
All Dates should be LIKE THIS ?

23 posts in this topic

You can be attractive and be confident or you can be attractive and be less confident as some people will automatically act negative toward you if they deem themselves lesser than you. If you dont let your attractiveness get to your head this can make life harder.

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The title of the thread says it all. Practice seeing life not from a box and be open to all possibilities. That's how I see it. I'm not that strict when it comes to dates; just don't cross the few boundaries that I do have which are to be generally respectful and be generous because I also have those traits. Can't stand a cheapskate and i refuse to sleep with a man that doesn't show me respect. In fact, it's a turn off no matter how handsome or rich he is. I've turned down thousand dollar clients because they were being disrespectful so imagine a personal date.

Guys will not look at some women strictly for the color of her hair. Some even height and not to mention weight. I will not look at a man who's cheap or who disrespects me. That's not that much to ask. When I say cheap, for a date, he has to pay all or if I need a cab to and from the date. Different story if in a relationship and even different if married. The bar goes up.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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On 9/16/2024 at 1:22 PM, Javfly33 said:

So basically I wonder...how to feel like this / have dates like this with 8 and 9s?

Interact with as many 9s and 10s that you possibly can. Eventually, you will become numb to their beauty and not be intimidated anymore.

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