
God realized people,

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@Nemra A light feeling. The feeling of being unburdened by your stories you are telling yourself. God is just a word for existence and it feels good when you dont think you exist.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo Its like the illusion of you existing stop and you see yourself as like an orb sitting there in a fractal

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What makes the word God different than other words?

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@Nemra You will know what you are looking at when you see it and the first words people say when they see it is oh my God. Its just what you say. It could be programming if I was hindu I could be saying Shiva. Its the programmed word for unknown. You say it because something HUGE and spiritual is happening.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo, how would you describe God if spirituality wasn't a thing yet, or if you were the first human to realize it?

Edited by Nemra

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41 minutes ago, Nemra said:

Just to be clear, I don't know the God that God realized people are talking about. I don't care about people who believe what God is and other people who say that those who are God realized and those who believe are talking about the same thing. I understand that there is a difference in how people approach knowing things.

To be a god-realized person is to know that people do not exist including oneself

One uses the word god because it is appealing. both in the attractive adjective sense and in the proclaiming verb sense

Everyone knows god no matter how fanciful fearsome far-fetched and false that knowledge might be

God is hard-wired

That is why god is the only word that works

Absolute needs to be looked up on google or discussed on AI

Once god-realized, you won't argue about god again no matter what others say or do

All is unfolding as it should

I am one eye of god and you are another

My usage of the word is a service to mankind

You know what I mean

Edited by gettoefl

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@gettoefl, I don't even assume that you know what God is.

If everyone knew what God is, then why are we even trying to know? Most people's approach to knowledge is based on belief.

Different languages have different words for God. Also, those words changed over time.

When someone is talking about God, it doesn't mean they know it. However, there is a difference in how people talk about it, which makes me more interested in what they say.

Edited by Nemra

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@Nemra I wasnt spiritual when I saw God I was an athiest. I will say what happened to me. I take 1.5 gram of shroom to cure my death anxiety then I sit there. 20 mins go by I start to feel pressure on my forehead. I hear a random voice in my head say(it was audible to my ears but in my head) hey remember 5 years ago when you experienced this void experience(I had drank 27 beers one night 8 years earlier and went into a void where I experienced pure abandonment forever, when I woke up the next day I just told myself as it was a bad dream). I said yes. The voice said how can you have qualia of an experience if you werent there? I then said to it I must have been there experiencing it. Then the voice said How can you be there experiencing it if you weren't there? At that moment I instantly realized what consciousness is. I am always there even when Im not! What does that mean????? The voice said. The only explanation is that I cannot die, if I am there when I am not there I cannot die.

Then it felt like a piece of glass was put in between my direct first person experience and reality and I felt my emotion hitting this piece of invisible glass and coming back to me. I saw at that moment that I am inside my head creating emotions and sending them out they are hitting a piece of invisible glass and coming back to me. Outside my skull in the environment is completely void of all emotion and feeling there is nothing at all happening outside my mind. The earth or reality dosent feel like anything it feels like what I shoot out and comes back to me. So I saw that I was an idea I was creating and shooting out to this glass and the glass was shooting ideas of me back to myself making it feel like I am real and people are interacting with these feelings but its a lie. I only exist inside my mind as an idea and inside other peoples minds as an idea, not even the same idea every single person has an individual idea of what I am so I dont even exist as anything at all just what I think about myself.

The voice comes back again and says if you arent real what are you? The only answer I have is God if I am not real there is no reason for me to be anything but God. If I am not real I wouldnt be Craig or Joe or an elephant or an ant the only logical explanation to me not existing but also existing is God.

The pressure on my forehead exploded. I blinked for 5 seconds in that 5 seconds I saw the entire universe behind my eyes. Its was clean and shiny. I stould up and my aura around me dissintegrated The feeling of being me stopped and I was instantly unburdened by everything. I feel my energy being crushed into the souls of my feet and and it starts to come up my feet into my legs into my body and it hits my head and my brain feels like it explodes. It feels like every single neuron in my brain detaches from every other neuron in like a firework explosion It feels like having 1000 orgasnms spontaneously I start to feel so good I start l start laughing super hard. Im sceaming laughing it feels like im going to start flying if I get any happier.

Suddenly I start to tear off reality. The void behind me where I think my head is opens up and I literally tear myself off of reality. Its like pulling hair out there are like 10000000 strands that Im attached to reality with and I pull everyone off and I fly into a void of nothing super happy. I fly backward past what looks like a peice of saran wrap with a head on it smiling and I fly further back into nothing and now I am hearing a voice tell me that I am the most beautiful thing and I am the most perfect thing and I am loved forever 1 million times over and over again and all at once at the same time. Then I shoot back into a ball of light which is reality and I am laughing and crying and screaming for 6 hours.

This reality is like a simulation and heaven with God is the nothing behind your head.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo, thanks for sharing your experience.

But still, why did you choose the word God?

Did you choose it because you saw that the definition of God in dictionaries fully described your experience?

Or did you use it because you have attributed the word God to a thing that is unexplainable or undescribable?

Edited by Nemra

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@Nemra Its the word for creator of reality. If I am not real I must be the creator pretending to be me is why I used it. I wouldnt be any other character pretending to be me that dosent make sense. All I know is I am experiencing something and I thought I was something that I am not so what would your answer be to understanding you arent what you think you are? If you found out you arent nemra what would you say you were?

Edited by Hojo

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9 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Its the word for creator of reality.

Why can't you use your name instead of the word God if you are the creator of reality?

Why not just change what your name points to?

Why did you choose the word God?

Edited by Nemra

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@Nemra Because I saw I was making myself up why would I use my name its just a random name.

I chose the word God because I saw that I was pretending to be Hojo. If I am not Hojo and I saw I was just pretending to be Hojo and Im not sad im actually happy I was just pretending to be sad what other word or name would I use? I saw that reality is just a ball of light that I am looking into and I am somewhere else in a void not in this 3rd dimension. I saw that I was looking through one dimension into another dimension and pretending to exist in that dimension. What other word would I use to describe this insane experience? I would not say Hojo I would say God because this event is monumental and beyond reason and logic and an answer to my fear of death .

It might have been a test I went through if i said something else something else might have happened.

If I am not real I am nothing and God = nothing.

God is nothing that is existing.

Edited by Hojo

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28 minutes ago, Nemra said:

@gettoefl, I don't even assume that you know what God is.

If everyone knew what God is, then why are we even trying to know? Most people's approach to knowledge is based on belief.

Different languages have different words for God. Also, those words changed over time.

When someone is talking about God, it doesn't mean they know it. However, there is a difference in how people talk about it, which makes me more interested in what they say.

Ego tells you and very effectively too to discard all memory of your true nature, cover it with thick dense layers and self imposed limitations

You can be a great god of your own universe, just listen to me and behave accordingly

Forget what you really are and just enjoy the bliss of your existence

It is going to be amazing - until death does its part at any rate

Eat drink and be merry and your future will be like no other

In your heart meanwhile, you know beyond doubt you are



snug and safe, home in heaven, dreaming of exile

perfectly capable, here and now, of rejoining reality




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@Hojo, what I'm saying is that you, as an atheist, had attributed things to the word God unknowingly back then.

You can't say I'm not Hojo, therefore I'm God, without knowing the word God and your definition of it. Maybe you took the word God and gave meaning to it that describes your situation.

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@Nemra I used it because its the only logical explanation to me. 3 years earlier I started learning philosophy and when I get into something I look at it all day non stop. I didnt learn anything about philosophers at all I just started doing my own philosophy. I would argue with my mother about God and I remeber saying to her that if God is real and its one then why isnt God that lamp post. She would say thats not right but I didnt understand why that wouldn't be right so that might be why I said it. It could have been my philosophy why I said it.

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@Nemra You will also just know because you have already been with God before. It will be like you are remembering not learning something new.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo, If you noticed, Leo called his recent awakening Alien. Maybe there's someone who calls it differently.

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If anyone says they're god in the flesh, just tell them you have a nice bridge you want to sell them

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@Nemra Alien awakening is lesser than God awakening.God awakening opens the door to alien awakening but God is the best. You always want to keep God with you even if you are an alien you dont want to bring alien with you everywhere. God is the creator of human consciousness and alien consciousness.

But the experience of God is alien to human consciousness.

Edited by Hojo

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