
Reality is emptiness

22 posts in this topic


6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Because i´ve tasted how it feels to dissappear and is more blissful than all mdma and psychedelic and sex and cocaine and party and having a child, etc together. 

Once you drive a Lamborguini Aventador how can you settle for a BMW? Please tell me.

BMW is fun and great, but once you taste something tremendously higuer then, well, the seeking can not stop.

Watch the video and everytime you hear that V12 screaming remember when I talk about Liberation i don´t talk about denying or decreasing Life...I´m actually talking about Raising it to the higuest possibility of existence...

It's unclear to me what you are describing.  On one hand you are talking about "disappearing " and then you say I'm not denying experience but I want to raise its quality and so forth ..that's a blatant contradiction. 

You string together a bunch of complicated spiritual mumbo-jumbo (like Sadhana etc) but I'm still confused.  

Please explain yourself completely In a detailed post .

Take the mic ..go ahead 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:


It's unclear to me what you are describing.  On one hand you are talking about "disappearing " and then you say I'm not denying experience but I want to raise its quality and so forth ..that's a blatant contradiction. 


.that's a blatant contradiction. 

Is normal you perceive it like that, that´s because you have not tasted the state of Being I have tasted.

@Someone here When I say dissappearing I mean the limited qualities of you (mind, thought, emotion, physicality, etc).

What remains is You. But that You is not consciousness nor mind nor dreaming nor manifestation nor anything you can imagine.


The process is not one of reducing Life, is about eliminating all limited things you picked up. 

Whatever is You, it should remain even when we remove everything from you right? If we have to remove the complete dream from you, so be it, right? Whatever is temporary, we don´t care. We care only about your ultimate being. If turns out you picked up everything, we will surrender everything because anyway everything you picked it up as an identity.

We want to remove the identities and see what´s left...

The point is You, not the identities...so don´t be scared about all identities going away... 

Edited by Javfly33

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