Without a degree in Physics, how will I understand reality?

By Husseinisdoingfine in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology,
One of the reasons in which I wanted to purse Physics was because I wanted to understand "truth". I for the longest time had been interested in Philosophy, even back in Middle School I would enjoy reading books from various philosophers, and even on my own read 'On the Origin of Species'. I got the idea to pursue Physics from Elon Musk, because there was an interview of him saying that he pursued Physics because he was always interested in truth. And that became my mission. To become a Physics researcher, and get to the bottom of reality and metaphysics. But now due to my academic situation, that's no longer viable. I could become a business person, but I don't want the focus of my life to simply be to enrich myself, make more money. That seems hollow, I wanted my life to be on the pursuit of truth. Which is precisely why I chose Physics, to get to the bottom of reality. Question: How will I ever get to the bottom of reality without a P.h.D. in Physics and tenured at a prestigious University? Edit: By ‘truth’ I mean getting to the metaphysical bottom of reality.
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