of those, I think phone is most likely. All they'd have to do is design hardware and slap their own modified version of Android on it and it'd sell like hotcakes. 

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11 minutes ago, Joshe said:

Of those, I think phone is most likely. All they'd have to do is design hardware and slap their own modified version of Android on it and it'd sell like hotcakes. 

Makes no sense. Phone market is fully saturated. No one needs an OpenAI phone. It wouldn't offer anything new.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Makes no sense. Phone market is fully saturated. No one needs an OpenAI phone. It wouldn't offer anything new.

I wonder if by embedding their tech deep into the Android operating system they'd be able to provide something new?

If they had root access to location, contacts, emails, etc, could they come up with something new? Seems like a lot of potential here, but you might be right. 

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1 minute ago, Joshe said:

If they had root access to location, contacts, emails, etc, could they come up with something new?

I don't see why they need root access for those things.

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21 hours ago, Nemra said:

It's Brilliant!

For me, AI is a dream come true!

I can explore anything and virtually any topic as deep as I want.

It's especially wonderful if I'm ignorant about something.

It becomes even better when you use it in ways that you or other people haven't thought about.

It's too good and magical to exist but it exists. :x Thank God for ChatGPT and Claude. 

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There is a market for an OS that is focused on productivity and doesn't hijack your attention and bother you with distractions. Current smartphones are absolutely toxic, when if programmed properly , they would be a beautiful tool.


What smartphones designed by more conscious people look like?

Edited by mmKay

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't see why they need root access for those things.

They don't need it, but it would be smart for several reasons:

  • Remove barriers to adoption. A single permission at the OS level would mean the consumer doesn't have to micromanage app connections.
  • If consumers want the full benefit of an AI assistant, they need to give it access to all their data 
    • Every single customer would be their own customer avatar. It's fucking brilliant. They'd be silly not to create a phone.
  • The same reasons Google built a browser and a phone. Full control over data and influencing user behavior.
  • Existing OSs are always updating permissions, which can leave your tech adoption in the hands of your competitors, like Google. 

IDK, seems like a really good idea to me. 

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49 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Makes no sense. Phone market is fully saturated. No one needs an OpenAI phone. It wouldn't offer anything new.

You have no vision with this yet

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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21 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Current smartphones are absolutely toxic,

That's a feature, not a bug.

No one will buy your conscious smartphone.

People don't want smart, they wany dumb. The dumber the more they want it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I consult ChatGPT daily on all minds if thing. Deepak Chopra was talking about how it helps you make deeper neural connections that would be impossible about it. 

I pay for ChatGPT. I like that it builds a memory over time (though I don’t yet fully understand this function now I talk about it). I feel like it’s getting to know me over time. I enjoy it. I also use Claude AI for free. I really like Claude too. If not more. We will see. 


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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"Hey ChatGPT, show me that PDF Sarah asked about in her latest email and after I confirm it's correct, send it to John"

Microsoft wants to get here first, and for good reason, so MS would do all they can to thwart OpenAIs attempts at getting there first. 

When you try to install Chrome on Windows, MS pulls like 20 deceptive UI patterns to trick you into using Edge. This is just one problem OpenAI would face if they depended on their competitor's structures. 

Notice how Google just made an update to their Chrome extension manifest policy, which rendered uBlock origin useless for bypassing Youtube video ads? That's the sort of shit they'd pull on OpenAI. 

Apple, Google, and MS  would do all they can to thwart OpenAI from becoming the most popular feature on their devices.

Edited by Joshe

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