
Why is painful to the man to know that her crush is having sex with another man yet..

43 posts in this topic

For a woman is not so painful or not at all?

Why man have a sort of crude painful reaction in regards to women they like having sex with another men yet with women they don´t care about this and they care more about emotional cheating (for example that his boyfriend has developed feelings for other girl).

At the end of the day if sex is strictly about pleasure why men have this toxic attitude? Is there some kind of sexism or toxicity deeply ingrained in the social matrix about sex that makes the man see the women as 'devalued' or 'used' by the man she had sex with? 

I would go even deeper and say, if sex is literally only about pleasure, who cares if your gf slept with another guy or if your gf just kissed it or hugged it. Literally is just physical exchanges, why something has more 'spice' than the other? 

Is like in the social matrix women has some sort of value that gets diminished or preserved depending on the sex. Which makes sense because of this whole toxic culture of 'bodycount'. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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You clearly never watched TV before 😁

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You are not a man 😅

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Javfly33 Explain tis song & lyrics then

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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38 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

At the end of the day if sex is strictly about pleasure

Says who. Where did you get this information. Is this your personal feeling or is it a standard rule. Is it Universal or societal or cultural. 

Know thyself....

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41 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Is there some kind of sexism or toxicity deeply ingrained in the social matrix about sex that makes the man see the women as 'devalued' or 'used' by the man she had sex with? 

Only men who don't value themselves or feel unworthy see women in this way. Everything is always about the person seeing it. That's why one's beliefs can tell a lot about that person. Not all men see women as undervalued or devalued after having sex with them.

Know thyself....

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50 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I would go even deeper and say, if sex is literally only about pleasure, who cares if your gf slept with another guy or if your gf just kissed it or hugged it. Literally is just physical exchanges, why something has more 'spice' than the other? 

It's like telling someone a secret about themselves and that person goes and tell someone else. Vulnerability. Some view sex as being vulnerable to someone and view it as being disloyal if you go and have sex with another. Doesn't feel special to them anymore. You opened up to me and i felt special but now you're doing the same with someone else and now my ego is shattered and I don't feel special anymore.

All depends on how one views the act of sex and why they did it with that person.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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If sex is just about pleasure and context for when you have sex doesn't matter, then why is rape wrong? It is just sex, no? It feels good, no?

We not only criminalize rape but are disgusted by it and demonize rapists as a society. Sex is a deeply personal thing to us, wrought with boundaries that cannot simple be transgressed willy-nilly.

Also, what evidence is there that men are more jealous over their love interests?

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I dont think that is true. I think other women care with whom you sleep if they have feelings for you. Not to the same extend perhaps. 

Partly also because I dont think that you can disconnect sex with feelings completely. Not in my experience at least it would make things easier. 

Well I think it probably has to do with evolution. If a guy cheats with other women but has feeling for his partner then he will care more for her and her kids then the other women. But I am no expert in evolutionary psychology. 

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

For a woman is not so painful or not at all?

Why man have a sort of crude painful reaction in regards to women they like having sex with another men yet with women they don´t care about this and they care more about emotional cheating (for example that his boyfriend has developed feelings for other girl).

At the end of the day if sex is strictly about pleasure why men have this toxic attitude? Is there some kind of sexism or toxicity deeply ingrained in the social matrix about sex that makes the man see the women as 'devalued' or 'used' by the man she had sex with? 

I would go even deeper and say, if sex is literally only about pleasure, who cares if your gf slept with another guy or if your gf just kissed it or hugged it. Literally is just physical exchanges, why something has more 'spice' than the other? 

Is like in the social matrix women has some sort of value that gets diminished or preserved depending on the sex. Which makes sense because of this whole toxic culture of 'bodycount'. 

I think you're all wrong... Well except for when you say that the culture of "body count" is toxic

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I'm starting see a pattern of people thinking that sex and feelings are separate. That you can love somebody and bang someone else without it destroying the relationship, but being a part of it.

The idea that sex and feelings are separate is wrong because it doesn't consider other peoples boundaries and feelings. It doesn't matter what you think but what they think when it comes to boundaries, at least if you aim to be a mature and loving partner.

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30 minutes ago, Basman said:

If sex is just about pleasure and context for when you have sex doesn't matter, then why is rape wrong? It is just sex, no? It feels good, no?

It's like saying why is stealing food wrong, it's like eating, no. IT tastes good, no. Or robbing a bank, it's just money, no. Rape is taking from someone else what they didn't give to you. Sex is an act, rape is a violation of that act. Sex is not rape and rape is not sex. One can be or feel raped by other acts other than through sex.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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 Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the sky and over all the beasts that tread upon the earth. "

**Facepalm**  I guess even God can make mistakes... I have no words... humanity is fucked.... seriously fucked...

There is no way in hell, this shit is real... we are in a cartoon and are entertainment for the Overlords... change my mind...

 There should be an adult Sex Ed class... because too many students were too busy jerking off nonsense. 


Lol, clearly I am in a bad mood. But, people need education about sex and relationships... badly... so badly. Badly, badly badly... 

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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This is an over generalisation, but it probably does have a grain of truth.

Evolutionarily it makes a bit of sense, a man wants to know that the children he is raising have HIS genetics and if a woman sleeps with another man then he doesn’t know for sure that his kids are his.

On the other hand a woman who would have needed a man for protection and resources is perhaps more concerned about her man leaving her and giving his love, and thus protection and resources, to another woman.

Again, vast over-generalisation but I think this is roughly why you notice this dynamic occasionally. In most cases neither party, M or F, likes hearing that the other is fucking another person.

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Because he thinks he owns her. By the way I didn't find anything toxic about it. It's natural masculinity. If something is happening organically it can't be considered truly toxic. For example being jealous over your significant other flirting with someone else. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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8 hours ago, manuel bon said:

I think you're all wrong... Well except for when you say that the culture of "body count" is toxic

People with some self love doesn't have a high "bodycount".

The devil is in the details.

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4 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

People with some self love doesn't have a high "bodycount".

I agree. But what is high for you?

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It is painful for everyone

Because we humans are not just objects of pleasure and don't like to be one

We are not Objects and should not objectify ourselves

If we do that we're reducing from our soul's greatness

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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4 hours ago, manuel bon said:

I agree. But what is high for you?

It depends on each person's personal history, there are many factors and contexts.

But from 3 people i would say it is a """red flag""", man as woman.


Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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3 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

It depends on each person's personal history, there are many factors and contexts.

But from 3 people i would say it is a """red flag""", man as woman.

You're right when you say that depends on each person. I've had two long relationships and I had sex with both. If in some years I break up (let's hope not) and sleep with the next girlfriend I wouldn't say it's too much. 

To me high body count is when for example you do pickup and sleep weekly or even monthly with different people.

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