
Why The Fuck Doesnt Everyone Meditate?

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everybody suffers a fuckload you thinkeveryone would try to activly reduce it by meditating? Like why isnt it mainstream yet? People know that monks are the happiest people because they meditate im suprised everyone not like fuck i wanna get hapier iim meditatin? Why do you guys think lots of people still dont do it?

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Because silence brings all your problems at the surface.

And problems means emotional turmoil.

@mikeyy It's just plain inconsciousness, there is nothing to be shocked of, it's just how life is.

Edited by Shin

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I know but thats how you get ride of them im just amazed 2017 and hardly anyone i know meditates and i tell them if they do it theyll suffer less and they dont do shit like what the fuckk

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What Shin said and I think people still don't belief it can work for them.

That might sound strange but how often have you heard some say: 'Uh oh no, I can't meditate, my mind's craazy' after it was brought up lol, used by the scared ego to hold them hostage, and they belief it probably also because it is not yet that common to practice and people love to give the benefit of the doubt to the what the mass thinks.

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I'm curious, do many people in India or China meditate since there are hundreds of millions of Buddhists there, is meditation a required practice for the regular, average Buddhist?

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I would say most people might not be aware enough of their own suffering , so the thought to mediate never even crosses the mind. Also keep in mind that there is many people out there who barley even know what mediation is or what it could do for them. The only reason I started my mediation practice is because of Leo's videos, if I never would had stumbled across his channel I wouldn't be were I'm at right now, you see? I think it's the fact that people don't even know what they're missing out on. Also remember its not all fun and games, your making your demons surface and you'll have to face it, it is not a fun process. I've been experiencing ego back lash lately, trust me... It's not fun.

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2 hours ago, mikeyy said:

everybody suffers a fuckload you thinkeveryone would try to activly reduce it by meditating? Like why isnt it mainstream yet? People know that monks are the happiest people because they meditate im suprised everyone not like fuck i wanna get hapier iim meditatin? Why do you guys think lots of people still dont do it?

Tbh, I ask myself the same question, but 2 years back I didn't even know what meditation is. I also wasn't suffering tho, I had not reached that stage of my life yet, so meditation found me when I was beginning to actually suffer :) 'sall good. 

(no time to suffer @ school and uni, suffering starts with adulthood  :D )

Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@mikeyy Why doesn't everyone read books? :)

Apart from saying that everyone is different, I think they simply don't realize of it's potential. They never heard about it, they never saw any benefits from it...

I keep trying to get people into it, but... They don't see it's potential, or if they see it they don't have the vision to keep it as a habit so they fall back. Maybe if school teached something like that the story would be different.

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3 minutes ago, danibonilla1 said:

@mikeyy Why doesn't everyone read books? :)

Apart from saying that everyone is different, I think they simply don't realize of it's potential. They never heard about it, they never saw any benefits from it...

I keep trying to get people into it, but... They don't see it's potential, or if they see it they don't have the vision to keep it as a habit so they fall back. Maybe if school teached something like that the story would be different.

Tell them that it's like computer defragmentation. They'll come around. I see on my fb feed that some schools are incorporating meditation in place of detention, so the students are chilled out as fuck. xD 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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14 minutes ago, Danielle said:

What I found among my close family and friends is that they are afraid of themselves, they are addicted to stimulation and they have this dogmatic belief that, if they start doing it, they will get possessed or something. I'm not even joking. O.o

Plus, there is that part of them not being comfortable with themselves, a year ago, being left alone with myself without distractions sounded scary and now it's a delight. 

I had an ex-coworker to whom I told that I've started meditating back in the day. She told me that meditation can be very harmful to people with mental illness. Also I heard somewhere that it is not healthy to deprive the brain too much, as this may cause someone to become mentally ill as well.

Mind needs it's exercise and it's rest, we just need to find the middle ground.

Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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13 hours ago, mikeyy said:

Why The Fuck Doesnt Everyone Meditate?

Meditation needs great work. It is arduous, it is an uphill task. To remain non-meditative is easy in a way. You have not to do anything about it, you are already non-meditative, everybody is born non-meditative. But to become meditative really needs great courage, great determination, great patience, because to go beyond the mind is the most complicated phenomenon. We don't know anything except the mind. 

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3 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Meditation needs great work. It is arduous, it is an uphill task. To remain non-meditative is easy in a way. You have not to do anything about it, you are already non-meditative, everybody is born non-meditative. But to become meditative really needs great courage, great determination, great patience, because to go beyond the mind is the most complicated phenomenon. We don't know anything except the mind. 

"Taking steps is easy, standing still is hard"

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Because they don't see the point just like you didn't until you learned the benefits of it and tasted it for yourself. Some people are more close-minded than other and generally they will resist absolutely everything that threatens their comfort. Not only resist, but they will actively try to sabotage other's efforts. 

You cannot change anyone besides yourself. Change yourself and lead by an example not by commanding and criticising. Your happiness and enthusiasm will rub of them and they will want more of it and if they won't...fuck them. Your happiness needs is your primary concern. 


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When you are consistently an example of the peace and clarity meditation produces, then, those around you will start meditating.



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@mikeyy Most people aren't open minded enough to even try it let alone make it a habit. I think it's a lack of belief in themselves too. I remember showing my friends a video about studies conducted at various universities showing all the positive effects meditation has on the brain. Some incredible results from these studies but they just didn't believe it was possible for them to get these results in their own life.

I do agree though. When you slowly realise that emotional suffering is largely based on thought, delusional thought at that, the door to freedom begins to open. If only I could hand these insights to people I know who suffer.

Edited by RossE

Founder of The Great Updraft: Articles, Courses + More


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@mikeyy hey bud:  you know what I've noticed?  Most people are asleep and don't know a darn thing about spirituality nevermind meditation!  You will always be frustrated if you think people "should" meditate.  People should do a lot of things but main stream culture brainwashes most people into a low consciousness lifestyle.  Don't worry about others.  Consider yourself blessed and awake!  Much love!  Namaste.

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