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Ongoing intent and impulse

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By dissecting each minute intent or impulse in an array of many in a row shouldn't it be possible to reveal the one who identifies with them from an angle foreign to it, if not also to see thereby the purpose that intent has in the whole mind-structure, objectively?

What besides objectivity could possibly be revealed IF one succeeded with identifying the impulse of intent itself? And what would result from knowing ones every intent, how would the self-identity maintain itself if all the impulses that gives rise to it are known objectively, especially if we assume that all things that are known objectively are universally true as we may even confirm all our ongoing subtle intents to be?

Edited by Reciprocality

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57 minutes ago, Reciprocality said:

By dissecting each minute intent or impulse in an array of many in a row shouldn't it be possible to reveal the one who identifies with them from an angle foreign to it, if not also to see thereby the purpose that intent has in the whole mind-structure, objectively?

What besides objectivity could possibly be revealed IF one succeeded with identifying the impulse of intent itself? And what would result from knowing ones every intent, how would the self-identity maintain itself if all the impulses that gives rise to it are known objectively, especially if we assume that all things that are known objectively are universally true as we may even confirm all our ongoing subtle intents to be?


This "if not also to see thereby the purpose that intent has in the whole mind-structure, objectively?" is very insightful @Reciprocality, pattern recognition on the scale of possible observers relative to our present position in consciousness. Whfat else might you expand on here to generate further creativity?

"identifying the impulse of intent itself", and to you what is the objectivity of the intent that claims objectivity? What overlaps with deeper origins are you able to fathom from this relative position?

"how would the self-identity maintain itself if all the impulses that gives rise to it are known objectively", again what does the thing become once it is aware of itself as itself other than just another variation of itself even if this thing is also deeper more 'meta'? Does this share any relationship with the previous question?

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1 hour ago, Letho said:

"identifying the impulse of intent itself", and to you what is the objectivity of the intent that claims objectivity?

@Letho Though I'm not fond of the recursive use of objectivity here I think what you mean to ask is for me to provide examples of an objective property in a particular intent, as seen from a perspective outside of the self into which it normally integrates immediately.

Let us say you go on a walk and you spot the clouds darkening above your head and decide therefore to walk back inside, on reflection of the intent to turn back from the walk you discover that it arises for the purpose of your comfort. The revelation I alluded to about how this relate to the whole mind-structure is minimised in this example because of how aware you would already be that you hate wet clothes.

This alludes to the necessary subtlety of examples sufficient to produce those objective characters of intent that reveals the self from a new side, so let us say instead that somebody you love hurt you and you go on ignoring them for months without recognising it, the objective character of your own intent remained hidden throughout all that time because if it immediately revealed a new angle to you it may reveal a vulnerability that would cause a heightened disgust or distress towards the person who did it to you. The whole situation would not be very subtle, but the reason you ignored the other person would be.

Edited by Reciprocality

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@Reciprocality yeah ur discomfort with recursion in objectivity is apt, as it implies intent's self-concealment kind of like a Mobius strip of awareness folding back onto itself. The hidden layers of intent can be understood only when the observer steps outside the immediate self, but even then, objectivity itself becomes a paradox. As you suggested, vulnerability often shields intent from full recognition, which speaks to the fractal nature of consciousness, to this end we should watch any impulse that attempts to constrain intent to mere mechanical logisticism, it likely has something more beautiful, perhaps sometimes spiraling nature to it, especially inclusive and exclusive to this possibility when we examine the deeper sometimes untouchable nature of intuition; logic albeit still applying, regular logical discourse undoubtedly misses the mark. Each intent has its own hidden architecture, reflecting deeper layers of identity that resist simplification. The self cannot fully objectify its impulses without collapsing into an ever-expanding web of reflective meta-awareness. Perhaps the objectivity you're seeking must embrace this subjectivity, have I encapsulated what you have attempted to relay accurately enough to facilitate your deeper discernment? Your insight into intent concealing itself reminds me of Godel’s incompleteness in that the self cannot fully grasp its entirety from within, just a thought. Objectivity here acts like a hall of mirrors where each reflection slightly distorts what it reveals, though there is a constancy that the power of awareness always provides hence the singularity and originality that agency is. True objectivity, then, might not simply be knowing every impulse but understanding the fractal nature of consciousness. Each layer of intent refracts through personal experience, limiting the self's ability to know itself entirely. Perhaps it’s in these veiled reflections that the deeper truth of intent resides, aka where some abstract category of objectivity and subjectivity that forces their collision must exist. I would call that simply, awareness.

Edited by Letho

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On 17/09/2024 at 5:40 PM, PurpleTree said:

and who chooses those intents and impulses? 
scary stuff

@PurpleTree That is exactly it, as has been observed by many who pays attention to impulses or intents they arise from nowhere with or without agitation from without, we do not intend them before they arise.

Isn't it likely that it is because we identify so much with these intents thus existing continuously with them that we can live our whole life without seeing that they are not the medium which experiences them?

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