
The intelligence of the squid is higher than any other animal except maybe human.

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This squid is highly intelligent it sprays smoke into the fishes face then hides under a rock to turn into a shadow. It dosent work so it punches the fish in the face and smoke screens it 3 more times while walking like a monkey with arms and legs on the bottom of the ocean floor. It is clearly using its tentacles like an ape walking it then smoke screens the fish again and turns into a different species of fish and completely disappears from the enemies perception. This animal is unlike any other animal in terms of defence. Its also very courageous as its fighting the freakiest looking demon fish Ive ever seen.

Edited by Hojo

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how much of that is intelligence vs instinct though i wonder, yea i guess squids are smart

but ants build cities with societies, have queens and wage wars

are they intelligent or is it instinct or is it the hive mind or something else?

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@PurpleTree I think they are the same thing. Intelligence is intuition done right. Its put me in any situation and I will do it well with knowing not by thinking.

If you are intelligent God can put you in any spot and you will know what to do. Or learn very quickly. Its a part of mind that dosent think. A child has infinite intelligence it just dosent know what to do with it we have to tell it what to do with it.

Edited by Hojo

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so it’s like a flow state no free will, going through the motions puppet aka muppet kind of thing?

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@PurpleTree Yes a baby can learn anything cause they are born open in flow state thats natural state of of the soul. human is infinite intelligence with a ghost piloting it. When in the flow state you arent being a puppet you are being you, your infinite imagination. When you stop being in flow you are limiting yourself and actually being the puppet.

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Why you calling an octopus a squid?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Pretty much all animals act more impressive instinctively. Birds and fish alike moving in perfect coordination, animals in general moving very elegantly und instinctively doing all kinds of things right. But there is more to intelligence. 

Nature is more intelligent than human thinking but merely following it isnt super intelligent. But being conscious of nature to such a degree that you can abstract and manipulate it is a meta intelligence. Although it itself doesnt seem as impressive as instinctive behavior on the surface. 



Edited by Jannes

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Like the trillions of neurons and cells coordinating to create you.

The adaptively synchronizing immaterial intelligence is fascinating.

It's the same force that turns a cell into a full-grown plant or animal.

Call it instinct, intelligence, or being, it's the force permeating all things.

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