
God realized people,

102 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, caspex said:

I will try not to act smart and explain it to the best of my linguistic skills. It seems many people here are interested only in speaking in parables.


I cannot claim to be God Realized but I do have certain awakenings where I did understand it.

The exact point where it shifts from no-self to god-self is hard to describe in language. Essentially what happens is that your whole focus is on the entirety of existence. The existence within your direct perception.

But it's misleading to say, "within your perception", because in that state, you do not believe that there is anything outside this particular perception, so it is all of existence. Which seems utterly obvious.

Now, when one notices something for long enough, a pattern can pop out to you, after which it seems utterly obvious and you are shocked as to how you couldn't see it before.

Similarly, after focussing on all of existence for a while, you recognise something that's been in your face the whole time, which is what you'd call 'God'.

As for what exactly 'God' is, you can watch Leo's video on that. But that's a broad overview of how it happens to me.

As for what's different about this God from how religious people think about God, it mostly depends on the religion. I know most about Hinduism so I'll just speak for it.

Essentially religious people believe in a story they have imagined in their heads, which others have told them. It's exactly the same as me telling you about my experience of 'God', and you creating a mental formation for him inside your mind to think about that 'concept'.

Religious folk believe God is an entity, different from us, or inside every one of us, but still not us, or, we are a part of such God. Even if a religious person agrees that everything is God, as many claim in Hinduism, they usually don't know what that really means since they have never experienced it.

As for how I see God, it has many aspects, many absolute aspects. You can look at it in the form of Shiva, being absolute stillness and zeroness. Or Shakti, absolute dynamism. Or Vishnu, absolute consciousness/one big universal entity. You can experience all of that in your direct experience. So for me to describe to you what I saw would be simply an aspect, no matter how absolute and obvious is seemed to me, that's just how it feels everytime.

So, in essence, for the religious, God is an 'other', even if they claim otherwise, but for me, there is no me, and there is only God.



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