
Interpret my ex's behavior - mixed signals

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We had plans to give our relationship another try and move in together. Then she went on a date and became crazy infatuated with someone else in just two days. We had a fight. She got very cold and distant after that. A few bumping in to each other and chats later, were on better terms. Today (A week later) we spent some time, she was much more open to closeness. Even coming in for hugs herself. But she still says she doesnt want to give a relationship with me another chance. Kissed her a few times on her face, and she asked me if i felt anything. Said meh, do you? She said no. 

Then she went to take a shower and left the door open like old times. Asked what she was doing... small convo... approached and slowly approached with my head to gauge her reaction. "Not like i havent seen you naked before, and have tons of pictures and videos". Eventually took a few peaks and she didnt mind. 
Came out after completely naked, without giving a fuck. Walked around naked as she was doing her routine until eventually putting some panties on when i told her to lay beside me as i wanted to show her some old memory. 

After that i listened to her heartbeat and touched her body. Asked me if i wanted to get her heart rate up and i said yes. Approaching sensitive areas. Let me approach at first, then moved my hand another instance. Then she left to go see the new guy lol. 

What the fuck is going on here?

Edited by Registered

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What is going on is that she knows you have no spine, so she is just playing with her food, im just saying how it is how she sees it...

New guy doesnt do things that you are doing(basically opposite at this point)but you are okay enough to keep you on her roster, for some non sexual attention while the new guy is her new sexual "toy"...

She has game because you have none...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Bro, please for the sake of God, leave that girl alone. I don't care if she was your girlfriend for 10 years. LET HER GO!!!! She is a horrible person and just wants to humiliate you. Be a damn man and say goodbye and try to find a different woman. Have some self respect, she is doing that to you because you have no respect for yourself. It is hallucinating to me that you are still trying to get her back after she openly went to date another man, bro this is not even cheating, she is doing it in front of your face, she just wants nothing to do with you. She uses you to validate her ego. I bet she is laughing with that man about you. Be civil and respectful and let her enjoy her life. You have to find another woman who respects you and values you as you are, not some narcisist that toys with you. - Please follow me on twitter! 

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11 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

What is going on is that she knows you have no spine, so she is just playing with her food, im just saying how it is how she sees it...

New guy doesnt do things that you are doing(basically opposite at this point)but you are okay enough to keep you on her roster, for some non sexual attention while the new guy is her new sexual "toy"...

She has game because you have none...

Partly true. How is all the closeness and touching non sexual attention? I'm just warming her up, i'll be going in for it next time, and if it fails, ill cut her off till she approaches me. 

Also new guy not doing what things, specifically?

Edited by Registered

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3 minutes ago, Daniel Balan said:

Bro, please for the sake of God, leave that girl alone. I don't care if she was your girlfriend for 10 years. LET HER GO!!!! She is a horrible person and just wants to humiliate you. Be a damn man and say goodbye and try to find a different woman. Have some self respect, she is doing that to you because you have no respect for yourself. It is hallucinating to me that you are still trying to get her back after she openly went to date another man, bro this is not even cheating, she is doing it in front of your face, she just wants nothing to do with you. She uses you to validate her ego. I bet she is laughing with that man about you. Be civil and respectful and let her enjoy her life. You have to find another woman who respects you and values you as you are, not some narcisist that toys with you.

Can't be arsed rushing finding someone, and i want to string her along meanwhile. I'll let her go if it fails. 

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@Daniel Balan I wouldnt say shes horrible and wants to humiliate, its her running game on him,so she can have best of both worlds its super common situation when one is completely clueless and gets with a woman with some game hes toast, thats what i keep saying you will run into a woman with some game and then  gonna get fucked up.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 minutes ago, Registered said:

Partly true. How is all the closeness and touching non sexual attention? I'm just warming her up, i'll be going in for it next time, and if it fails, ill cut her off till she approaches me. 

Also new guy not doing what things, specifically?

Because you are not fucking,shes using that as a hook to keep you on a leash because she knows that you have no spine,no self respect,no fuck game,no leadership skills,no structure which she is looking in the other guy..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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4 minutes ago, Registered said:

Can't be arsed rushing finding someone, and i want to string her along meanwhile. I'll let her go if it fails. 

Hahah shes gamed up my god you believing that you are stringing her along...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf If she had dignity she would grab him by his hand and tell him that she found someone else and the relationship is over. You can't  call yourself a decent human being by 'gaming' someone, especially if that someone cares for you. - Please follow me on twitter! 

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2 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Because you are not fucking,shes using that as a hook to keep you on a leash because she knows that you have no spine,no self respect,no fuck game,no leadership skills,no structure which she is looking in the other guy..

Well, ill return to after the next visit, and if there's no fucking yourr analysis is correct otherwise dead wrong. To be continued

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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Hahah shes gamed up my god you believing that you are stringing her along...

I didnt say i was stringing her along. I said i want to flip the table and string her along. 

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1 minute ago, Daniel Balan said:

@NoSelfSelf If she had dignity she would grab him by his hand and tell him that she found someone else and the relationship is over. You can't  call yourself a decent human being by 'gaming' someone, especially if that someone cares for you.

What?!! She basically said that shes going on a date with another guy and she would go in the relationship with the op but he has no game so she has enough game to keep them both.

Decent human being pls they are allowing it to happen why would she say no?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 minute ago, Daniel Balan said:

@NoSelfSelf If she had dignity she would grab him by his hand and tell him that she found someone else and the relationship is over. You can't  call yourself a decent human being by 'gaming' someone, especially if that someone cares for you.

Tbh, i think the most correct read it, she has adhd and get hyperfixated on things is just a slave to her emotions. She's playing no "game". She is just a leaf being carried by the wind of emotions and hormones. 

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2 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

What?!! She basically said that shes going on a date with another guy and she would go in the relationship with the op but he has no game so she has enough game to keep them both.

Decent human being pls they are allowing it to happen why would she say no?

I actually dont want a relationship with her. If i get the sex while she gets her relationship elsewhere it's a double win for me tbh. I'd love to have her in that capacity forever. Which is what im trying to accomplish here.

Edited by Registered

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3 minutes ago, Registered said:

I didnt say i was stringing her along. I said i want to flip the table and string her along. 

Dude she has more game than you so you gonna lose,you dont even know what game is she is years ahead of you...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Just now, Registered said:

I actually dont want a relationship with her. If i get the sex while she gets her relationship elsewhere it's a double win for me tbh. I love to have her in that capacity forever. Which is what im trying to accomplish here.

Leave the situation you are done 

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Why be with someone who is more into someone else and said she doesn’t feel anything and doesn’t want to give relationship with you another chance. You making it seem like it’s complicated I think it’s very simple 

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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Dude she has more game than you so you gonna lose,you dont even know what game is she is years ahead of you...

lmfao, school me if you have anything to say...

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Just now, Sugarcoat said:

Why be with someone who is more into someone else and said she doesn’t feel anything and doesn’t want to give relationship with you another chance. You making it seem like it’s complicated I think it’s very simple 

Because hes thirsty for sex 

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 minute ago, Registered said:

lmfao, school me if you have anything to say...

I just did you are slow...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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