
A rant about life in third world country. What you say?

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@Nemra Where do you live?


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD, It's a very small country. A big Islamic country separates us.

Edited by Nemra

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On 17/9/2024 at 11:30 AM, Sandhu said:

'@MutedMiles Of course there are problems unique to every place and I don't expect to be extraordinarily happy after moving out to somewhere. 

I'm intimidated by the fundamental problems with society here like close-mindedness, red and blue SD stages, less opportunities etc. and especially the impact and conditioning of these things on my psyche. 


Learning from these things, integrating these things or finding blessings. These are bullshit things which will create net negative consequences for you. Grab the first opportunity you come across to get out of these places.

Not to boast but I'm a gifted person intellectually and spiritually and being in this place with these small-minded people only frustrates me.

This is a good topic. I personally find it interesting since I don't live in a first world country, neither in a dangerous country of the middle east. So we don't have wars and fear of terrorism but we cannot earn money as easily as in USA, for example, wich makes life harder. The problem is, you cannot understand so easily the perspective of someone living in a first world country and viceversa. The amount of stress that you live by is just huge. I am not questioning your capabilities, is just that it is obvious that moving to a decent country changes the whole story, more so that you can grasp.

Nevertheless you can work it out from where you live, but to an extend. Because if you live among a caothic culture it will unfortunatelly prevent you to make the best out of the resources that we nowdays have, you will barely make any progress even having the tools.

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Life is super hard here. Wish i was born in a developed country



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1 minute ago, Ramanujan said:

Life is super hard here. Wish i was born in a developed country



Or we are weak and unresourceful.

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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Just now, Sandhu said:

Or we are weak and unresourceful.


Colonialism fucked my place

My place was the richest place in the world with highest GDP at the time before colonialism

Colonialism destroyed the life of my entire countryman

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I'm not denying that there are real limitation and obstacles in our countries. But we're responsible for our lives. Nobody is stopping us to be creative, resourceful and hard-working to make the most out of it.

Bottom line is are we even making the most out of what we can access.

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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It's up to men to create the civilization that they create. Men can use their masculine energy to bring about almost anything. When I see men struggling in a certain place, I have observed this weird dynamic that those men don't band together as a tribe. They are not united in effort or ambition. In places where men tend to flourish, I have seen that they work together as a team. Masculinity and masculine energy when united and focused can achieve almost anything. So when men are complaining about their state of living, it's because there's something lacking in them collectively that they fail to address. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Posted (edited)

@Buck Edwards I know you women very well, you use men as a stratogy for making more women.

Edited by Sandhu

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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Posted (edited)

I've been contemplating recently, or just having it crossing my mind, that the hereditary preassure of those before us is just unavoidable. I am talking of the collective as well as the individual. If those before you just wasted their life and lived destructing then chances are next generations won't have a bright future. I will try not to make it too black and white though.

Edited by Human Mint

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41 minutes ago, Sandhu said:

I'm not denying that there are real limitation and obstacles in our countries. But we're responsible for our lives. Nobody is stopping us to be creative, resourceful and hard-working to make the most out of it.

Bottom line is are we even making the most out of what we can access.

There is too much population

And there is over competition



The only way is to work hard to beat the competition or move to a country where competition is reasonable

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7 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

There is too much population

And there is over competition



The only way is to work hard to beat the competition or move to a country where competition is reasonable

It's difficult to reason out while you are keeping this victim mentality. Go read " Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins.


Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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7 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

There is too much population

And there is over competition

That should not be the real problem. China is growing a lot in terms of quality of life, they are kinda the futuristic mecca and too much people live there

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Just now, Sandhu said:

It's difficult to reason out while you are keeping this victim mentality. Go read " Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins.



"Take 100% for your life" is a scam

Sometimes , your life circumstances and  environment will be so powerful that nothing can be done about it

We are not to blame for not being responsible

Life circumstances will be so powerful that you will  be a victim




Also American self help authors can say anything they want. USA has all the money and opportunities. You can win in a 1000 ways


If Tony robbins was born in India , he would be begging for a government job


Dont take  American self help authors so seriously. It's very easy to live in USA compared to a 3rd world country

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3 minutes ago, Human Mint said:

That should not be the real problem. China is growing a lot in terms of quality of life, they are kinda the futuristic mecca and too much people live there


Their leadership is soo good

You cannot blame me for the poor leadership of India

It's not my fault that india is pretty fucked up



"Take 100% responsibility " is not applicable always

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1 minute ago, Ramanujan said:


Their leadership is soo good

You cannot blame me for the poor leadership of India

It's not my fault that india is pretty fucked up



"Take 100% responsibility " is not applicable always

And that's why a lot of indians leave the country. Just like venezuelans

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@Sandhu @Ramanujan why don’t you guys simply teach yoga and meditation and get money from that? Or coach through consults to share and teach your knowledge? 

Forget about building your money from the life purpose if you have no money to survive, leave that as a side project while you build your finances up

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Posted (edited)

Botton line: doesn't matter where you live, just don't have a victim mentality.

The only real problems I see the USA have, as someone that doesn't live there, is that it is too materialistic. I don't see racism being too much of a problem nowadays, you may have a trace here and there, but most states have it very well checked

Edited by Human Mint

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Posted (edited)

@Human Mint It’s a great opportunity for those struggling for survival. You have no idea what is like to live in a literal concrete jungle. Even if you visit these places, it’s no where near what’s like living in there. Just the organization of the city and its beauty in the States can do a positive impact in your psyche. Being surrounded from people from all over the world and not just one concentrated culture has a massive impact on your psyche as you don’t have to adapt to one unique social expectation. What I mean is you can get lonely even easier if you are authentic and different. Ppl here are not minding their own business like in advanced countries. Walking down the street, neighborhoods, social circles, malls, etc most people will stare at you hungrily, especially if you are attractive… it’s like super stalking. That’s why attractive and rich ppl in these countries live like ghosts. Not to even mention the dating opportunities… you can get good clothes with good prices too. In third world countries you wear straps and shitty clothes mostly. Dressing well is a rich luxury. The traffic is literal hell. If you learn to drive while living there, you can drive anywhere. USA is baby driving. Let me not even start with the security… you will basically feel moderately unsafe, unless you have a gun, know how to fight, are assertive and confident, have good social skills, etc. Not having a dense ego here will get you bullied even with stares. Close minded and religious ppl everywhere… The police is basically criminal and will scam you, they did once to me accusing me of doing something wrong and taking my car, they do this when they want money. It’s like having legal thief’s on the street. The law system sucks… Oh aside from this, and all the poor opportunities, you will have a lot of envy even for just wearing good clothes, even having a gf, like anything good or standing out. Most ppl want you to be open about your personal life, if not they start insulting, gang bullying, and manipulating you until you open up and do as they want until you fit in. Fuck them… Being attractive, may God have mercy on you, I have being a target since the day I was born. You will have little to no friends as even other good looking and rich get full of envy. But literally, it’s an amount of envy and wickedness you don’t understand until you live in one of these places and try to thrive while being yourself. You get enemies everywhere.  Even women… if you stand out in someway be prepared to knowing how to defend and back up. Everyone will try to scam you in someway… Oh aside from this, you get a lot of people practicing witchcraft in these places because they are stuck. Since they have little to no opportunities to thrive they get jealous and want to throw others down. Aside from aggressiveness, you will get a lot of ppl trying to befriend you to get info and play the joker on you to fuck you up. It’s a lot of negativity. What else… Well in an lsd trip I figured out something related to this. The negativity and ignorance in these countries attract a lot of demon and negative entities. The smallest the country is, the better. Mine is somewhat small cuz its in the Caribbean. This is a perfect spot for demons. I remember tapping in the collective energy field here, very very very dark. There’s probably a lot more stuff I’m not remembering rn, like politics, economics, taxing, etc. This is just like the day to day stuff you will get into if you live and enter these type of matrix’s. Oh, something more, the amount of arrogance… you will want to punch ppl in the face for such level of stupidity, ignorance and blind confidence. 


Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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