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Feeble knowledge?

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Isn't body language to our body what rhetorics are to our speech? If that is so and we do both in the same moments for the same reasons all our lives what would happen to the intent that gives rise to assertions (the thing that body-language and rhetorics packages) if we stopped both the body language and the rhetorics? And in the case that intent would then diminish, would that be detrimental to our care for the truth of the knowledge?

Said a bit more clearly: if body language and rhetorics exists for the purpose of convincing others only to then gain their cognitive sympathy and intent for making assertions did diminish if we stopped with rhetorics and body language would we stop caring about the truth of the assertion itself? Is it because of a subliminal knowledge of the outlined consequence that we seek for approval and agreement? 

If the answer is yes then doesn't that imply some amount of feebleness to our "knowledge"? 

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As to body language/behaviour, it probs has an essence built after a long time but as to the drive/push for it thru life I think its p much subjective


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