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Discussion About: Reading, Etc.

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so between numerous role models I follow, including "our" Leo Gura and also (I recommending) Tai Lopez, there is often a message of - study. Reading, research.


Certainly I'm intending to pick up a habit of this in the future, of digging into philosophy and psychology and history and physics, however that is not a now-concern... I have other focal imperatives for the nearer future. So I'm not pushing for that study habit just yet. But, I wonder, wouldn't the types of literature and discourse that Leo often criticizes as low-level consiousness, not be necessarily bad?


I'm trying to go through my (so to speak:) "spiritual" work through a pragmatic approach of in-the-action mindfulness, rather than one of solemn meditation - I have been in my life spending "too much" time reflecting or daydreaming or gaming, and instead not-doing, so one of my main current priorities is to focus on being pragmatic whenever I have the capacity to be focused and with healthy pose of body (my body atrophy and subsequent weakness from my 3 years of depression), and when my body and/or my mind is not up to that task, I'm more often than not making sure to rest in some way, even to the point that I allow my mind to return into "sleep". this leaves no room for meditation or for direct study. 


So my idea is - I could be reading fantasy books, watching non-documentary movies. It really is OK. For two reasons - as I move forward in my mindfulness work, I cannot just suddenly be mindful all the time - so neurotically criticizing my consumption of so-called low-consciousness content is silly! just watch it/read it, no big deal. But Also, the thing that I'm very aware of - which Leo and most other role models too, either are unaware of or neglect to emphasize or even mention - is the reality that all experiences in life are just as meaningful in inspiration, worth, good, etc. - as anything else. Well, we sort of do talk about this - but the more precise nature I'm referring to is how: Even a child with no experience, we learn from; Even an addict with full-scale neurosis, we learn from; And even from the addictive medias - we learn from them too. So in this way - when working on mindfulness - consumption of "low consciousness media" has a twofold direct usefulness in our pursuit of transcending our low level of awareness - The first being that it is a good way to practice being mindful of our addictive nature - just because we have these addiction sensations and drive doesn't mean we must avoid that activity, altho being mindful of the self is possible in such moments certainly hard - in that it gives us practice of allowing our awareness to falter and yet still return; and when we can keep ongoing consciousness more powerfully, we can increase that strength. The second being - that with mindful attention to the movie etc for the focus of finding inspiration, with enough practice (and I have a whole life's worth for this specific skill) we will actually discover that literally all things inspire our growth of ideas. Of course, in that, I bank on the strategy that being the monkeys we are is in fact the authentic "self" that we are - tho we can transcend that self with increased awareness, despite the infinity and the nothingness and the nonduality that existences is, in contrast to that absolute existence our "local" existence remains to factually be one of sensation and duality. We may be struck by delusion, but to deny that delusion blindly would in fact be denying the nonduality itself! 






disclaimer - this has been a discussion of thought from my current perspective. I do not claim any of it to be true or useful for you, and certainly none of it is True being. but these ideas are true and useful for me :)

any thoughts, responses, reflections, piggybacking, all encouraged :) thanks for reading. 

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If a person's world is not based on truth, then anything could be used to inspire further untruths.

If a person's world is based on truth, then only truth can be recognized/known. The rest is of no value.

Truth does not know untruths. If it did then it would become a truth.

A truthful person reading a book, more times than not, will hardly find any truth in it. What they do see is the veils (stories of denial) still laying over the truth not yet revealed. When a truth is revealed, it would be like finding a diamond in the rough. Not only is it rare, but stands out like a light in complete darkness. And it warms the heart with its love.

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8 hours ago, Visitor said:


If a person's world is based on truth, then only truth can be recognized/known. The rest is of no value.


I don't follow... existence itself is truth, in this way all that can be experienced is necessarily True. we may create delusions and in that way when we speak our opinionated truths, those aren't True. but as existence itself is True, those so-called truths are indeed founded on Truth. And if a person only recognizes Truth, to full extent, then to claim that their looking towards a part of reality and seeing no value would be to claim that they do not see Truth in full, as all which isn't True is just an illusion that sits upon Truth, or as outline to Truth. A person who can see Truth in full would look at those illusions and see exactly how they reveal the Truth, and unconditionally love what isn't Truth just as much as what is. 

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Thanks aryberry for your response.

I am not talking about the facts of existence. I am talking about our truth. The truth about our thoughts and actions. The why we say and do in life.

For example. The truth about an angry person is that they are afraid. Anger is just an expression of avoidance to their truth of being afraid.

A truthful person would see this truth and disregard the other for it is just a story of avoidance, which has no value to the fact that they are afraid.

However, a truthful person will understand why they are afraid in the first place. But if the angry person cannot see it then all their thoughts and actions are not true, and not of any value to them or for the truthful person.

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