Digital infrastructure upgrades

By Joshe in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology,
@Keryo Koffa Just informed me they're using Google Keep for a knowledge management system. I'm not sure how many other poor souls there are out here so I figured I'd offer some upgrades.  Obsidian uses markdown for notes. Really simple. Plain text files basically. It's free and it has badass features and plugins.  My favorite: Infinite canvas. Good for not getting lost in minutia of the thing you're studying. The nodes are notes. You can zoom all the way in and out. Each of these nodes can be external notes as well.  If you use Obsidian the way they suggests, you can get a really nice Bird's eye view of your brain with their graph view.  Each note/filename is a node. You can click it and it'll take you to the note. Here's an example using mock data. Here's a video of the graph feature. Not sure how well it will play. I'm hosting it with my microsoft account.!Ajj233BUpjgM46kT8RnDEtWFSpt5kQ?e=O0Jldg And here's one for the infinite canvas:!Ajj233BUpjgM46ki3RAxju3IpMNKbA?e=c8jeru You're welcome! 
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