
Anti-Western Idiots

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These types of brain-rotten people see every change in their culture as western propaganda in order to defend their petty beliefs.

Edited by Nemra

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@Nemra he has problems with gay being an identity. But he has no problem with religion being an identity. Unreal. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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I don't understand how these people don't see that cultures have influence on each other.

However, I think cultures aren't equal, and there's some kind of universal path for all of them.

Edited by Nemra

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Just now, Nemra said:

@Buck Edwards, being gay is more fundamental than being religious. 😏


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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Being Muslim = turning an unnatural act into an identity.

Just replace the word "gay" with "Muslim" in his video and it equally applies. :D

Edited by Leo Gura

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I think Being gay in the Middle East doesn’t work right now. We have a lot of development to do in the Middle East until we reach that point of gay rights. A lot of people are living in camps due to war and barley surviving where I’m from, educating  them on gay rights is laughable at this time so people hang on to the only thing they were raised with which is religion.

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@integration journey, can't gay people believe in the same thing and fight in war like others?

Notice how they justify why not to give them rights. Why not just say I find them disgusting rather than give complicated explanations for why it is unnatural.

I'm not saying that gays have to have a right there. If they aren't giving them rights, why not send them to countries that have gay rights?

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@Leo Gura, 😂.

Whenever I listen to someone using sodomy against gays, I want to slap them on their righteous face. Sodomy was about sexual abuse, as I understand it.

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In Arabic culture, the prevailing thought is:

Everything is a conspiracy by Americans and/or Israelis to destroy Islam and Arabs.
Evolution completely denied and considered as a joke even by scientists here, imagine, and if you take it seriously then you will be laughed at if you talk about it.
Anything related to sexuality is completely made up bullshit that comes from the devilsh west.


The old people who are conservative and the conservative young ones always object against people who seem to have been effected by western valuess, which I understand, it is normal for the mind to cling to that which it is familiar with, and to be able to see beyond the mind's tricks of clinging to beliefs and traditions requires great awareness, so I excuse them.

We should feel sympathy towards lower stages and meet them where they are at, that's what I try to do when talking to these individuals.

I see both Cultures, western is far more developed but some people here get affected by western culture through social media where they take it as something that is always true, not question it, even though it is better, it has a lot of limits as well.

One should see beyond culture and be able to see through the lens of any culture the moment he wishes.

Edited by Ayham

I believe in the religion of Love
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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Being Muslim = turning an unnatural act into an identity.

Just replace the word "gay" with "Muslim" in his video and it equally applies. :D

Mindblowing! :D

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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3 minutes ago, Ayham said:

The old people who are conservative and the conservative young ones always object

So it's just like the West? :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

So it's just like the West? :D

I suppose so lol.
Similiar structure, different content.

To be honest I have zero grasp on American politics, liberal vs. conservative, left vs right, though it seems fun, should get into it and join the politics forum!

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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Gays threat sanity, culture, identities, values and and world views of people who have strong conservative values 

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Conservatives think by embracing radical ideas society will be destroyed, they can't fathom that actually it will evolve. 

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@Ayham, a lot of Christians also think that way.

2 hours ago, Ayham said:

some people here get affected by western culture through social media where they take it as something that is always true, not question it, even though it is better, it has a lot of limits as well.

But still, that's not propaganda. They find that more appropriate for themselves in a see of Muslims. They also have to justify why they want to live like that to defend themselves.

I have yet to see religious people seeing beyond their culture.

Edited by Nemra

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I think seeing homosexuality as unhealthy is a valid position.

I disagree however with making it illegal, shaming homosexuals, discriminating against homosexuals (which is what muslims actually want to do).

I agree with him that our culture encourages individuals to build an identity around homosexual tendencies. 

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7 minutes ago, Philipp said:

I think seeing homosexuality as unhealthy is a valid position.

Can't you also say that for heterosexuality?

What is unhealthy about homosexuality for you?

8 minutes ago, Philipp said:

I agree with him that our culture encourages individuals to build an identity around homosexual tendencies. 

Are heterosexual people living without an identity?

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You may not agree with him, but he does state his position clearly, making it possible to engage in debate and question his assumptions.

I would draw an analogy with the “fat positive” movement.   The traditional approach is to acknowledge all of the diseases that obesity causes and to engage in an active therapy to reduce weight and preserve your health.   The “fat positive” approach is to form a group identity around being fat.  If it is now your identity, you no longer have to lose weight.  You can get together with other fat people and have a fat pride march on fat pride day.

Some tend to assume that every idea that comes from the West is good, because it was the West that developed science and technology giving them dominant power over the rest of the world.  I generally agree with other cultures pushing back on the power structures of the West demanding other cultures conform with their value system.   Bad ideas generated by the Western matrix can be criticized and rejected and you can still use your smartphone.


Edited by Jodistrict

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@Nemra I would need to research this topic more deeply. I am pretty sure you can find interesting perspectives from psycho analyst. But my intuition would be that homosexuality is the symptom of repressed, underdeveloped parts of the psyche/ something auto erotic, narcissistic. A fetish

There are people who get turned on by getting shit on their face. The act per se might not be unhealthy. But you know there is something troubled in those souls. Getting shit on is not a pleasant experience. You have to be comsumed by some sexual addiction, to desire this.

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