
What does dreaming of heavy bag means?

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Once in a while, I got this dream quite often. And this time, the bag was too heavy (unbearable) that I just stayed at the downstairs. (I didn't go up) To where I'm supposed to be. Like a class.  Idk. And there was a witness. This person always saw me. This person is like someone who is the best in their field. And they saw me. And wonder why I didn't go up. Maybe I looked normal in others eyes. But they didn't know how heavy this backpack I'm carrying. It's too heavy I couldn't bear to carry it upstairs. But when everything ends (I thought so) as it seems. I went up anyway. With this f heavy backpack. Barely making it. And when I'm up I met everyone. And they wondered why I didn't came. So I gave some few people my back pack. Some girl couldn't lift it (worser than me) and there are some guy who said it wasn't heavy at all . And some guy who said it was fine & quite heavy. 

Idk. And I met someone who was quite interesting. Many people had their own thing. And this guy, had a somewhat distinct quality of work. I said I like it. And he told me what it is in full. No wonder it's good. So his work was good. I also saw people who would collect money from us . And I was paying it. Before I go down . /Out to buy something. There was also so many weird people outside I was lucky they are not attacking me. Before I went back inside without the door closed. It was such a weird dream. 

And the end of the dream lasted with me making up the bed for a woman who seems like my teacher. Or idk. But she was there with us. It seems like she was out teacher. Idk. And put back to sleep.  Before that, there was also somewhere in the dream, there was a baby, idk if this baby is either my now nephew or my brother when he was young, but this baby want milk. So I was about to buy it. It got mixed. (With that other person collecting money) Before this, I saw all of the good milk that I wanna buy, but after all those heavy backpack dreams, when I went back, that store had changed a little. And that teacher was in the scene, calling us to eat. And when I looked for all the good drinks, only the things that I don't want was left. There no more all of the good drinks I've seen earlier. So I went back up after a while staying down with that heavy backpack. (That scene with that guy around witnessing ) . 

So what does this dream mean? 




- Below are the things I write a while ago -



Edited by Sabth

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The most important thing to know about dreams, at least from my experience, is dreams speak in your own personal language, so only you can truly know what it means to you. Sure, dreams have some shared language like chairs or cars, but how you associate with those things are all you.

Don't think too much about symholism. How did you emotionally feel when that dream happened? Did you feel unworthy? Left out? Misunderstood? Selfless?

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I just feel like I'm carrying a stone on my back. 

Edited by Sabth

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Oedipus complex. You want your mother to invite you to suckle at her teat again, but you're reluctant. 

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19 minutes ago, Joshe said:

Oedipus complex. You want your mother to invite you to suckle at her teat again, but you're reluctant. 

Wtf ? I could if I wanted to . Eww

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I think the dream is telling you you are carry alot of bullshit thats stopping you from moving and to drop the backpack and go upstairs. That means drop all stories about your life and just go without anything

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

I used AI to interpret your dream according to Jung, and this is the interpretation. It may not be 100% accurate to you as an individual, but it’s still interesting.

In Jungian dream analysis, dreams often represent aspects of the psyche and the journey toward individuation. Here are some key elements of your dream and how they might be interpreted:

1. Heavy Backpack: The backpack symbolizes the burdens or psychological weight you carry in life, possibly repressed emotions, responsibilities, or unresolved issues. In Jungian terms, it could represent your "shadow," the unconscious part of the psyche that holds what is not integrated into your conscious identity. The fact that it is too heavy to bear suggests there may be aspects of your life or self that feel overwhelming or unmanageable at times.

2. Staying Downstairs: Not going upstairs (which could symbolize higher knowledge, consciousness, or the next phase of growth) reflects feelings of being stuck or held back from reaching your potential. This could indicate a fear of moving forward or confronting what's necessary to achieve personal growth.

3. The Witness: The person observing you is likely a projection of your "wise self" or a mentor figure in your unconscious, someone who sees your potential and wonders why you haven’t progressed. This could be your inner critic or guide, urging you to recognize your capabilities or understand why you feel held back.

4. Others Reacting to the Backpack: When you share your backpack, different reactions from others show that people experience burdens differently. Some may find your struggles heavy, while others might not relate. This points to how subjective emotional or psychological weight can be, and possibly how misunderstood or unseen your personal challenges might feel to others.

5. Interesting Work of Another: Admiring someone's distinct work could symbolize an aspect of yourself or a quality you aspire to. This person may reflect your creative side or a skill you wish to cultivate, which feels both impressive and attainable with effort.

6. Weird People Outside: The strange figures outside may represent unconscious fears or parts of the psyche that feel alien or uncomfortable. The fact they don’t attack you suggests you’re navigating these unknowns with some success, although they remain unsettling.

7. Baby and Milk: Babies in dreams often symbolize new beginnings or vulnerable parts of yourself that need nurturing. Wanting to buy milk could represent the desire to nourish or take care of something (perhaps a new idea or part of yourself) but encountering obstacles along the way. The fact that the milk changes when you return might suggest missed opportunities or the sense that what once seemed perfect is no longer available.

8. Teacher and Making the Bed: The teacher may represent your higher self, guiding you toward learning or personal development. Making the bed could symbolize preparing yourself for rest or renewal, indicating a need to integrate what you've learned or experienced into your life.

9. Missing Good Drinks: The drinks you initially wanted being gone when you return may reflect a sense of loss or disappointment after delaying action. In Jungian terms, this could symbolize a missed chance for emotional or psychological nourishment because of the burdens you’ve carried.

Overall, this dream could reflect a journey of self-understanding, where you are recognizing the weight of your inner burdens and exploring how to reconcile them with your conscious aspirations. It might be encouraging you to face the things that hold you back, embrace new beginnings, and integrate parts of your shadow into your conscious self.


I actually dream of a baby again yesterday. Someone brought it to me. But this time, I do not like this baby. Because it wasn't mine. And the person who brought it too. And I think this baby had been raped. So I don't like it.

It's not in a good condition. 

15 hours ago, Hojo said:

I think the dream is telling you you are carry alot of bullshit thats stopping you from moving and to drop the backpack and go upstairs. That means drop all stories about your life and just go without anything

I'm not leaving any of my things. 

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An AI didn't know me more than I know myself.  (I put my other dream in ai and it just , re-tell my dream. so idk. ) 

I love all those people , everyone in my dream except the teacher and the money collector. Including the strange people outside because they didn't do any harm to me & spare me. 

Edited by Sabth

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What if your attachment to it meaning anything at all is the weight? Strange Fruit Loopy af

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@Rigel do you let go of your responsibilities altogether? Or if you are in a airport, you have a really heavy carry on baggage would you leave it to feel light and throw it altogether? Throwing it anywhere as long as you're not carrying it?

 @Hojo you've clearly didn't read. 


I'm tired now~.

Edited by Sabth

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Weird, indeed. Weird. I dream again, of this heavy backpack. But it wasn't the main thing/focus. I went to a lot of places . I don't know. Inside a *huge* "building" (as I don't know what to call it) , (there are many more scenes before this, but I started when I went to this escalator, inside what seemingly like a huge building that is all interconnected. {There's an amusement park too, and a living space, and a mall etc. was there school too? I don't know.} I went to this escalator there's four of it , and beside (it) there was a corner shop/the last shop or the shop at the end. I remember that this part is connected to a living space. Like a residential. And I went inside this shop. There were things that I have bought before. (I am still carrying a heavy bag) And I thought I wanna buy more. Of the same thing like I bought before. I only went in , and then out. Without buying anything . I plan to do in the future but not now. And while I'm halfway in this shop, there is a lady who saw me , and maybe she knows I'm tired or something. Or maybe I looked tired. But she gave me a snack. Idk and I just take it. Like something I could just eat while walking. Idk. And I went out. Back down to the escalator, and people are looking at me. Idk. And I went to this one thing which seems like an amusement park. It seems like it brings me back to 2007 when I had this experience with my cousins and all. But before I went in , I looked from outside as if I'm watching everything unfold. It seems like quite a memories. Like a brown film? Idk. But I saw that one of my cousin is pursuing their dreams. I saw them working hard in this thing or are really into it. And I was about to get into this experience. (It was almost like being in a haunted house? But because I know it was just their creations, I wasn't afraid. But it was thrilling nevertheless.) One of them are doing horse riding. I still had my heavy bag, and I was filming everything, I had a camera with stabilizers and I just have to go through this course (going straight until the end avoiding all of the ghost that are meant to move horizontally across your path) idk. They will only move like that. If you hit it, they will chase you. And there are a lot of types of ghost. The last one was actually a lion. Which I did accidentally hit. (Yo) And I was chased by it. It was the last one and I remember running away from it. There was water around too. Along the path. Like a puddle. And I was running from this lion and I passed the course/test. (Or whatever this amusement park/haunted house is) . And then there is a switch , there is also people chasing you on the road. Motorcycles. Like they're chasing you. There's many. And I passed this too. But others or those behind me didn't . Like another session. Others. There are people who didn't pass it. 


I wonder what this dream was about. Before that there was scenes of me and my mom and my father and some high school friend and others. I don't know. All of those others are after I had separated from my mom etc. like walking and see some people I know/recognized. Idk. 

Maybe, what I bought isn't important btw. I never open it. 

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The heavy bag symbolizes you trying to get meaning from's ok, you don't have to carry that bag,

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17 minutes ago, SOUL said:

The heavy bag symbolizes you trying to get meaning from's ok, you don't have to carry that bag,

My dream right now might be a lil wacky (ghost etc) but I used to dream a lot of great things when I was younger. The moon. Going upward on a stairs. And meeting like-minded people. 

And when I was a child I used to dream of hovering above the ground a lot. (I wouldn't say that this is a good dream. It wasn't) These are recurrent dreams . 

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