
How do you interpret "global awakening" messages?

30 posts in this topic

Global awakening may not be occurring, but spirituality is undoubtedly expanding—and expanding quickly. It will just continue to grow larger and larger!

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7 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

These people lack construct-awareness.

They are not aware of how they construct all of reality, and how their "global awakening" is but a figment within a dream within a game within Infinite Mind.

Genuine spirituality is about cutting to the truth.

It is a surrender activity of everything you know and love: self, consensus reality, and universe - which goes so full-circle, that you recognize with sheer clarity the inevitability of it all (that is to say; they are Absolute insofar as they are here).

It is not a social activity.

Spiritual larping takes the aesthetic of truth-seeking and usurps it to serve a spiritual-ego-agenda (no matter how benevolent).

These "global awakening" proponents don't know who they are, no matter how much they say they are Love and Light and Consciousness.

OK but what if they're interested in truth? If I noticed correctly then this YouTuber also talks about deeper levels of awakening. 

So then how could we differentiate between someone who is behind on Leo (simply had fewer, less deep awakenings) versus someone who isn't interested in truth and is more interested in continuing their spiritual larp persona? 

And can't someone grow into an even better teacher overtime by having new insights and awakenings? All he seems to do in this video is share messages from the beyond. 

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9 hours ago, Marcel said:

I agree. 

BUT! If you peel back all the layers. 

What is the subconscious grounded in?

Nothing! The groundless ground.

This server always jacks me up.  I took a few moments to respond to your point and then it disappears.  So, to reiterate.  I agree with you but then that begs the question of physicality and its opposite.  Anything is possible in the non-physical but to gain a firm grasp of the possibilities is beyond me. We can think on it...but how 'real' is that?  :) 

I add that it is the nature of the universe to create 'things' from apparent nothingness but who can define this particular brand of 'apparent'?

Edited by El Zapato

I am not a crybaby!

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3 hours ago, Butters said:

OK but what if they're interested in truth? If I noticed correctly then this YouTuber also talks about deeper levels of awakening. 

So then how could we differentiate between someone who is behind on Leo (simply had fewer, less deep awakenings) versus someone who isn't interested in truth and is more interested in continuing their spiritual larp persona? 

And can't someone grow into an even better teacher overtime by having new insights and awakenings? All he seems to do in this video is share messages from the beyond. 

Too much drama in the exposition.  Just spit it out, man!

I am not a crybaby!

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On 9/14/2024 at 4:46 PM, Butters said:

OK but what if they're interested in truth?

They're usually not. 99% of self-proclaimed truth-seekers (even on this forum) are just larping. They don the aesthetic of "truth-seeker" simply for the existential comfort and security that this identity provides.

Real truth-seeking is like drowning naked in the middle of the Atlantic ocean at night with unseen creatures of the dark lurking beneath you, and no humans, no land, no warmth, no light to grasp onto. And then willingly plunging deeper into that lonely, vulnerable, cold without any guarantee of ever coming back... only then is the REAL light revealed, but you can easily tell that none of these folks would dare go there. Their whole ""global awakening"" is a cute fiction on stilts to avoid the real abyss - and thus the real love and light eludes them.

I would be HIGHLY suspicious of any youtube persona that claims to deliver spiritual insight - ESPECIALLY if they have any new age or Buddhist roots in their rhetoric/mannerisms.

Dead givesaways of larpers: "vibration, frequency, reality-shifting, timelines, manifestation, 5D, numerology, astrology, law of attraction, law of assumption, no-self, nonduality, jhanas, nothingness, reincarnation, lifetimes, spirits, entities" and so much more.

And who am I to cast such judgement upon these kind, sincere people who do genuine good work in the world?

I'm just a guy who has glimpsed the Abyss: The total collapse of the Entire Universe - held together by a single, tender, Self-Aware thread of Infinite Intelligence, gawking at its own majesty and magnitude, not yet ready to cross to the other side.

And every day I avoid this truth just as much as anybody else. You could say that the very fact that we are alive today on earth as humans is in every sense a temporary defiance of Truth - but Truth is so Absolute that it merges with this defiance, and thus here we are today in Absolute Reality - The most Perfect Gift that Consciousness could give itself, made of itself unto itself!

And so, with all of this context and reference experience, it's patently clear to me when I see my fellow souls donning a spiritual costume to avoid the heat death of the universe (aka Truth).

After all, I too do the same. They're me.

It's Love.

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On 9/14/2024 at 4:46 PM, Butters said:

So then how could we differentiate between someone who is behind on Leo (simply had fewer, less deep awakenings) versus someone who isn't interested in truth and is more interested in continuing their spiritual larp persona? 

Become construct-aware, and notice them spinning constructs in real-time.

It's always in their rhetoric, their mannerisms, their agendas. On some level they actually believe in their constructs, lol.

It's RARE that you'll find a human who will happily admit "yeah I just made that up :)" - but not in a defeatist or flippant manner, but in a highly intelligent manner where they can articulate the construction and deconstruction of said construct

It's Love.

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@RendHeaven very interesting, thanks for your response. This topic is very confusing to me. 

One note however:

On 15-9-2024 at 10:24 AM, RendHeaven said:

Dead givesaways of larpers: "vibration, frequency, reality-shifting, timelines, manifestation, 5D, numerology, astrology, law of attraction, law of assumption, no-self, nonduality, jhanas, nothingness, reincarnation, lifetimes, spirits, entities" and so much more.

I came across the work of Abraham Hicks from Leo's booklist. They use these words above a lot. If you are familiar with this work, where would you place it? 

I also don't understand why someone who helps me raise my vibration and get closer to my higher (true) self should be avoided. That's like saying having a horrible experience all day versus something beautiful is exactly the same. It is not. 

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10 hours ago, Butters said:

I came across the work of Abraham Hicks from Leo's booklist. They use these words above a lot. If you are familiar with this work, where would you place it? 

A lot of the best sources are basically high-quality larpers, and they will genuinely help you improve your life.

So it's not that you should avoid them at all costs or that they're doing anything malicious or bad.

It's more like, we're all larping, and we all just want a good life. So why can't we just admit that?

Why do we have to usurp the word "Truth" and turn our human pursuits into some Divinely ordained path?

Learn from whoever ya want, just maintain construct-awareness and don't treat their fantasies as REAL

(so whenever someone says the word "shift to 5D consciousness" you hold that idea lightly, with a chuckle, fully aware that this person just MADE THAT SHIT UP, but you can still play along with their words if you find it useful for your life)

It's Love.

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It’s similar imo to how many religions are waiting for their saviour or prophet to come (back)

jews, christians, maitrea and so on

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