
Quit Being Serious, Proclaiming I am GOD!!

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Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. It's a popular Buddhist saying from which the definitions mentioned here came up.

Pain is the origin or action, suffering is the reaction to it.

Two people can have the same level of pain, yet suffering differently to it. For example, an army man and a kid react differently to the same level of pain, for eg., getting an injection.

There are different ways to reduce pain, and they are physical in nature, eg. anaesthetics, drugs etc.

There are different ways to reduce suffering, and they are mental in nature. For eg , meditation, vairagya etc.

A person who can overcome suffering is called a stoic in philosophy, an equanimous person in spirituality, or a numb guy in science.

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53 minutes ago, SOUL said:

@Breakingthewall  That's quite a belief system you have created there. So, let's see if I understand.

When we are talking about animals, then the accepted definition of suffer applies yet when we are talking about humans, which also are animals but don't let that distract you, the accepted definition doesn't apply.

So animals don't also have memory of something, thus don't have psychological reactions to something that may not be actually happening? It isn't that they are not fully aware of this dynamic happening, it's that it doesn't happen at all?

I think it was clear but I could say more clear: Physical pain causes suffering, but it is not suffering. Suffering is the dissonance between what is and what should be. If pain is fully accepted it does not cause suffering. If there is no pain, but you do not accept that you have huge ears, you will suffer

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think it was clear but I could say more clear: Physical pain causes suffering, but it is not suffering. Suffering is the dissonance between what is and what should be. If pain is fully accepted it does not cause suffering. If there is no pain, but you do not accept that you have huge ears, you will suffer

You didn't answer the questions I asked, you just regurgitated the personal definition again.


So animals don't also have memory of something, thus don't have psychological reactions to something that may not be actually happening? It isn't that they are not fully aware of this dynamic happening, it's that it doesn't happen at all?

In case you don't want to go back to find it I reposted it for you.

...and my ears aren't that big!!!


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9 minutes ago, SOUL said:

You didn't answer the questions I asked, you just regurgitated the personal definition again.

In case you don't want to go back to find it I reposted it for you.

...and my ears aren't that big!!!


Animals haven't ego, then they haven't dissonance between what it is and what should be except it's physical pain, hunger or need to mate, then they suffer, we have ego, then we suffer for that and for thousand more reasons related with the ego, like have a huge nose, not enough likes in Instagram or imagining our girlfriend being fucked by 3 porn actors same time, or because maybe some years later we will be very old and will die.  

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Animals haven't ego, then they haven't dissonance between what it is and what should be except it's physical pain, hunger or need to mate, then they suffer, we have ego, then we suffer for that and for thousand more reasons related with the ego, like have a huge nose, not enough likes in Instagram or imagining our girlfriend being fucked by 3 porn actors same time, or because maybe some years later we will be very old and will die.  

Do I need to type it out in another way for you to answer the question? Actually, I'll repost it again because it's clear the way I did the first time.


So animals don't also have memory of something, thus don't have psychological reactions to something that may not be actually happening? It isn't that they are not fully aware of this dynamic happening, it's that it doesn't happen at all?

Do animals have psychological reactions of distress to things that aren't happening because of memory? Since that is one of the ways you suggest we 'suffer' with ego that isn't physical pain.

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19 hours ago, SOUL said:

Dictionary disagrees

@Breakingthewall & @Ishanga are using variable spiritual definitions including:

  • Residual Unprocessed emotional Trauma
  • Possessing self-awareness which creates Desire
  • Not recontextualizing reality to be perfect 24/7
  • Ruminating on unpleasant past Experiences
  • Revisiting Painful Experiences through Memory
  • Structuring one's identity as a coping mechanism
  • Feeling any type of unpleasantness, that isn't physical

But there's a core of a non-physically initiated/cued psychological turmoil.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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metal-gear-rising-metal-gear-rising-reve@SOUL That's somewhat true, but depending on circumstance:
There might be a larger context and momentum behind it
We are always growing, adapting, and integrating, so it makes sense
But of course, there are many traps, in form of override & consensus
Sometimes it's more variable, sometimes it stays consistent over years
It's a dynamic balance between collective and personal "shit up making"

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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20 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:



    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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52 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@SOUL That's somewhat true, but depending on circumstance:
There might be a larger context and momentum behind it
We are always growing, adapting, and integrating, so it makes sense
But of course, there are many traps, in form of override & consensus
Sometimes it's more variable, sometimes it stays consistent over years
It's a dynamic balance between collective and personal "shit up making"

According to this forum's fixation with being god that creates our own reality, it would be consistent in saying we make it up as we go along as the 'source'.

Although, therein lies the issue I pointed to with my initial response in this thread.

If every one of us has our own perception as god creating reality which one considers 'truth' then how do we regard other's perception? Do we call it 'false' if it isn't identical to ours?

Why is someone else's shit they made up any more real or fake than our shit we made up?

This appears to be an example of limiting beliefs, someone trusts their own perception so devoutly they are attached to it, it becomes egoistic structure.

Hence, why it causes so much self suffering to compare and contrast in a way that overlays the binary of true/false, right/wrong or good/bad.

It's all just variable spiritual to speak.

Edited by SOUL

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@SOUL Excellent Question! It's Subjectivity vs Objectivity.

Just note that Objectivity is synchronized Inter-Subjectivity

And further, notice the inverse danger of consensus Belief

Psychic structures work on pattern interpretation/exchange

There's ego-def-mechs like denial and narrative manipulation

Some projections are easier identified, others still obscured

The real goldy-lock question is: Is all of reality a placebo? 😁

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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34 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Is all of reality a placebo? 

Do you believe your own bullshit?

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28 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Do you believe your own bullshit?

It seems someone hasn't integrated deconstructing their psychic reality-actualization mechanisms yet 😁

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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15 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

It seems someone hasn't integrated deconstructing their psychic reality-actualization mechanisms yet 😁

Did you use a new age bullshit generator for that or is it your own bullshit generator at work?


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11 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Did you use a new age bullshit generator for that or is it your own bullshit generator at work? :D

The difference is imaginary and so am I! Are you saying you haven't rearranged your psyche to lucid dream within the overlay of your "reality predictive model" that you'd call your "perception" to gain construct manipulation over the innate reality you're always stimulating but never aware of how?

Are you at least aware, that reality at each point of your retrocausal experience is "entirely" a simulation of your "brain"? 😁

Gotta sleep, cya in a dozen hours! Real scientists dig Spinors, btw!

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@SOUL Nothing like spinning some Spinors at Spinners!

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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On 9/17/2024 at 7:11 PM, SOUL said:

Well, if you want to have your own definitions for words and build a belief system around those personal definitions you are welcome to do so but don't expect anyone else to understand what you are talking about and be aware that when you are 'correcting' them according to your personal definitions there can be the possibility for misunderstanding.

Good luck with that.


@Ishanga What he is saying is pain induces a negative reaction.  A flinch if you will.  Do you want to call that suffering or discomfort?  Well.  To your depends.  If such discomfort turns into days, weeks, you have to look at is as suffering. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@SOUL animals don't suffer in the sense that we do.  Their suffering is purely in the moment.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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