
Without a degree in Physics, how will I understand reality?

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One of the reasons in which I wanted to purse Physics was because I wanted to understand "truth". I for the longest time had been interested in Philosophy, even back in Middle School I would enjoy reading books from various philosophers, and even on my own read 'On the Origin of Species'. I got the idea to pursue Physics from Elon Musk, because there was an interview of him saying that he pursued Physics because he was always interested in truth.

And that became my mission. To become a Physics researcher, and get to the bottom of reality and metaphysics. But now due to my academic situation, that's no longer viable.

I could become a business person, but I don't want the focus of my life to simply be to enrich myself, make more money. That seems hollow, I wanted my life to be on the pursuit of truth. Which is precisely why I chose Physics, to get to the bottom of reality.

Question: How will I ever get to the bottom of reality without a P.h.D. in Physics and tenured at a prestigious University?

Edit: By ‘truth’ I mean getting to the metaphysical bottom of reality.

Edited by Husseinisdoingfine

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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19 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

And that became my mission. To become a Physics researcher, and get to the bottom of reality and metaphysics. But now due to my academic situation, that's no longer viable.

Well it is a lot of advance math in Physics, so if you dont like math then it will be hard to become a physics researcher. Also calculus is a very important to be good at if you want be successful in physics. 

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25 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

One of the reasons in which I wanted to purse Physics was because I wanted to understand "truth". I for the longest time had been interested in Philosophy, even back in Middle School I would enjoy reading books from various philosophers, and even on my own read 'On the Origin of Species'. I got the idea to pursue Physics from Elon Musk, because there was an interview of him saying that he pursued Physics because he was always interested in truth.

And that became my mission. To become a Physics researcher, and get to the bottom of reality and metaphysics. But now due to my academic situation, that's no longer viable.

I could become a business person, but I don't want the focus of my life to simply be to enrich myself, make more money. That seems hollow, I wanted my life to be on the pursuit of truth. Which is precisely why I chose Physics, to get to the bottom of reality.

Question: How will I ever get to the bottom of reality without a P.h.D. in Physics and tenured at a prestigious University?

Do you need a degree for understanding stuff?

I mean isn't it possible to understand stuff without a degree?

Sure is

Specially in this day and age when you can find anything on the Internet for free

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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@Husseinisdoingfine oh Truth! You're interested in Truth, I love Truth, that's what my life has always been about, the pursuit of Truth.

Physics can give you relative understanding about the mechanics of the world but it cannot give you Truth.

Philosophy does a better job but still doesn't scratch the itch.

Psychedelics and spiritual practices can get the job done.

Truth is a matter of personal inquiry, direct experience and Awakening.

How can one live out of that? Idk

Truth is many times against survival and few people bother about it. Although don't let my pov limit you.

It's possible to create a successful career out of Truth, just look at Leo.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

One of the reasons in which I wanted to purse Physics was because I wanted to understand "truth". I for the longest time had been interested in Philosophy, even back in Middle School I would enjoy reading books from various philosophers, and even on my own read 'On the Origin of Species'. I got the idea to pursue Physics from Elon Musk, because there was an interview of him saying that he pursued Physics because he was always interested in truth.

And that became my mission. To become a Physics researcher, and get to the bottom of reality and metaphysics. But now due to my academic situation, that's no longer viable.

I could become a business person, but I don't want the focus of my life to simply be to enrich myself, make more money. That seems hollow, I wanted my life to be on the pursuit of truth. Which is precisely why I chose Physics, to get to the bottom of reality.

Question: How will I ever get to the bottom of reality without a P.h.D. in Physics and tenured at a prestigious University?

Edit: By ‘truth’ I mean getting to the metaphysical bottom of reality.

Dude, are you serious?

I am suspecting that you are trolling.

I will reply, whatever...

How did Indians became aware of TRUTH

Old yogis who have written textbooks didn't had a PhD in Physics.

All that you need to get to the TRUTH is available.

You can "get there" using guidance from Leo, Ralston, Psychedelics, Philosophy.

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You have Youtube, MIT OpenCourseWare, edX.

You can learn all the physics you want for free.

Pursue TRUTH for TRUTH itself not for PhDs or recognition.

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Stop reading and start living. You don't need to understand physics to know the truth. You don't need any information to know the truth. Any information you gather will be useless to the truth. You are going in the wrong direction. You need to seek inside your own body. You are physics.

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I wanted to do the same, I am going to a software engineering/Ai engineering/something computers and practical degree, but I know I have a strong passion for knowledge so I will just self study pure physics with philosophy, along with spiritual practice, and other stuff, I am already doing this.

Since college would make me lose interest.

A lot of people who did great things were autodidacts, don't let that stop ya, it's an advantage.


I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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PHD doesn't mean it's truth. How are you so sure if that's what you need? Sometimes we think we know what we need but don't.

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Your post is mad goofy bro. 

Just be honest with yourself, you just want to be a Physics researcher because you want the presteige and so that you can please ur family.

You are telling yourself, "its because I want to get to the bottom of reality", but deep down you just want to  stroke that ego.

You reek of ego. I can smell your ego from my computer screen bro. You have so much of it, ADMIT IT.







Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@EdgeGod900 Take it easy on him.

@Husseinisdoingfine Look man I was in your shoes before. Just remember you dont need anybody's approval. You can be happy on your own. Fuck the thoughts or opinions of anybody in this whole planet. Fuck what I, Leo, your parents, Elon musk, or anybody has to say.

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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56 minutes ago, EdgeGod900 said:

@Husseinisdoingfine Look man I was in your shoes before. Just remember you dont need anybody's approval. You can be happy on your own. Fuck the thoughts or opinions of anybody in this whole planet. Fuck what I, Leo, your parents, Elon musk, or anybody has to say.

That's just not how Middle Eastern culture works. He's not in America.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's just not how Middle Eastern culture works. He's not in America.

I live in Maryland.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's just not how Middle Eastern culture works.

In those cultures, the fewer friends and connections with relatives you have, the more you can ignore others' opinions and the better you'll feel.

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Physics is practically the opposite of metaphysics. Physics will actually get in the way of metaphysics.

Edited by yetineti

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On 11/09/2024 at 10:17 PM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

One of the reasons in which I wanted to purse Physics was because I wanted to understand "truth". I for the longest time had been interested in Philosophy, even back in Middle School I would enjoy reading books from various philosophers, and even on my own read 'On the Origin of Species'. I got the idea to pursue Physics from Elon Musk, because there was an interview of him saying that he pursued Physics because he was always interested in truth.

And that became my mission. To become a Physics researcher, and get to the bottom of reality and metaphysics. But now due to my academic situation, that's no longer viable.

I could become a business person, but I don't want the focus of my life to simply be to enrich myself, make more money. That seems hollow, I wanted my life to be on the pursuit of truth. Which is precisely why I chose Physics, to get to the bottom of reality.

Question: How will I ever get to the bottom of reality without a P.h.D. in Physics and tenured at a prestigious University?

Edit: By ‘truth’ I mean getting to the metaphysical bottom of reality.

On 11/09/2024 at 10:17 PM, Husseinisdoingfine said:


That's amazing! 

Hey before we think about degrees and stuff, are you interested in discussing what physics is?

My favourite subject was physics too while I was in college. I didn't know why then but I guess now I know. 

I suggest we keep it simple and discuss examples as opposed to getting too technical and definitiony. 

Let's list three things in our surroundings that involves physics and it's concepts - 

1. A rotating fan

2. Snapping of fingers

3. Motion of a fly

You can choose your own list of three things. 

Now instead of contemplating ourselves, we are gonna take the help of Claude. 

Pasting our chat here..

"Hey Claude how's you!

I wanna understand what's physics is at the most fundamental level. Please note that I said I want to 'understand' means it must hit me that oh yes ofcourse this is physics. I want to experience it. Rather than theorizing about it. 

So what I did is I chose three things in my surroundings that involves physics and its concepts - 

- A rotating fan

- Snapping of fingers

- Motion of a fly

Through these examples, let's contemplate what why how physics fit into this. 

Basically what's the relationship between these three and physics?"

"Claude - I appreciate your desire to truly understand and experience physics rather than just theorize about it. Let's explore these three examples to help you grasp the fundamental nature of physics.

1. A rotating fan:

Physics is essentially about matter, energy, and their interactions. In a rotating fan, we see these principles in action:

- Energy conversion: Electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy of motion.

- Forces: The motor exerts a torque (rotational force) on the blades.

- Angular momentum: The fan blades' rotation demonstrates conservation of angular momentum.

- Air pressure: As the blades spin, they create areas of high and low pressure, moving air.

When you observe the fan, notice how it starts slowly and speeds up, how the air moves around it, and how it gradually slows down when turned off. These are all physics principles at work.


2. Snapping of fingers:

This quick action involves several physics concepts:

- Friction: Your thumb slides rapidly across your middle finger, building up potential energy.

- Elastic potential energy: Your skin briefly deforms, storing energy.

- Energy release: The stored energy is suddenly released as your finger hits your palm.

- Sound waves: The impact creates a pressure wave in the air - the snap sound you hear.

- Speed: The entire process happens in a fraction of a second, demonstrating physics at high speeds.

Next time you snap your fingers, pay attention to the force you apply, the brief resistance you feel, and the sharp sound produced. That's physics in action.


3. Motion of a fly:

A fly's flight is a marvel of physics:

- Forces: The fly generates lift to overcome gravity, and thrust to move forward.

- Fluid dynamics: Air behaves as a fluid, and the fly's wings manipulate this fluid to fly.

- Energy transformation: Chemical energy from food is converted into kinetic energy of motion.

- Momentum: The fly's ability to change direction rapidly demonstrates conservation of momentum.

- Vibrations: The buzzing sound comes from rapid wing oscillations, another physics principle.

Watch a fly closely. Notice its erratic movements, how it hovers, and how it can land on any surface. Each action is a demonstration of physics principles.


The relationship between these examples and physics is that physics describes and explains the fundamental principles governing their behavior. It's not just a set of equations, but a way of understanding how the universe works at its most basic level.

By observing and contemplating these everyday phenomena, you're experiencing physics firsthand. The next step would be to start asking questions: Why does the fan create a breeze? How fast do your fingers move when snapping? How many times per second does a fly's wing beat? These questions lead to deeper understanding and are the essence of physics - curiosity about how the world around us works."


So this is some juice we got through this chat - 

"Physics is a way of understanding how the universe works at its most basic level."

"The essence of physics is curiosity about how the world around us works."


Let's continue with its essence - curiosity about how the world around us works. 

Now this is something we humans have naturally. We have been curious since we were kids. 

This curiosity however tends to die out when we get answers to everything. Without seeing it/understanding it for ourselves. When we get paradigm locked. 

I feel so lucky to have this flame of curiosity still alive within me. If you too have this curiosity, please cherish it. Nurture it. Explore it. Live it. 


Also, if you have noticed yet, we already have gone beyond Phd in physics in a sense..

What? How? 

So just a few moments before we were curious about 'curiosity' itself. This is also physics. Who's to say what physics is and what it isn't? For me business is also physics..or rather application of physics. As we need to understand how market works, how mind works. 

So be open to the possibility that the things you are calling shallow might be even greater than the things you consider the highest. 


Ok I guess that's enough physics for the day. Or shall I say metaphysics 😊

Goodluck with your future brother! I trust that you'll get your shit together..and pursue truth in your own style, in your own physics. And when you do, you will rise above the ashes like a physics phoenix. ⚛️



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