
Why does trauma happen instantly? / Why does healing take time?

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yes, when you stop being a closed energetic structure, a self where everything is sifted and separated between good and bad, and what we call trauma is classified as bad, something that should not have happened, something that has deformed that energetic structure and has given it a negative vibration when a positive vibration would be better. The solution is not a self with a positive vibration, since the trauma prevents this, it is the rupture of the self. In the end, the self is a construction made up of meaning. Without meaning, there is no self, it evaporates. what remains in its place is openness, existence existing. 

To achieve this, you must break self for a few seconds as often as you can. you are absolutely addicted to self, to meaning, to identity. This is just a mental idea, a concept, a structure created for social functioning. It is useful and necessary to homogenize human society, to abandon the wild state, to not be murderous rapists, but for the individual who has, let's say, this kind of karma, it is a jail, it does not fit, it bothers him. You must get rid of it and abandon yourself to the flow of existence without mental structure, then the trauma totally dissapear because the trauma was just an idea. But it's not so easy like forgetting an idea at will because this idea has genetic foundations, and this foundations are built over something not easy to overcome: fear. 

Fear is a choice to see the world based on illusion, rooted in the mistaken beliefs of separation and ego identification. It shapes the way we experience the world, creating an environment of anxiety, threat, and suffering. It distorts our perception, making us believe that external circumstances are responsible for our safety and peace. 

Since fear is a choice however, it can just as easily be undone. We are free to choose to release fear and instead see the world through the lens of our true nature of love, unity, and innocence. When we align with this truth, the perception of separation fades, and we will see the world as a place of healing, freedom and connection.

This is the journey of transcending the ego, maintaining the awareness of oneness with God and the limitless reality of love. By dropping fear, we move beyond the illusions of the ego and awaken to the peace and joy that are our natural inheritance.

Ultimately, the bottom line is this: You decide, moment by moment, how you will meet the world. You see it through the lens of fear and separation, or through the lens of love and unity. The realization is this: the world does not determine how you are treated—your perception does. In every situation, you have the power to choose healing over harm, love over fear, and peace over conflict.




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23 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

Ultimately, the bottom line is this: You decide, moment by moment, how you will meet the world. You see it through the lens of fear and separation, or through the lens of love and unity

I don't think that you could decide it, you could decide to try but fear is something real, genetically implanted as an essential part of our structure. completely transcending fear seems almost impossible. It can be transcended in part, but it is fear what amalgamates our structure. Even look directly the fear is difficult, most of fear is unconscious. Fear is what maintain us finite. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

you should not heal

Of course you „should“ heal / realise it’s ultimately love. 

At least that makes things, especially the situation you described, a whole lot easier to stomach. 

Edited by Marcel

Happily Insane

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4 hours ago, vibv said:

The struggle gives this whole experience incredible amounts of meaning and beauty.

It sure does. I’d still like just a tad bit less struggle sometimes haha 

Happily Insane

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2 hours ago, gettoefl said:

Since fear is a choice however, it can just as easily be undone.

I’d say thats quite a high level thing to achieve, depending on what exactly it is you have to work through to get there. 

Sure. We can technically decide moment by moment. But that’s definitely a level of presence that needs to be developed first. 

Most people don’t operate moment by moment. Myself included. I’m certainly not quite at that level yet. 

Edited by Marcel

Happily Insane

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It is much easier to destroy than to create.

A bullet to the head is instant. Healing a bullet to the head is iffy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It is much easier to destroy than to create.

A bullet to the head is instant. Healing a bullet to the head is iffy.

At the root of this is Entropy.

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Because "Order" is a much smaller subset of "Chaos", it's similar to the concept of the website called "The Library of Babel". Have you heard of it? The site essentially contains every possible combination of letters, words, and sentences that could ever be written. You can search through it for any piece of literature or text, but you’ll notice that most of what you find is pure gibberish. Only a significantly smaller portion contains coherent words, let alone books or long meaningful sentences.

The same principle applies here: it's much easier to break a system and return it to entropy because a dysfunctional, chaotic system can exist in millions of ways, while a properly functioning system can only exist in a few. To put it more practically, there are only so many ways to solve a math equation correctly, while there are hundreds or thousands of ways to fuck up and get an incorrect result.

Additionally, in the case of your question about Trauma, you need to consider the visibility or clarity of what’s broken in the first place. Trauma is an abstract concept that can affect someone in countless ways, and it may take months of deep therapeutic conversations to identify the cause, understand the impact, and find a way to fix it. On the other hand, if a screw is loose and that’s why your desk is shaky, the problem is much clearer and easier to fix.

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@Xonas Pitfall Thanks for your input, you bring in some food for thought.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I don't think that you could decide it, you could decide to try but fear is something real, genetically implanted as an essential part of our structure. completely transcending fear seems almost impossible. It can be transcended in part, but it is fear what amalgamates our structure. Even look directly the fear is difficult, most of fear is unconscious. Fear is what maintain us finite. 

Fear is the headset you choose to wear each day. You think ill is at every corner and ill is thereby planted and arises to meet you. What you think sows what you see. The environment reads your vibration perfectly. Because fact is, you ARE your environment. This doesn't mean there are no ne'er-do-wells looking to upend you here and there. It means that you will prevail over them. They are going to come aboard and align with truth at the correct moment. You are their catalyst, their mirror and their family. Love is guaranteed and inevitable. This here is your world and you are responsible for every blade of grass. To choose love over fear means to transform not just how you see but what you see.

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The complexity of the brain and body is such that once the homeostasis is disturbed, it will take a while to the system to restore balance.

Sometimes there are micro traumas happens in some days and then we need a day or two to feel normal again.

But this isn't always has to be the case. A good inner talk can sometimes solve the conflict in us and finish the event faster and bring us to a even slightly higher more developed place than before the trauma.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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3 hours ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

a dysfunctional, chaotic system can exist in millions of ways, while a properly functioning system can only exist in a few.

This sounds very similar to the concept of the narrow path and also somehow reminds me of „the monkey with a typewriter“ idea. 

And factoring in the complexity in terms of trauma is a fascinating topic. 

Depending on circumstance and person / personality type etc. the impact can be so significantly different it’s jaw dropping. 

Happily Insane

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@Princess Arabia Makes sense what you wrote here - you have a specific source or it's a mix of different ones you combined here?

On 9/9/2024 at 3:52 AM, Princess Arabia said:

This is why on the existential level. The brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's being imagined. Every time a memory is being remembered, the body reacts to it as if it's happening NOW. Every time one tells that traumatic story they are actually re-living it in the mind, but everything is mental so it's the same as experiencing it in the NOW (...)


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5 hours ago, gettoefl said:

Fear is the headset you choose to wear each day. You think ill is at every corner and ill is thereby planted and arises to meet you. What you think sows what you see. The environment reads your vibration perfectly. Because fact is, you ARE your environment. This doesn't mean there are no ne'er-do-wells looking to upend you here and there. It means that you will prevail over them. They are going to come aboard and align with truth at the correct moment. You are their catalyst, their mirror and their family. Love is guaranteed and inevitable. This here is your world and you are responsible for every blade of grass. To choose love over fear means to transform not just how you see but what you see.

Well .....Imagine that you are in the Battle of the Somme, heads bursting around you, and you think that at any moment a bullet will burst your balls and leave you screaming with a hole like a fist where you used to have a dick. Yes, that's all you, but it's pretty scary

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12 minutes ago, theleelajoker said:

@Princess Arabia Makes sense what you wrote here - you have a specific source or it's a mix of different ones you combined here?


Here's one. Close enough.

Know thyself....

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These are some vantage points you could ask the question from:

  • Experiential/visceral
  • Psychological
  • Scientific 
  • Systems thinking
  • Metaphysical
  • Spiritual
  • God's purpose/intent

Combining the answers/insights from each vantage point is ideal. 

Edited by Joshe

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9 minutes ago, Joshe said:

Combining the answers/insights from each vantage point is ideal. 


You could also add.




Family structure 


etc. the options are endless 

Thinking interdisciplinary and holistically is a fantastic idea 💡 Definitely Leads to better answers and a deeper understanding over all.


Happily Insane

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6 hours ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

Additionally, in the case of your question about Trauma, you need to consider the visibility or clarity of what’s broken in the first place. Trauma is an abstract concept that can affect someone in countless ways, and it may take months of deep therapeutic conversations to identify the cause, understand the impact, and find a way to fix it. On the other hand, if a screw is loose and that’s why your desk is shaky, the problem is much clearer and easier to fix.

Very deep insight, your whole comment, but I also don't think it really matters as far as the OP's question of the length of time it takes. I don't think it matters to identify the cause and having an understanding of the impact - if you're referring to the details and contents of the event that lead up to this trauma, that is. Considering that someone need not be broken to have had the experience of trauma and may not be able to identify what's broken to begin with. 

Someone can take seconds to identify the cause by knowing it was that, say molestation, that caused it - all that is simply just content. As far as why one feels traumatized to begin with and hold on to that for years is the issue that will solve the time issue and why it can seem to take awhile to overcome and I stated that in my response. 

Know thyself....

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29 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Well .....Imagine that you are in the Battle of the Somme, heads bursting around you, and you think that at any moment a bullet will burst your balls and leave you screaming with a hole like a fist where you used to have a dick. Yes, that's all you, but it's pretty scary

Wake up and expect each day is your very last, that a sniper has placed an x on your skull, is crouched covertly finger stroking the trigger awaiting your fall and licking his lips to collect the bounty while at the same time plan each day is your very first, that today is god-given magnificence and you have breath in your lungs and the wind in your sails and waves leading towards the greatest achievement mankind has ever witnessed all thanks to you

I am the only one in the universe who can execute this; I just need put on my bulletproof armour as well as the correct headset to tend the assigned tusks of chaff and wheat in my path

Be as wise as a snake and as innocent as a dove

Edited by gettoefl

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28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Well .....Imagine that you are in the Battle of the Somme, heads bursting around you, and you think that at any moment a bullet will burst your balls and leave you screaming with a hole like a fist where you used to have a dick. Yes, that's all you, but it's pretty scary

And a real master would be calm even in the face of this horrific sight.

Happily Insane

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