
The eternal dance of Self-barriers and Expansion

4 posts in this topic

I noticed Life seems to be a constant dance between these two.

the "Expansion" makes us feel Alive, It makes Life fully On, impossible to get bored, yet the ego structure avoids It at all costs. 

The ego structure is Nothing more than a refined survival mechanism, of course. Is not that is "bad". Is normal that It tries to close this expansion.


But at the same time Life with the ego barriers ends Up feeling incredibly Boring, dull, and if too much time without expansion, basically depressive and even horrendous at the worst cases.

So this Boring lameless lifeless depressive barrier ends Up being too asphixiating and one seeks for the Expansion onces again.

A bit again opens up, you feel a fresh of Breath Air is coming, but not for too long, because the ego structure is there to already have fear and want to control. So the fresh Air won't be for too long. A confinement against the barriers is coming. 


I Guess there is no easy answer. The barrier is safe but the price is the eternal depressive limitation.

The Expansion feels daunting but the award is an elevation, like no other the ego could provide.


There must be a way to find a perfect balance to not be dancing between these two like a mad monkey...

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Things you people write keep confirming my theories about people 


in what moments do you feel this expansion? What causes it? 

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66d0268e039cb_Screenshot2024-08-29at09_4 Expansion feels Alive but Ego numbs you with Fears

84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default Deja vu, contemplate the when and why

Self: It's the weight of your beliefs clashing with your potential

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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Self-Love (Self-Preservation, Stability, Security - Exploration, Expansion, Ego-Dissolution)

  • Conservative-Liberal → Tradition-Progress → Stability-Flexibility
  • Safety-Expansion → Security-Growth → Comfort-Exploration
  • Ego-No Ego → Selfishness-Selflessness → Individualism-Collectivism
  • Rational-Emotional → Logic-Intuition → Reason-Feeling
  • Practical-Idealistic → Realistic-Visionary

It's another duality, you are very correct!

This concept is reflected in Maslow's hierarchy of needs: the necessity of establishing self-boundaries to preserve your ego and meet survival needs. Without these, you can become unstable and unsafe—because in order to experience life and grow, you first need a secure foundation. If these basic needs aren't met, life inevitably forces you to confront them. On a practical level, this looks like falling behind on rent, declining health, insufficient finances for necessities, or lacking social support to stay grounded.

One reason childhood often feels like a happy and magical time (assuming the experience was generally positive) is that your core needs for security and self-preservation were met by your parents. You had a loving safety net that allowed you to explore freely—everything was new and exciting, not weighed down by the worries that come later in life. This balance between security and exploration is something worth striving for throughout life.

However, focusing too much on comfort and self-preservation can be limiting, especially in a world that is constantly changing. Reality is fundamentally impermeant. If you ignore external realities (for instance, assuming your job is safe from AI disruption and not staying informed), you risk becoming unprepared to care for yourself in the future.

Once your foundation is stable, you can then turn your attention to self-actualization, transcendence, and the exploration of new possibilities. Growth becomes a natural process, as the core of who you are seeks to continuously expand and understand itself more deeply. You just need to allow it the freedom to do so, without the weight of constant worry of self-preservation.


When I refer to self-preservation and self-barriers, I mean both mental and physical aspects. These concepts reflect in everything you are.


There must be a way to find a perfect balance to not be dancing between these two like a mad monkey...

There’s no reason why it has to be a constant battle between self-preservation and expansion—they support each other. For example, if you desire to go on a five-month retreat for consciousness exploration, your "self-barrier" instinct will naturally kick in. Rather than viewing it as an enemy, think of it as a protective, yet supportive, voice like a concerned parent who's being realistic and pragmatic about your approach. If this desire persists, the question to ask yourself is: "Okay, I really want to expand my consciousness in this way, so what do I need to do?" You’ll need to inform your close relationships about your absence, arrange for someone to check in on you in case you lose your mental balance, and prepare for personal mental challenges you may face such as boredom, lack of perseverance, and mental strength. Then, plan how to overcome these obstacles.

Treat any incoming self-expanding desires as clues for what you're motivated to do next. Use your self-preserving knowledge and past experiences to ensure you expand properly, safely, and without harm.

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