
Pseudo Spirituality = Everything is God!

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2 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

20180525_224008.thumb.jpg.1b1f06789f95ccaLBLvpM_460s.jpg aXvK0Zv_700b.jpg responsibilities-d5fb6f2e73.jpg


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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15 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Nothing is really Happening, nor did anything ever Happen, nor will anything Happen in the Future, hence nothing has any Meaning

From the absolute perspective, this is real. But from a relative perspective it's false. The thing is that a relative perspective is ultimately an illusion, and the absolute perspective (as the word absolute describes) is the only real. But anyway, we are in a relative perspective, real or not, and we have to play the game. 

15 hours ago, Ishanga said:

I am GOD

Totally false from an absolute perspective and relative perspective. From an absolute perspective, you are the absolute, and the absolute doesn't do nothing, just is, it isn't god, because God is omnipotent, omniscient, etc , and the absolute hasn't those characteristics, because power, knowledge, etc are relative to other, and there is no other, no movement. From a relative perspective you aren't god, because you are quite powerless. 

15 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Everything is God, if everything is God, then everything is Okay

Everything is ok from an absolute perspective, it's the same genocide than help your grand mother. From the relative perspective there is karma, cause/effect, then some actions are leading you to different destiny than others. 

15 hours ago, Ishanga said:

I am not Responsible for anything because everything is God, if God did not want it too be happening he would not have created it, so I am not Responsible

False, god doesn't want anything, from a relative perspective the reality is developing and you are in a path towards the unity, like everything else, it's the eternal movement of the cosmos, the eternal cycles. Your relatives will is the will of the relative reality, that pushes in one direction. There is nobody above you in the control 

15 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Because I have no Responsibility for anything, why do anything as nothing has Meaning or Purpose

Ultimately nothing has meaning. If you smash all your bones with a hammer, it has not meaning from an absolute perspective, but seems unpleasant from a relative perspective, then you don't do. If your actions leads you to some eons of hellish reincarnations, ultimately it has zero meaning, but do you want that? I'd prefer no, if it's possible. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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16 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Bliss is the safest path, via the path of Bliss, You become devoid of Self, no more Fear, or self concern, then Your absolutely Free from karma and bondage, using any other way is more dangerous and risky and can take more lifetimes

Do you think based on what you know about spirituality that a human life can be the end of the cosmic cycle of relative existence? before another cosmic cycle begins, of course, since "end" in infinity is not a possibility.

I doubt that any human life, nor Buddha, nor Christ, nor anyone, is close to that. Most likely, many more cycles will be needed in dimensions that we cannot even intuit until the relative merges with the absolute and everything breaks down into infinite elemental particles again.

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8 hours ago, SOUL said:

Did I say that? Or is that just what you heard? Contemplate that.

It's not the contrasting, which can often be a source of self suffering, it's the mindset of 'my belief=true, other's belief=false', which also can often be a source of self suffering, that I'm taking note of.

I could expound upon the dynamics at play in that but instead I'll just let you think it through and figure it out for yourself. You seem like a smart person, I believe in you.

That was the intent I got from Your reply...I could be wrong..

This is not a belief, there is nothing to believe in it, just try it out and see what happens, do both ways, try taking Responsibility for a test drive, realize truly that everything that is going on in my life is my responsibility, I am the one creating it, my joy or misery, my pain or pleasure, success or failure, I am the one creating all Experience, not anything outside of me..then try out for a month, God is everything, God is everywhere, God Created Everything, so what can I do about it!  See what happens!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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6 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Do you think based on what you know about spirituality that a human life can be the end of the cosmic cycle of relative existence? before another cosmic cycle begins, of course, since "end" in infinity is not a possibility.

I doubt that any human life, nor Buddha, nor Christ, nor anyone, is close to that. Most likely, many more cycles will be needed in dimensions that we cannot even intuit until the relative merges with the absolute and everything breaks down into infinite elemental particles again.

Bliss is not the goal, Bliss is just the vehicle that one uses to rise up on the Spiritual Path, if one goes thru suffering, they can get there because Suffering is Intensity as well, but its a very hard and risky path, one can fall off and just suffer and have no Spiritual Realization, via Bliss as a natural experience, You will go full speed forward and be more curious as to what lies beyond Bliss...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

That was the intent I got from Your reply...I could be wrong..

You know my intent now? You are wrong. Did you mean I implied? Even then still wrong.

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

This is not a belief, there is nothing to believe in it

It is belief. That you trust or have confidence you can perceive anything, that your direct experience is anything, that you can understand anything, know anything and that any of it is 'true' is belief in it. That's what belief is according to the commonly accepted definition of the word.


belief /bĭ-lēf′/


The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another.

Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.

Of course, you may believe that your belief is not belief, you wouldn't be the first or the last to.

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

just try it out and see what happens

Try what out? Your belief system? You think it's like some vehicle one can test drive? Or maybe it's some clothes we can wear or remove as we choose to? That's not how belief works, if you don't trust it is true then it isn't belief. You trust that this thing you say I should try is true, otherwise you wouldn't believe it or tell me to try it.

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

realize truly that everything that is going on in my life is my responsibility, I am the one creating it

Did you choose when you were born? Where you were born? Who your parents are? What your body is and health it has at birth? What conditions you were born into? What your early life conditions and experiences were? How about the culture and influences you were living in as a child?

There is virtually everything about our young lives we don't choose. Even as adults, there are so many things we don't choose about our lives. The only thing we really can choose is how aware of it we are, how we perceive it and behave through it, though some doubt this is even accurate to say.

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

See what happens!

Observe what happens...that I abide in.

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7 minutes ago, SOUL said:

You know my intent now? You are wrong. Did you mean I implied? Even then still wrong.

It is belief. That you trust or have confidence you can perceive anything, that your direct experience is anything, that you can understand anything, know anything and that any of it is 'true' is belief in it. That's what belief is according to the commonly accepted definition of the word.

Of course, you may believe that your belief is not belief, you wouldn't be the first or the last to.

Try what out? Your belief system? You think it's like some vehicle one can test drive? Or maybe it's some clothes we can wear or remove as we choose to? That's not how belief works, if you don't trust it is true then it isn't belief. You trust that this thing you say I should try is true, otherwise you wouldn't believe it or tell me to try it.

Did you choose when you were born? Where you were born? Who your parents are? What your body is and health it has at birth? What conditions you were born into? What your early life conditions and experiences were? How about the culture and influences you were living in as a child?

There is virtually everything about our young lives we don't choose. Even as adults, there are so many things we don't choose about our lives. The only thing we really can choose is how aware of it we are, how we perceive it and behave through it, though some doubt this is even accurate to say.

Observe what happens...that I abide in.

Interesting belief system You have there, good luck:)

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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33 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Interesting belief system You have there, good luck:)

Almost as interesting as yours, I suppose...good luck with that, too.


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On 9/17/2024 at 3:56 PM, Ishanga said:

Pseudo Spirituality!


On 9/17/2024 at 3:56 PM, Ishanga said:

Real Spirituality!

Maybe you can explain why you think your 'spirituality' is real and the others are fake?

Possibly you can explain what benefit you get from proclaiming this on a forum where there are many types of spirituality are shared?

That was my point and I realize it was rather vague at first, yet now that I've clarified it for you, I wonder if you will address it.

This is your chance to clarify to the forum why you would do it and what benefit you think you get from it. I'm sure there are more than just I who are interested to hear it.

If you can respond to this query even after everything we have already said then it shows the nature of your 'spirituality'.

Edited by SOUL

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Pseudo Spirituality = Everything is God!


if you believe that you are giving authority over you to which it has none and you will be slave to them.



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