Rishabh R

Wisest way to live life ?

20 posts in this topic

You can try digital Journaling. Books get lost or damaged. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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First BE, establish Your BEING, this means how You experience Life within Yourself is determined by You, so be Peaceful of Your own nature no matter what is happening, then Your not a slave to outside situation. Right now the majority of ppl are slaves to what ppl say, think or do to them, other than actual physical torture upon Yourself, how can someone hurt you? Fix that first..

Then go out and perform Action, DOING, in the world, go for whatever goal or thing You want to go for, because now Your on a stable base Emotionally, your not reactive anymore, then You will go into situations without fear, your Aware of Your surrounding, You can sense danger and avoid it but Your not Emotional dependent on anything, this gives You great CLARITY as to how to navigate thru life and avoid situations You do not need to experience.

Then You will HAVE, and not be attached to it in any way, You got success in life, a new car, house, boat, travel anywhere, but if You lose it you don't crave it and get depressed or anxious about lossing it, most ppl that get successful today get worried about losing it, this is Attachment.

Simple formula, BE--> DO--->HAVE, most are doing it backwards, they are DOING to HAVE then BE, but they never get past the Doing/Having part and suffer greatly along the way..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, Rishabh R said:

@Buck Edwards ok but any sources for typing one's insights ?

You could utilize AI models to turn your hand-written notes into digital form to also have them stored digitally, not having to worry about one day losing your work. Shouldn't take too much effort to set up.

INFJ 5w4


Big 5 assessment 2. March 2025: https://www.personalityassessor.com/ipip300/results=1657068-832219/

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@Rishabh R

I've made a post about this before, but frankly its a shame that many of the people on this form don't utilize obsidian for note taking.

Look into it, it'll transform the way you take notes for the rest of your life

Theres just nothing else like it on the market


Edited by shenanigans

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Paper has it's own vibe which is not possible on screen

Authenticity, consciousness, Understanding, Learning, Art, Mastery

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@Rishabh R My unique perspective has informed me that its not about 'Living a wise life' and then collecting the a noble prize at the end. Instead, 'wisdom' and 'living wisely' is an example of the wisdom that exists pertaining to how we should interpret, theorize and practice the meta-language behind these ideas. Meaning to me what works best is in understanding how to implement them in a way that works best for our biology and level of development. Any wonder why so many people struggle with the idea of 'wisdom' in adolescence? Some will say they haven't lived long enough. However its an over-simplification to an understated extent far past mere blindness as what people have unknowingly conformed to is the idea that we can just casually place each other into these empty categories that on the surface are good, right and true. In reality, underneath the hood of the car all that's happening here is you've made a decision based on knowing that if you turn the key to your engine 10 times, 2-3 of those times its going to work and therefore, "anyone that says anything against not having to get the car fixed is obsolete to the fake reality that I need to maintain".

This occurs because we have probabilistic memetic socialisation spaces as a context of the majority of the population's prioritisation of the lower rather than higher regions of our brain and so memetically, ideas spread that serve a 'good enough' ratio for short term survival rather than one that is truly prioritization truth. This becomes even more the case in light of how the same prioritization of these lower regions leads to their conformity, so not only are we then continually working to spread sloppy ideas from sloppy thinking, their social reinforcement now leads to us being imprisoned by them. This is why the rise and fall of civilisations is often met with war rather than over a chill cup of coffee, even if there's a subset of the population that 'thinks better' there's an even smaller subset in that population that is in control. But... Let's get to the point here regarding how to live a wise life, well, differentiation on where to apply wisdom is what I'm arguing is the most important, and that it goes much deeper than we normally think, especially when it comes to how we're taught from the Collective Social Nervous System. 


So, in my briefest elaboration of this idea thus far, in answer to your question directly:

My experience has informed that the best way to encapsulate my best approach to date is as follows.

 ‘All I need is to only put my wisdom on the past and my intelligence only towards the future.’

(avoid thinking about it in a way where you get caught up in the semantics of the overlap between wisdom and intelligence, of course I already know that, many 7 year olds know that, focus more on mindset)

Concerning my attentional system, I no longer put my wisdom on the future, it hasn’t happened yet and depending on your level of development so far you’ll have an ego battle with having to constrict yourself. I have a foolhardy streak in my bloodline for example that has served us but can be our achilles heel sometimes and to that end, I am working to remedy it as wisely and intelligently as possible. Moreover if its on the past it automatically means you’re appreciating your experience and that will naturally translate into the ego seeking its own self-validation.

By only putting your ‘intelligence’ on the future you'll be able to also avoid ego conflicts like self judgement as your wisdom being on the past as well your ego will feel better about itself as its focusing on resourcefulness while feeling like you can act in a favourable manner from it. With this matrix, what occurs is an intersection now between wisdom and intelligence in the present moment wanting to work together rather than compete against one another for the ego rights to how you spend and judge the use of your time. There are other psychological and biological understandings that only further argue for the intelligence of this wisdom so I recommend that the reader contemplate on it to the point where they're deriving their own self-insights, perhaps an even better quote if they can do that, make sure its genuinely better though otherwise you're likely just following an ego trip rather than taking the essence of what I've stated. Remember, the ego trip is there because of the very fact that my own quote here isn't being implemented on the readers part, wisdom isn't on the past so there's no resourcing on potential past lessons and intelligence isn't on the future because there's zero prudence about the self-awareness one is generating in the present moment.



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3 hours ago, Letho said:

ideas spread that serve a 'good enough' ratio for short term survival rather than one that is truly prioritization truth. This becomes even more the case in light of how the same prioritization of these lower regions leads to their conformity, so not only are we then continually working to spread sloppy ideas from sloppy thinking, their social reinforcement now leads to us being imprisoned by them.

Insightful analysis. How do you go about avoiding and moving past old beliefs/thoughts that got introduced this way?

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@Kokorec Hey there, I am really not skilled enough yet to answer at this level when I don't know someone well enough. At present I am not accepting personal messages either as I am working on my own personal development for the next few months. Feel free to ask questions out in the open here thought. 

Let's take the hypothetical scenario that I had to invent something that was my best idea relative to my prediction on their circumstances from a very surface understanding. Outside of the obvious and standard advice:

1. Imagine your soul has been totally sucked from this reality and into the office of God where he's asking you to observe yourself now from the perspective of where the physical self is still in the former reality, where all of your memories hold all of your instinctual programmings of beliefs and subsequent biases that'll be triggered if there's the right environmental stimuli, as well as asking you to write down all of your truest beliefs and values based on your objective analysis of your true soul self not your physical self that has all those chemical memories while imagining a new physical self in an alternate simulation starting from the same previous position you left from that lives out those structures in this new reality while comparing what happens with the old physical manifestation.

2. Project out the differences 5 days from now, 5 years from now and 50 years from now. What kind of different lives did they lead? What did they learn?

Now let's bring this back down to earth for a moment, I appreciate your question as you've enabled me to generate a useful thought experiment for both myself and others but I am choosing not to have PM for a reason for the next few months as I myself of course am working on my personal development. I'm not yet completely a stage and what 'yet' means for the future, is undetermined as it is the job of my future creativity not my present creativity heh. 

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have anymore questions. 

Lastly, feel free to take the thought experiment or anything else I have stated in any direction you wish, I have complete universal openness to creative infinity. 



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19 hours ago, Ishanga said:

First BE, establish Your BEING, this means how You experience Life within Yourself is determined by You, so be Peaceful of Your own nature no matter what is happening, then Your not a slave to outside situation. Right now the majority of ppl are slaves to what ppl say, think or do to them, other than actual physical torture upon Yourself, how can someone hurt you? Fix that first..

Then go out and perform Action, DOING, in the world, go for whatever goal or thing You want to go for, because now Your on a stable base Emotionally, your not reactive anymore, then You will go into situations without fear, your Aware of Your surrounding, You can sense danger and avoid it but Your not Emotional dependent on anything, this gives You great CLARITY as to how to navigate thru life and avoid situations You do not need to experience.

Then You will HAVE, and not be attached to it in any way, You got success in life, a new car, house, boat, travel anywhere, but if You lose it you don't crave it and get depressed or anxious about lossing it, most ppl that get successful today get worried about losing it, this is Attachment.

Simple formula, BE--> DO--->HAVE, most are doing it backwards, they are DOING to HAVE then BE, but they never get past the Doing/Having part and suffer greatly along the way..

Your backwards part is wrong. Just saying. Most people think they need to have something before they will then do.

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On 9/16/2024 at 11:23 AM, Rishabh R said:

@Buck Edwards ok but any sources for typing one's insights ?

if you upload your pictures to chatgpt, it can transcribe them for you 

It's not 100% accurate though but if you care to save it you can write slightly more legibly and it should get it 

(love your contemplations btw)

(4o btw)  


**Image 1 (March 21):**

**Wisest way to live life:**
- Do not let anyone stop you from doing your best and karma. God controls that and never disappoints.
- Everything has a reason for happening.
- Never be in negative emotion very long. Everything bad happens and it is time to put effort to change it.
- Always normally get a situation because of lessons that I need to be learned.
- To recognize that who declared God truly is God.
- To thank someone unique in the crowd.
- To recognize that everything we do is for self-love.
- To look at a situation in an unbiased way.


**Image 2 (March 22):**

- Rejuvenation and research of everything.
- To recognize that what seems is not the case and what is the case that doesn't seem.
- To ask to be in denial about truth.
- Pray to recognize that I am a part of something.
- To recognize that I am in harmony with it.
- To harmonize the harmony.
- To recognize that I am part of something around me.
- To recognize that life is calm and at the same time, it is complexity inside complexity.
- To feel all emotions fully.
- To get a deep grasp of emotions.
- To recognize that emotion is success.


**Image 3 (March 23):**

- And proceed by thought.
- To be in a joyful mood.
- To let a veil up.
- To recognize that one is in a boundary within a boundary.
- To recognize that silence is larger than safe distraction, it looks close to sit in silence.
- To be open-minded and look for possibilities.
- To learn from the past and leave the rest behind to influence the present and future.
- Resolve trauma.
- To try to understand things to understand what they imply.
- To recognize that the past is gone and is no longer there.


**Image 4 (March 25 and 26):**

(March 25)
- To keep one’s mind clear and open.
- To recognize that silence is more valuable than noise.
- To concentrate on deep thoughts.

(March 26)
- To recognize that life is unpredictable but manageable.
- To experience fully the moment and not be overwhelmed by the past or the future.
- To recognize that I am beyond my physical existence.
- To live with mindfulness in every action.


Edited by Jacob Morres

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10 hours ago, hyruga said:

Your backwards part is wrong. Just saying. Most people think they need to have something before they will then do.

For someone to HAVE, they have to DO some action for the most part... But the two are interchangable I agree, some HAVE-->DO---BE

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Jacob Morres thanks but it think you misinterpreted by handwriting a bit such as -To recognise that emotion is succeeded and preceded by thought etc.

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