
Your purpose is a shipwreck

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I watched an interview of a guy that was shipwrecked for almost a full year at sea the other day. He & his family survived by drinking turtle blood & eating raw birds.

Imagine the seriousness that comes when your survival is at stakes like that. There is absolutely zero space for pettiness in this kind of situation. Now realize that your purpose literally is your survival. Imagine yourself being shipwrecked into your purpose. The only thing you can afford in this situation is to put all of your effort on it. If you slack off & waste your time online or engaged in petty bs you will be swept away. You won’t starve but your passion & love for life is going to be sucked out of you. You’ve got no other choice but to take the hardship head on. And make no mistake, it WILL be hard.

Now imagine the relief & exaltation that comes from any kind of progress you make. Imagine catching your first meal in 8 days. Imagine how satisfying that raw bird would be. Imagine how grateful you would be for rainfall & any kind of dirty water bottle floating by to help you collect it. Eventually you might even land on a deserted island. You are not out of it yet but now you have fire & soon enough, shelter. Imagine the total absorption your psyche would be in with the situation. Every single opportunity is embraced. Every single step you take, you thank God for. Every day you wake up in the morning is a victory.

I started keeping a logbook of my purpose. Every day I write what happened, what could be improved upon, what the next step is & how I feel about all of it. I imagine myself being alone on a tiny sailboat & the only way I will make it that day is through my own strength, courage & determination. My purpose is as serious to me as being shipwrecked in the middle of the pacific & I love the thrill of it. I love the adventure of it. I love who I have become to live & thrive in the chaos of it. My purpose is a shipwreck.



Sailing on the ceiling 


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2 hours ago, jacknine119 said:

@Rigel whats your purpose?

Here's an exemple of a logbook entry:

"9:30: Drifted past lydian, settled on lydian dominant. Spent an hour there moving up & down trying to make groupings of 3 & 5 sound good over 2 bars of even 4/4. My voice is doing great, can reach low Ab(keep shoulders back & rib cage open). My mind is scattered a bit. Lots of intrusive thoughts.

11:30: Fred still struggles with his bar chords. He says he doesn't practice everyday. Grateful I get to make a buck teaching but I look forward to more serious students.

14:00: Been listening to "America Undefined" by Pat. I love the quintuplet sections. They pop out all through out the album. Dude the intensity when the train sound comes in. Wooh, Magical.

18:00: Been working on some lyrics over tea. I have a great sense of the through line on this album. Been told by Will that I should put less chords in after the jam😂 He doesn't understand I need the spiiice!

19:00: The choir tunes start to make sense. Spent an hour making a chord chart for them. I want to practice them with an accompaniment."


My purpose is a shipwreck!

Sailing on the ceiling 


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