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Some Thoughts On The Experience Of No Separation/differentiation

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I seem to follow a slightly different path and outlook then other's on here, but thought some might find value in my experiences and comments on this matter.

So... for those who aren't familiar there is a space or position we can inhabit where everything is everything. Words can't describe the place, because words in and of themselves are tools or products of differentiation, which create degrees of separation and conditions. Even calling it nothingness is a flaw in my opinion, because that is a differentiation that narrows the scope of this place and everything that it is, creating misguided connotations.  I prefer to call it un-differentiated everything, but lol, even that is flawed... but maybe less so?

When you are in this position, "you" are a part of this undifferentiated everything, and the differentiation of "you" does not distinguish itself. The sound of water running is you, everything is you, but only a "you" in the sense of being the localized experience (in my opinion). This is different from others who say the you does not "exist", you can still exist while being non-distinguished, in my experience.

Anyways, it's a really nice space that I can slip into at will, but maybe unlike others it's not one I'm trying to be in at all times. Instead I find great value in just having free access to that space and also how it counterbalances or provides contrast to being in a position with differentiation and conditions (which is of course any time our mind begins to categorize distinctions).

The benefits I have found so far from that contrast are the following:

  • It loosens up the intensity of attachment to differentiation at its most fundamental level, which also makes more flexible existing structures of mental differentiation with their associated conditions, rules, and biases. This provides more space, more freedom, to pull away from those structures and let our body's chemical build-up rest and clear out, which helps ease mental rigidity and fundamental prejudices and internalized programming.  
  • It sensitizes me to the contrast between the differentiations that arise as the world changes around and within me versus the differentiations I stack on top of it with my mind as it narrates, labels, categorizes, and distinguishes change. This gives a person a kind of blank slate to build upon based just on the natural flow of the universe and it makes more visible the internalized direction our programming will take us within a moment. This is great for trouble shooting, because you can catch unhealthy directions, slip back into base state non-mental differentiation, and then "re-set" with something more positive.
  • It's kind of nice to be in the un-differentiated space and feel the pull from my mind back into mental differentiation because things feel so good (labeling it good or positive or blissful is a differentiation). This is helpful, because I can stay in non-differentiation and let everything be everything and let my body naturally rest and re-orient itself so it starts pulling me towards positivity, rather than trying to be positive through the creation of conditions. It's a nice alternative, because often through the effort of creating positivity we create conditions that actually push us away from it or make it seem out of reach. 
  • It's great for dealing with energies and situations we would tend to differentiate towards the negative. Facing and becoming those energies in a "I am that" sort of manner, but different because, when you are un-differentiated, there is no need for the second step of differentiating that I am that... lol this stuff is kind of challenging to talk about. When you become the negative, the negative becomes everything and everything is more than negative, which eases things and helps a person's body process that stress and get back to a balanced kind of state.
  • Conditions we have for love and the embodiment of certain positive positions become much easier to meet or non-existent, because you become them, which means you're natural reactions of rejection or resistance to those feelings don't get in the way to block or disrupt their emotional expression.

The limitations or caveats I have found from this space are:

  • This state of non-differentiation is only localized within my domain. Although I am embodying others and can feel without condition, they have to choose and be capable in order to be in the same place to meet me there. However, they are effected or influenced and helped to more easily get there because of the captivation and emotional transference that can happen during communication.
  • Thinking and speaking pulls a person out of the space, however being in or out is not a binary "yes or no", but with degrees of shifting and degrees of overlap, so a person can think and then sink back into it, allowing for the best of both worlds in a way. There is value in both differentiation and non-differentiation. Like yin and yang, the magic is in how they dance and inform each other through contrast. I think people get caught up in conditions when they slip out of this space and try to force this condition of being un-conditional at all times, which creates a kink or paradox that might stymie people who don't certain levels of calmness and stability and perspective already in place.

Anyways, I hope these thoughts help some people. Any thoughts or questions, please let me know.


Edited by Salaam

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