
Why does trauma happen instantly? / Why does healing take time?

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

trauma is a just a type of karmic memory too sticky or glued up to you. 

Healing is imaginary and part of the wheel. The only way is to distance yourself from the memory or either burn absolutely everything to ashes from the first karmic imprint, but that is only for hardcore bramacharis

I don’t prescribe to that. 

I don’t even want to distance myself or burn this stuff out of mind. 

I want to integrate it fully. Learn all the lessons. Find love in the deepest suffering. Make it part of me and use it as fuel.

Distancing and burning it down sounds like a complete bypass to me. Not a root solution. 

Happily Insane

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10 hours ago, Buck Edwards said:

This is my favorite source on trauma healing. Hope it helps. It's the Patrick Teahan channel. 

*Will watch. Thank you for the resource. 

Happily Insane

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2 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Yes, and just imagine if/when AI kicks in, takes 1000's of jobs away and things like Basic Income Supplements kick in, ppl may have tons of time on their hands, what are they going to do sit on their phones or Virtual Reality machines all day and live like that? 

This is why the Raising of Human Consciousness is the most important thing to happen on a World Wide basis, when that happens, when the majority or even half the population is much more Conscious of Reality and what it means to be Human, things will Transform.. Things are actually so much easier today than ever, food availability is more secure than ever, it is just that its not profitable to feed everyone, but we can easily do it. and fix all the problems we have today,  but Ego identity and low Consciousness makes that almost impossible..

Raising human consciousness absolutely is, I’d say, the most difficult problem to solve. 

Most people probably stumble on the path by sheer accident, like I did. Simply because i was curious and needed to control my pain somehow.

AI will definitely make things harder and easier. A completely double edged sword.

Humanity is at crossroads. Like it always seems to be. But with AI. The fork in the road couldn’t have become any bigger. For now. 

The future is scarily exciting. 



Happily Insane

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4 minutes ago, Marcel said:

I don’t prescribe to that. 

I don’t even want to distance myself or burn this stuff out of mind. 

I want to integrate it fully. Learn all the lessons. Find love in the deepest suffering. Make it part of me and use it as fuel.

Distancing and burning it down sounds like a complete bypass to me. Not a root solution. 

What Javfly is talking about I think it total Liberation, no more birth/death/rebirth, which is the ultimate goal of Yoga and Spiritual path, its not for everyone, some want to Play with the Karma and play this leela game of Life, for this too happen, Bliss has to be Your nature, your natural Experience, then what about me drops (ego death), then You can do whatever because whatever happens Your in Bliss anyways..

For those that feel this game is boring, they may want Dissolution or Mukhti, and merge with Absolute, then there are other things that become priority, it depends on what one wants, we have Free Will to decide what we want to do while here...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Trauma is an ego evolution switch. Sardines have no ego and are not traumatized by whether other sardines have died, they don't care at all, but sardines with faster fins reproduce more and that is their evolution. We humans have that little parasite called the mind, or ego, that creates time, causes and effects, and imaginary worlds. It is a living being, it exists, it changes, it evolves. Trauma is its driving force, without it we would do nothing to evolve.

A trauma of a second seeing your mother being devoured by a tiger in the jungle can lead you to dedicate your life to preventing the tigers from devouring members of the tribe and other egos will take over and continue your mission until no one is devoured by tigers, all because of a trauma that a goat would forget forever in 5 minutes

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Trauma is an ego evolution switch. Sardines have no ego and are not traumatized by whether other sardines have died, they don't care at all, but sardines with faster fins reproduce more and that is their evolution. We humans have that little parasite called the mind, or ego, that creates time, causes and effects, and imaginary worlds. It is a living being, it exists, it changes, it evolves. Trauma is its driving force, without it we would do nothing to evolve.

A trauma of a second seeing your mother being devoured by a tiger in the jungle can lead you to dedicate your life to preventing the tigers from devouring members of the tribe and other egos will take over and continue your mission until no one is devoured by tigers, all because of a trauma that a goat would forget forever in 5 minutes

This is a question about Meaning, is there Meaning or Not? As with everything there is Meaning and there is Not Meaning, it depend on where You are on the Consciousness scale, if its very high then there is no Meaning in Life or Situations, Your Blissful of Your own nature, why would You care about Meaning, unless You consciously create it (ppl Like Sadhguru and other Mystics/Yogis/Teachers) for a specific purpose..

If Your Consciousness is low, then there is Meaning, You look outside Yourself for everything, are a Slave to Everything, because there is no Experience of Connection or Oneness, so You feel alone, and therefore need Meaning to have some sense of Life and Purpose, this way of living is very risky and insecure, it can be a paradise or a hell, it depends on too many factors out of your control to navigate it.. The choice is ours to make on how we want to be and function while here playing this Game:_

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Trauma is its driving force, without it we would do nothing to evolve.

A trauma of a second seeing your mother being devoured by a tiger in the jungle can lead you to dedicate your life to preventing the tigers from devouring members of the tribe and other egos will take over and continue your mission until no one is devoured by tigers, all because of a trauma that a goat would forget forever in 5 minutes

I do suppose trauma is the ultimate „motivator“ or „engine“ to start whatever it happens to be or is needed to be done. 

But at some point is transcended I imagine. 

Happily Insane

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A tree can take a century to grow and a second to fall


God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Trauma coalesces into that one moment when it ceases to be

That is when for the first time you can define it, put some flesh on the bones and work to heal it

In the midst of it, it is a never ending nightmare with ever increasing agony and no light at the end of the tunnel

Then one day, out of nowhere, the miracle of a new dawn arises

Edited by gettoefl

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Why does a concussion happen in an instant but takes weeks or months to heal?

Why does it take a lot of time to build a house of cards, but mere seconds to bring it to fall?

It's entropy in a way: For a healthy balance in the body and the mind there are a lot of variables, that need to be taken care of. But it just takes one blow (be it physical or mental) to bring everything out of balance.

Balance can be destroyed in an instant, but takes a lot of time to be rebuilt. Balance is very subtle but can be destroyed by brute force.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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In the midst of it, trauma is all out war

and so all encompassing

Puss pours from every pore

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1 hour ago, Marcel said:

I don’t prescribe to that. 

I don’t even want to distance myself or burn this stuff out of mind. 

I want to integrate it fully. Learn all the lessons. Find love in the deepest suffering. Make it part of me and use it as fuel.

Distancing and burning it down sounds like a complete bypass to me. Not a root solution. 

be my guest, get entangled in the karmic web as much as you want.

Enjoy the mud. 

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Enjoy the mud. 

You know. I think I’d know if that metaphorically happened. 

My approach, so far, works very well. 

But. I’m not stuck in the way I do things so I’ll give what you suggested a genuine try. 


Happily Insane

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2 hours ago, vibv said:

Balance can be destroyed in an instant, but takes a lot of time to be rebuilt. Balance is very subtle but can be destroyed by brute force.

That’s a fascinating dynamic. 

Like rioters being able to cause a lot of destruction and chaos with little means vs rebuilding set destruction and getting things in order and running again. 

Seems like life is a bit rigged against us in this particular way. How curious. 

Happily Insane

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2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

there Meaning or Not? As with everything there is Meaning and there is Not Meaning, it depend on where You are on the Consciousness scale

There is meaning in the relative level and there isn't in the absolute level, but even the reality is ultimately absolute, we are in a relative experience, then there is meaning. Anyone will suffer if they are told that tomorrow they will be tortured. Even the most enlightened of the enlighteneds, since he eats, drinks and breathes, otherwise he would be dead and would no longer be a relative appearance. He will suffer much less since he is fully aware that the meaning is unreal, but still, there it is, id say he will suffer some, even a bit, because its the design of the relative to be relative. 

2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

unless You consciously create it (ppl Like Sadhguru and other Mystics/Yogis/Teachers) for a specific purpose..

Its difficult to understand that about some individuals stop to be individuals and they merge with the totality and cease to be relative experiences and others choose to be individuals and help. is that so? If there are infinite experiences, it really makes no difference, it doesn't matter what they do. what does it matter if there is a war of cosmic proportions? There are other infinite possibilities where there is no war, why do you want to fix the world if at the end is just one possibility among infinite, then nothing? Seems that the absolute promotes some kind of nihilism. From my limited perspective, I feel that is much better the peace and love than the war and suffering, but it's so? Why? 

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29 minutes ago, Marcel said:

You know. I think I’d know if that metaphorically happened. 

My approach, so far, works very well. 

But. I’m not stuck in the way I do things so I’ll give what you suggested a genuine try. 


Is just that i don´t see what needs to be healed, trauma is a kind of imprint, as breakingthewall said trauma can be very intense in your memory so you avoid family members being eaten from a tiger and no one more in the tribe gets eaten by a tiger ever again.

What is there to heal? The pain of the trauma caused you to evolve the survival of your tribe. i don´t see anything to heal, but just learnt to not get traumatized from it for all your life.

Is kind of like soldiers doing to war. Is absolutely normal to have trauma from war, what is there to heal? Seeing a 7 year old kid dismembered because of a grenade should provoque you pain, you should not heal, But you should not let that make your life depressive or dirty or give you nightmares. 

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18 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

feel that is much better the peace and love than the war and suffering, but it's so? Why? 

 Let's say that the flow of infinity has a tendency, it flows from the fragmented to the total, incessantly, in infinite cycles within infinite cycles. that is its movement and it cannot stop. It is not a game or an adventure, it is inevitable. A saint, enlightened, whatever you call it, is simply a force that pushes that tendency. total intelligence creates forms upon forms, all interconnected to infinity in a perfect way. Nothing can ever be static in infinity except one thing: infinity itself, but within it there is infinite apparent movement and it always moves in the direction of unity.

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59 minutes ago, Marcel said:

That’s a fascinating dynamic. 

Like rioters being able to cause a lot of destruction and chaos with little means vs rebuilding set destruction and getting things in order and running again. 

Seems like life is a bit rigged against us in this particular way. How curious. 

It is! That's the amazing part of it all. If it wasn't, it would just be too easy and we'd all live in paradise BUT it wouldn't MEAN anything.

The struggle gives this whole experience incredible amounts of meaning and beauty.

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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8 hours ago, Ishanga said:

This will only work up to a certain point on the survival level only, and for sure this is what is happening today, ppl are living via the fight or flight response system, which is fear based, but over all one will never reach their potential as a Human living with fear as the motivating force, its very low level Consciousness imo..

At our current point on the evolutionary timeline, the human organism is born into fear and it cannot be otherwise—at least for the foreseeable future, fear will be inherent to all conscious beings and it will continue to operate as a driver of evolution. 

The more fear and vice you embody, the more love and virtue you can embody. Fear and pain serve love by pushing you towards it. There can be no victory without a battle. You have to know the negative in order to overcome it. The battle is the point, IMO.

It's all in service to the higher. 

When Marcel is on the other side of his current hardships, his consciousness will be expanded in ways it otherwise woulnd't and it will be more capable of experiencing and appreciating love, IMO. 

Edited by Joshe

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3 hours ago, Marcel said:

But at some point is transcended I imagine. 

Yes, when you stop being a closed energetic structure, a self where everything is sifted and separated between good and bad, and what we call trauma is classified as bad, something that should not have happened, something that has deformed that energetic structure and has given it a negative vibration when a positive vibration would be better. The solution is not a self with a positive vibration, since the trauma prevents this, it is the rupture of the self. In the end, the self is a construction made up of meaning. Without meaning, there is no self, it evaporates. what remains in its place is openness, existence existing. 

To achieve this, you must break self for a few seconds as often as you can. you are absolutely addicted to self, to meaning, to identity. This is just a mental idea, a concept, a structure created for social functioning. It is useful and necessary to homogenize human society, to abandon the wild state, to not be murderous rapists, but for the individual who has, let's say, this kind of karma, it is a jail, it does not fit, it bothers him. You must get rid of it and abandon yourself to the flow of existence without mental structure, then the trauma totally dissapear because the trauma was just an idea. But it's not so easy like forgetting an idea at will because this idea has genetic foundations, and this foundations are built over something not easy to overcome: fear. 

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