manuel bon

Daily Gratefulness Journal

34 posts in this topic

Many times in my life I started keeping a gratefulness journal, but every time I stopped.

This time I have a goal: to keep writing at least 3 things a day I am grateful for.

It doesn't matter what, I just have to do it daily. I might write what I'm grateful for something that happened during the day, or about my life in general. It doesn't matter, as soon as I keep doing it every day.

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I am grateful for:

  • Going back to the Netherlands tomorrow 
  • The improvements my dad did this summer
  • My family coming to my final bachelor's exam back in June (we had great moments)
  • Not having serious health issues

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I am grateful for:

  • Having the possibility to study abroad
  • Having a loving family 
  • The technology that helps me to navigate around the world 
  • The lovely grandparents I have
  • My grandparents being still alive

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I am grateful for:

  • Going to the Netherlands 
  • Feeling good and positive today!
  • The sun
  • The change of seats in the airplane (sitting in front, they put me and my guitar in business class for free)
  • Seeing my girlfriend again tonight!
  • Having food for the travel 

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I'm grateful for:

  • The great girlfriend I have
  • My girlfriend accepting me the way I am
  • Public transportation that help me to travel wherever
  • Leo's teachings
  • My drive for growth

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I'm grateful for:

  • The sexual drive I have
  • The love present in my relationship 
  • Subrenting my room (economic help)
  • My mom taking great care of my dad
  • My whole family!
  • AI helping me for many things

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I'm grateful for:

  • Getting my job back (I left before summer)
  • Not having financial problems
  • My girlfriend, her sweetness
  • Mom taking care of dad
  • The things to me available to grow spiritually, and an other way

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I'm grateful for:

  • Meeting new nice people at work
  • Having a nice working space
  • Having a good an open communication with my girlfriend 
  • Going to Spain the past summer with her

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I'm grateful for:

  • My girlfriend taking care of me now that I'm not feeling well
  • Writing again the journal
  • My dad slowly improving
  • My mom and family that loves me so much

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I'm grateful for:

  • Slowly getting better from the cold
  • Cleaning the whole house/living in a clean space
  • Painting today
  • The audio meditations I'm doing daily
  • Dad getting better
  • Family that loves me

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1 hour ago, Elisabeth said:

Great idea taking this online!

it helps me to be more motivated to write it!

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I'm grateful for:

  • Getting better physically
  • Having a nice dinner with my girlfriend
  • Eating healthier lately
  • Journaling
  • Living alone in the Netherlands
  • The sacrifice my family is making for me to live a life apart from the critical family situation

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I'm grateful for:

  • My dad not getting too much hurt (yesterday he fell and hit his head)
  • Having the possibility to rest
  • Having good friends

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I'm grateful for:

  • Having enough food to eat
  • Having good people around me
  • Starting to meditate again

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I'm grateful for:

  • Starting guitar lessons again 
  • Feeling better
  • Meeting a new person 

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I'm grateful for:

  • Finding a new neurologist for my dad
  • Having my first guitar lesson of the academic year
  • talking to my parents and girlfriend

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I'm grateful for:

  • Feeling better
  • Having a good open communication with my gf 
  • Starting to practice guitar again properly
  • Meeting new people

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I'm grateful for:

  • Keeping up with my meditation practice
  • Stopping to smoke weed
  • Being strong enough not to smoke again, despite all the occasions I get 

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I'm grateful for:

  • AI that helps me a lot with many things
  • Having a great gf
  • Eating healthy 
  • Being able to practice properly

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