
How do you make heart-centered life decisions?

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Curious if you guys have a process for making decisions in life while being completely intuitive and in touch with source. 

For example: I'm just not sure if my house feels right for me or if I should move. And similar with business related decisions. 

These aren't even specific questions I've pondered, just confused about what my heart is trying to tell me. 

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There are some decisions that you make using rationality meaning you can equate pros and cons and ups and downs and can reach finally to clarity.

And there are those which are not so easy and even expert opinions don't lead to clarity. For these stay with the questions and after some time your intiuation will lead to what feels right.

Of course you need to have a level of awareness to get it.

Impulsive decisions are not intuitive .

That's what I have to say

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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I think making difficult life choices needs to be a combination of some intuition (gut feeling) and some rational strategic considerations. 

Taking the example of your house: 

  • intuition tells you something doesn't feel right. Most likely what that means is one or more of your core values are being compromised because intuition always works alongside your value system (do you know what your values are?) . Maybe it is the location because if you, for example, value solitude and isolation, then living alonside a noisy neighbourhood won't be good for you. Or if ne of your core values is connection and your house is in the middle of nowhere and there are no opportunities ,  then that is not good for you. - you need to spend time journaling on this not thinking. Writing things down opens up deeper areas of your cerebral cortex and helps you engage more brain pathways. Thinking isn't good enough, its too superficial, too easy to distract and thinking tends to always follow the same patterns because it conserves energy. You need to go deeper. Grab a pen and paper and write
  • Secondly the other aspect is being strategic and rational 
    • if I am unhappy what can I do about it? 
    • where would i like to live? 
    • how much can i afford to pay per month on a rent, council tax, utilities 
    • will my expenses go up if I move? will I have to commute further? 
    • could it be that I am just bored and the movement is simply a distraction? 
  • maybe final consideration is a 3rd party opinion - ask someone else who knows you well for an opinion. Sometimes other people, especially those who are good systemic thinkers can help you think differently about issues, introduce new variables or maybe answer open questions. 

Anyways, hope that helps. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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By taking some periods off and literally doing nothing or meditating and contemplating about some aspect of my life. That helps the most.

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