
Should I Be Worried About Gaining A Reputation?

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Hello everyone,

I’ve been doing some cold approaches recently as I’m in college I thought this would be the perfect place to practice this skillset. I go to a school with 23,000 people, and I’ve been told by my older brother (who is almost 30) that I should be worried by not gaining a reputation like, “oh but he was also talking to me?” Idk is this a legit concern? I want to do a fuck ton of approaches, and I’ve done around 30 in the first week of school but after my brother gave me this piece of advice I’ve had my doubts about gaming on campus… I’ve had experiences in the past with gaining bad rep but that was at a much smaller school…Thoughts?

Thank you.

Edited by LifeEnjoyer

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Hey dude, respect for taking action.

Remember watching a coach once who advised to just go more indirect in your approaches at college. Like opening with a platonic compliment and just arranging hang outs. Instead of a ' hey, i saw you and thought you were attractive... etc... etc...' type open. Still can sexualise but more subtely, i.e. via flirting, or what Todd V (coach) calls premise.

By being more indirect you are more like a really social guy who meets a lot of girls, rather than the guy who hits on a lot of girls.

Some alternative advice i remember is just to focus on social circle at college. Meet a load of people, throw events, hook up with girls from those events. Treat the girls you are with well and you are will have a good rep.

Just some advice I remember hearing a while back on youtube. I don't have direct experience with doing pick up at college.

Anyhow, hope you enjoy your college days, dude!


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13 hours ago, Ulax said:

Hey dude, respect for taking action.

Remember watching a coach once who advised to just go more indirect in your approaches at college. Like opening with a platonic compliment and just arranging hang outs. Instead of a ' hey, i saw you and thought you were attractive... etc... etc...' type open. Still can sexualise but more subtely, i.e. via flirting, or what Todd V (coach) calls premise.

By being more indirect you are more like a really social guy who meets a lot of girls, rather than the guy who hits on a lot of girls.

Some alternative advice i remember is just to focus on social circle at college. Meet a load of people, throw events, hook up with girls from those events. Treat the girls you are with well and you are will have a good rep.

Just some advice I remember hearing a while back on youtube. I don't have direct experience with doing pick up at college.

Anyhow, hope you enjoy your college days, dude!

I’ve never built a huge social circle before, this could be fun! Thanks you! 

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2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Is the concern that the potential bad rep will affect your results?

Yea, I don’t wanna be known as the guy who hits on every girl, basically.

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One thing you can do is narrow down your focus on social circle/warm approach.

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You should be careful. Don't just be a spam approach machine on college campus. They will kick you out. You gotta have some tact and be less direct and less obvious.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I don't think you should be concerned about bad rep. It's fine as long as you keep it cool and have fun. 

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Yeah for sure. Especially if you go there. You gotta abide by social norms to a large extent 

I think social circle game might be way more optimal. Cold approach a bit, but like to a very small extent 


Edited by Jacob Morres

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You should be careful. Don't just be a spam approach machine on college campus. They will kick you out. You gotta have some tact and be less direct and less obvious.

But college is supposed to be one of the best places for meeting young women who are so ripe for dating, sex, and romance.

Besides, I’ve actually gotten away with doing mass approaches at big colleges/universities. I got some success from it. I think it’s probably okay to do it in moderation.

Otherwise, I don’t see how else you can really be successful with attractive girls at college/university unless you have high social status or popularity 

Edited by Hardkill

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

who are so ripe for dating, sex, and romance.

Could you phrase that any more creepily?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Could you phrase that any more creepily?

Not much worse than:

On 5/31/2023 at 4:01 AM, Leo Gura said:

Don't forget, man is a predator.

And women are attracted to predators.


Here's a quote from Goodlookingloser:

"Creeps Get Laid More than Nice Guys

I’ve been a super nice guy, I’ve been a creeper. The second is more empowering.

If you creep out 9 out of 10 girls and Get Laid by 1 out of girls- you are doing pretty well. Actually- really well.

Understand that you will be called a creep every so often (or more)

Accept that you will be called a creep every so often (or more).

Embrace that you will be called a creep every so often (or more).

I’m here to teach you the most productive and efficient way to Get Laid."

Edited by Hardkill

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You definitely have to be careful. Here’s the key if you want to hit on girls all the time in this scenario. You have to balance out your approaches. Be social with everyone… teachers, staff, guys, everyone.

Then, when you’re on the prowl, do all you can to avoid detection from bystanders and passerbys: 

  • Don’t look like a horn dog. 
  • Don’t get caught staring at girls asses
  • Don’t stand around looking like a predator looking for prey.
  • Never run to catch a girl.
  • Be slick with your eye contact. Don’t fixate on targets.
  • Make all approaches seem organic.

This would be the base of my strategy but it’s too much work IMO. Probably best to put the energy into coursework and just wait on organic ass to fall in your lap. 

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2 hours ago, Joshe said:

You definitely have to be careful. Here’s the key if you want to hit on girls all the time in this scenario. You have to balance out your approaches. Be social with everyone… teachers, staff, guys, everyone.

Then, when you’re on the prowl, do all you can to avoid detection from bystanders and passerbys: 

  • Don’t look like a horn dog. 
  • Don’t get caught staring at girls asses
  • Don’t stand around looking like a predator looking for prey.
  • Never run to catch a girl.
  • Be slick with your eye contact. Don’t fixate on targets.
  • Make all approaches seem organic.

This would be the base of my strategy but it’s too much work IMO. Probably best to put the energy into coursework and just wait on organic ass to fall in your lap. 

This is the best advice. Staring is the worst. I've been stared at before and it literally traumatises me each time it happens. I wish there were more people who would openly talk about how nasty staring can be. It's so creepy and uncomfortable. And yes the whole horn dog thing drives me fighting mad. 

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1 hour ago, Buck Edwards said:

This is the best advice. Staring is the worst. I've been stared at before and it literally traumatises me each time it happens. I wish there were more people who would openly talk about how nasty staring can be. It's so creepy and uncomfortable. And yes the whole horn dog thing drives me fighting mad. 

What about all of the girls out there who stare at guys like nymphomaniacs?

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Could you phrase that any more creepily?





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41 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

What about all of the girls out there who stare at guys like nymphomaniacs?

Why are you making this a girl guy issue? I was simply talking about staring right and you immediately had to make it a gender thing. Where did I mention in my comment specifically that guys can't be stared at? Did I say that? Don't strawman me please. So you mean I cannot even share a single experience of mine as a woman when thousands of men come here everyday to share theirs??? 

And isn't this topic about how a guy shouldn't creep out a woman while whatever the fuck cold approaching? 

For every nymphomaniac you mention, there are a million creeps. Mind that please. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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@Hardkill Ah we have a man of culture here, man I miss that era of "PUA" if thats what you'd call it glad I was around during this time, sources like that arnt going to come up in this day & age.

Which leads to my next point, you cant have a guns blazing approach like this anymore what he did in 2008-2013 is way different than now.

@LifeEnjoyer You'll be fine just make sure your approaches are calibrated don't push to hard. I remember when I was approaching on campus, I actually got called out for it twice, but I responded with "I'm a very social person I like meeting people" than switched topics. You only develop a reputation if your weird about it.

Also are there colleges near the one you go to? My college had another one 15 minutes away from our main campus. We would sometimes take a bus over to that other one just to get some faces / vibe

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On 9/23/2024 at 3:59 AM, Hardkill said:

What about all of the girls out there who stare at guys like nymphomaniacs?

Buck is right. This is not relevant. Girls have to deal with a crazy amount of creepy shit. When a woman stares at a man, we don't usually perceive it as creepy, but rather, as a signal. Also, I think most of the people who don't like women staring at guys are guys the women don't stare at. Otherwise, I don't know why it would be a problem. 

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