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Must read Robert Adams if you are serious about awakening &liberation

1 post in this topic

 I know this belongs to the high consciousness resources section..but i decided to post it here just so it accumulates more views.(So please mods ,keep it here ).

This is a MUST  read .this right here is the highest spirtual teaching you will ever come across. The collected works of Robert Adams.  He used to do Satsangs in california in the 90s . And his students have worded his speeches in a form of a book .

I garuntee you ..Its 1000+ pages but its worth it . If you read this your whole life will flip upside down ..down side up and your understanding of yourself and the answers to the big existential questions will be all finely and finally set to rest . You will have no questions left .

This man is the man in my profile picture btw .

Please download the PDF and read one speech at a time every night and I promise you by the end of it all you will be liberated .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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