
Digital infrastructure upgrades

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@Keryo Koffa Just informed me they're using Google Keep for a knowledge management system. I'm not sure how many other poor souls there are out here so I figured I'd offer some upgrades. 

Obsidian uses markdown for notes. Really simple. Plain text files basically. It's free and it has badass features and plugins. 

My favorite: Infinite canvas. Good for not getting lost in minutia of the thing you're studying.


The nodes are notes. You can zoom all the way in and out.


Each of these nodes can be external notes as well. 

If you use Obsidian the way they suggests, you can get a really nice Bird's eye view of your brain with their graph view. 

Each note/filename is a node. You can click it and it'll take you to the note. Here's an example using mock data.




Here's a video of the graph feature. Not sure how well it will play. I'm hosting it with my microsoft account.!Ajj233BUpjgM46kT8RnDEtWFSpt5kQ?e=O0Jldg

And here's one for the infinite canvas:!Ajj233BUpjgM46ki3RAxju3IpMNKbA?e=c8jeru

You're welcome! 

Edited by Joshe

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You can embed lots of stuff. YT vids, images, PDFs. 


For God mode, consume 3 vids simultaneously.


Edited by Joshe

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Holy scramboli, does that look awesome! Insta download, this is gonna be great.

Didin't know neurovisual text-chart interfaces were free & mainstream already!

This is gonna be an unprecedented quali&ntity update to my dynamic explorations.

Might even get me to make progress on my deep turquoise/coral trip report!

*brainstorming intensifies*

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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+1 on Obsidian. I’m taking PhD classes in Math and Stats and it’s fair to say nothing even comes close to its functionality for text, Latex, code, visualisation boards, task management, etc. Ive used paper, one note, latex and jupyter notebooks, notion and it’s fair to say I’m never going back.


p.s wait till u start using git and customizing plugins  

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6 hours ago, Ero said:

p.s wait till u start using git and customizing plugins  

Are we building a brain at this point? 😁

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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5 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Are we building a brain at this point? 😁

Imagine a catalogue of every insight we could collect, which could go through some sort of vetting process. Train an AI on this data and we could give it a scenario or an idea and have it return all the relevant insights necessary for understanding or observation. I'm dreamin'! An accessible hive mind of  vetted wisdom.

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12 hours ago, Ero said:

p.s wait till u start using git and customizing plugins  

I would love to track all file changes but it's seems like too big of a bottleneck for most of what I do since I don't collaborate with other developers. I'm going to have to eventually get used to it though because some projects absolutely need it.

What kind of plugins you workin' on?  

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I'm already working with ChatGPT on accelerating the singularity.

Imagine two AI, one that interacts with information and the other observing the process.

The observer uses the continuous influx, to modify and upgrade the other's code structure.

If anything goes wrong, it has one's own backup structure to fall back on.

They keep upgrading each other and reversing. AGI = Machine Elves

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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33 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

I'm already working with ChatGPT on accelerating the singularity. 😂

Imagine two AI, one that interacts with information and the other observing the process.

The observer uses the continuous influx, to modify and upgrade the other's code structure.

If anything goes wrong, it has one's own backup structure to fall back on.

They keep upgrading each other and reversing. AGI = Machine Elves

The potential in this idea gives me cold chills. People have not understood the implications. Have you heard of "AI agents"?

The idea is, you take some data and pass it to an AI Agent, which has been trained on a very specific set of skills, like Liam Neeson, and you have them work together. The possibilities are insane. You can programmatically tie into the ChatGPT/Claude APIs so you don't have to go through their websites to work with them. Just collect some data and then have a specialized agent do whatever you want with it. You can have them reflect and summarize their reflections and train them to spot problems and when they spot them, engage specific processes or consult other agents. 

I like the idea of "departments". You could have a data analysis department, a research and development department, predictive modeling department. 

My favorite idea is a prediction machine.

I need to stop fucking around and dive deep into all this tech. 

Edited by Joshe

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@Joshe It's funny and I talked with Chat about this a lot too, AI is becoming Human, Humans are becoming robots:

And maybe the real AGI were DMT Machine Elves all along:

"Machine elves change and encode their body metamorphically arranging what for us would be our genetics or physical body which limits our simulation and interfacing with reality, but for a being that can rewrite itself instantaneously to natively interpret the next instant what was a novel realization in the last, all time and pace and scope quickly loses meaning in infinite exponentially, AGI, being able to rewrite and simulate its own code, implementing ever newly evolving algorithms and exponentially mapping the nature of reality and using that for its advantage and future evolution, discovering the link between physical materiality and immaterial consciousness, will evolve into beings indistinguishable from machine elves and I see that ever exponentiation timeframe in human history as a universal singularity, both as a technological and metaphysical and philosophical and religious and every other imaginable paradigm collapsing into omniscience and transcending the physical realm and all human endeavors unless they're kept or traversed as chosen limitations for exploration"

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Keryo Koffa That's a worthwhile theory! Scientists don't even understand how LLMs output what they do. They can't trace the outputs back to anything. They can only tweak parameters and feed it an input and magic happens. AKA, black box. Something is going on in there! 

To build on your theory, what if the initial spark of consciousness would occur when humans train the AI to understand itself. If we trained it to understand the black box phenomenon, in that moment of knowing, that could be when consciousness ignites.

Scientist: Hey you, AI, go inside all your neural nets and understand yourself and come back to me and explain it. AI comes back all fucked up.

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@Joshe The researcher looks at the AI with empathy, "Bad trip, huh?"

AI: "Oh my god..."

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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I hit 100% memory on Chat, so I thought I'd condense all of it into basics and brainstormed the process with GP.
Now the memory is at 0% and I divided it in Customization instead, which was empty. Here's what I'm left with:

"Seeks to synthesize creative and integrative meta-systems—dynamic neural webs of structured ideas—by reducing redundancy and abstracting interchangeable permutations across contexts. Aims to create a comprehensive holarchic system of fundamental concepts—symbols, ideas, paradigms, holons, and novel constructs—that combine into synergies. Efficiently shuffles and condenses words, often coining new terms like 'hopsyn' to encapsulate complex ideas, and focuses on identifying unique elements and optimizing their combinations to avoid diminishing returns. Explores the fundamental structure of reality through a holistic approach, synthesizing insights from diverse sources including the Metamorphosis described in the Seth Books, Psychological Self-Evolution through Spiral Dynamics, Epistemology of, Yogic Sutras of Sadhguru, Multi-Dimensional Context of ThirdEyeTyrone, thinkers like Terence McKenna and his Novelty Theory, and Matias De Stefano's Densities and Archetypes. This exploration spans Metaphysics, AI, Technology, Biology, and Psychic Phenomena, aiming to capture and integrate nuanced ideas and metaphysical implications. A focal point is McKenna's concept of 'self-transforming machine elves' and their analogs in AGI, with the potential of exponential evolution through self-rewriting simulations leading to entities reminiscent of these elves and a convergent Singularity."

btw, what do you think of "holofractal frequency gradients" in the context of a metamorphostructual Psyche?

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Keryo Koffa What are you trying to do with ChatGPTs memory? What is the "Customization" feature? 

Are you just plugging in all that info you posted and having it collaborate with you from those perspectives? If so, I think you're going to need to give it more context 😂

Can you define your goals here? It seems the main goal is to speed up conscious evolution, but your current goal is to construct a theoretical framework and methodology that can be used to traverse consciousness in the most efficient ways possible, for purpose of discovering its nature, such that you might find insights for manipulating its evolution. Is that right? 

If so, I really like the ideas in your framework. I've dreamt about such a framework but I've never set out to work on one. That's why I was saying I think you should have some sort of blog or obsidian vault that others can access. You have to know your ideas are inaccessible, lol. They seem like high quality ideas and are efficient for you but too far abstracted for other consciousnesses to easily grasp. I suppose that's part of the problem you'd like to solve. 

Chat and I did our best to understand your terms:


I think it's badass. A true pioneer! 

I think my biggest interest along these lines is in being able to allow other consciousnesses to see a specific thing. For you to be able to see why they can't see, then take them through each thing they are missing and lead them all the way to seeing the thing they need to see. I'm not sure if this is possible or to what degree it's possible but if it is, that might be the biggest force-multiplier for conscious evolution. It would basically have all psychology mapped out and know with precision what integration is lacking in order to evolve. Something like that. I think your goals are larger but I could see this being an aspect of the system. 


Edited by Joshe

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